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Instrumentation Concepts Ground-based Optical Telescopes. Keith Taylor (IAG/USP) Aug-Nov, 2008. Atmospheric Turbulence (appreciative thanks to USCS/CfAO). Adaptive Optics. Atmospheric Turbulence: Main Points.
IAG/USP (Keith Taylor) Instrumentation ConceptsGround-based Optical Telescopes Keith Taylor (IAG/USP) Aug-Nov, 2008
Atmospheric Turbulence (appreciative thanks to USCS/CfAO) Adaptive Optics IAG/USP (Keith Taylor)
Atmospheric Turbulence: Main Points • The dominant locations for index of refraction fluctuations that affect astronomers are the atmospheric boundary layer and the tropopause • Atmospheric turbulence (mostly) obeys Kolmogorov statistics • Kolmogorov turbulence is derived from dimensional analysis (heat flux in = heat flux in turbulence) • Structure functions derived from Kolmogorov turbulence are r2/3 • All else will follow from these points!
IAG/USP (Keith Taylor) Kolmogorov Turbulence • Atmospheric refractive index inhomogeneities warp the wave front incident on the telescope pupil. • These inhomogeneities appear to be associated with atmospheric turbulence • Thermal gradients • Humidity fluctuations • Wind shear and associated hydrodynamic instabilities • Image quality is directly related to the statistics of the perturbations of the incoming wave front • The theory of seeing combines • Theory of atmospheric turbulence • Optical physics • Predict the modifications to the image caused by refractive index gradients.
IAG/USP (Keith Taylor) Modeling the atmosphere • Random fluctuations in the motion of the atmosphere occur predominantly due to: • Drag encountered by the air flow at the Earth's surface and resultant wind shear • Differential heating of different portions of the Earth's surface and the resultant thermal convection • Phase changes involving release of heat (condensation/crystallization) and subsequent changes in temperature and velocity fields • Convergence and interaction of air masses with various atmospheric fronts; • Obstruction of air flows by mountain barriers that generate wavelike disturbances and vortex motions on their leeside. • The atmosphere is difficult to study due to the high Reynolds number (Re ~ 106 ), a dimensionless quantity, that characterizes the ratio of inertial to viscous forces.
IAG/USP (Keith Taylor) Cloud formations Indicative of atmospheric turbulence profiles
Atmospheric Turbulence: Outline • What determines the index of refraction in air? • Origins of turbulence in Earth’s atmosphere • Kolmogorov turbulence models
IAG/USP (Keith Taylor) The AtmosphereKolmogorov model of turbulence • Kinetic energy in large scale turbulence cascades to smaller scales • Inertial interval • Inner scale l0 2mm. Outer scale L010 to 100 m • Turbulence distributed within discrete layers • The strength of these layers is described by a refractive index structure function: • Strength of turbulence can be described by a single parameter, r0 , Fried’s parameter • Fried parameter is the diameter of a circular aperture over which the wavefront phase variance equals 1 rad2 J. Vernin, Universite de Nice. Cerro Pachon for Gemini IGPO
IAG/USP (Keith Taylor) Cn2 profiles Median seeing conditions on Mauna Kea are taken to be ro ~ 0.23 meters at 0.55 microns. The 10% best seeing conditions are taken to be ro ~ 0.40 meters. A set of SCIDAR data taken by Francois Roddier et al. (1990 SPIE Vol 1236 485) on Mauna Kea.
DT 5/3 r0 Wavefront variance radians2 2 = 1.0039 • This gives the phase variance over a telescope of diameter DT • A phase variance of less than ~ 0.2 gives diffraction limited performance • There are 3 regimes • DT < r0 Diffraction dominates • DT ~ r0 - 4r0 Wavefront tilt (image motion) dominates • DT >> r0 Speckle (multiple tilts across the telescope aperture) dominates 4m telescope: D/ r0(500nm)=20 D/ r0(2.2 m)=3.5 IAG/USP (Keith Taylor)
IAG/USP (Keith Taylor) Strehl ratio Corrected0.20” FWHM Uncorrected0.49” FWHM • There are two components of the PSF for 2 < 2 radians2 • So ‘width’ of the image is not a useful parameter, use height of PSF: • Strehl ratio: • For small 2 : R ~ exp (-2) MARTINIWHT, K-band
Isoplanatic angle, temporal variation • Angle over which wavefront distortions are essentially the same: • It is possible to perform a similar turbulence weighted integral of transverse wind speed in order to derive an effective wind speed and approximate timescale of seeing • τ0 is the characteristic timescale of turbulence • Note the importance of Cn2(h) in both cases IAG/USP (Keith Taylor)
IAG/USP (Keith Taylor) Atmospheric Seeing - Summary Dependence on Wavelength
tropopause 10-12 km wind flow around dome boundary layer ~ 1 km Turbulence arises in several places stratosphere Heat sources w/in dome
Remedies: Cool mirror itself, or blow air over it. Within dome: “mirror seeing” • When a mirror is warmer than dome air, convective equilibrium is reached. credit: M. Sarazin credit: M. Sarazin convective cells are bad To control mirror temperature: dome air conditioning (day), blow air on back (night), send electric current through front Al surface-layer to equalize temperature between front and back of mirror
IAG/USP (Keith Taylor) Dome seeing(TMT CFD calculations) Wind direction Wind velocities
Local “Seeing” -Flow pattern around a telescope dome Cartoon (M. Sarazin): wind is from left, strongest turbulence on right side of dome Computational fluid dynamics simulation (D. de Young) reproduces features of cartoon
Top View -Flow pattern around a telescope dome Computational fluid dynamics simulation (D. de Young)
Thermal Emission Analysis: mid-IR A good way to find heat sources that can cause turbulence VLT UT3, Chile • 19 Feb. 1999 • 0h34 Local Time • Wind summit: 4m/s • Air Temp summit: 13.8C • Here ground is warm, top of dome is cold. Is this a setup for convection inside the dome?
Boundary layers: day and night • Wind speed must be zero at ground, must equal vwind several hundred meters up (in the “free” atmosphere) • Boundary layer is where the adjustment takes place • Where atmosphere feels strong influence of surface • Quite different between day and night • Daytime: boundary layer is thick (up to a km), dominated by convective plumes rising from hot ground. Quite turbulent. • Night-time: boundary layer collapses to a few hundred meters, is stably stratified. Perturbed if winds are high.
Boundary layer is much thinner at night Surface layer: where viscosity is largest effect Credits: Stull (1988) and Haggagy (2003)
Convection takes place when temperature gradient is steep • Daytime: ground is warm, air is cooler • If temperature gradient between ground and ~ 1 km is steeper than the “adiabatic gradient,” a warm volume of air that is raised upwards will find itself still with cooler surroundings, so it will keep rising • These warm volumes of air carry thermal energy upwards: convective heat transport
Boundary layer profiles fromacoustic sounders Turbulence profile Vertical wind profile
Boundary layer has strongest effect on astronomical seeing • Daytime: Solar astronomers have to work with thick and messy turbulent boundary layer • Big Bear Observatory • Night-time: Less total turbulence, but still the single largest contribution to “seeing” • Neutral times: near dawn and dusk • Smallest temperature difference between ground and air, so wind shear causes smaller temperature fluctuations
IAG/USP (Keith Taylor) Big Bear Solar Observatory
Wind shear mixes layers with different temperatures • Wind shear Kelvin Helmholtz instability • If two regions have different temperatures, temperature fluctuations T will result Computer simulation
Real Kelvin-Helmholtz instability measured by FM-CW radar • Colors show intensity of radar return signal. • Radio waves are backscattered by the turbulence.
Temperature profile in atmosphere Temperature gradient at low altitudes wind shear will produce index of refraction fluctuations
Turbulence strength vs. time of day Theory for different heights: Theory vs. data Balance heat fluxes in surface layer. Credit: Wesely and Alcaraz, JGR (1973) Day Night Day Night Night Day Night
IAG/USP (Keith Taylor) Reynolds number • When the average velocity (va) of a viscous fluid of characteristic size (l) is gradually increased, two distinct states of fluid motion are observed: • Laminar (regular and smooth in space and time) at very low va • Unstable and random at va greater than some critical value.
Reynolds number • Re = Reynolds number = v L / • Here L is a typical length scale, v is a typical velocity, is the viscosity • Re ~ inertial stresses / viscous stresses 0 - 1 Creeping flow 1 - 100 Laminar flow, strong Re dependence 100 - 1,000 Boundary layer 1,000 - 10,000 Transition to slightly turbulent 104 - 106 Turbulent, moderate Re dependence > 106 Strong turbulence, small Re dependence
IAG/USP (Keith Taylor) Effects of variations in Re • When Re exceeds critical value a transition of the flow from laminar to turbulent or chaotic occurs. • Between these two extremes, the flow passes through a series of unstable states. • High Re turbulence is chaotic in both space and time and exhibits considerable spatial structure
IAG/USP (Keith Taylor) Velocity fluctuations • The velocity fluctuations occur on a wide range of space and time scales formed in a turbulent cascade. • Kolmogorov turbulence model states that energy enters the flow at low frequencies at scale length L0. • The size of large-scale fluctuations, referred to as large eddies, can be characterized by their outer scale length L0. (spatial frequency kL0= 2/L0) • These eddies are not universal with respect to flow geometry; they vary according to the local conditions. • A mean value L0 = 24m from the data obtained at Cerro Paranal, Chile (Conan et al. 2000).
IAG/USP (Keith Taylor) Energy transportto smaller scales • The energy is transported to smaller and smaller loss-less eddies until • At Re ~ 1 the KE of the flow is converted into heat by viscous dissipation • The small-scale fluctuations with sizes l0 < r < L0 is the inertial subrange have scale-invariant behavior, independent of the flow geometry. • Energy is transported from large eddies to small eddies without piling up at any scale.
solar Outer scale L0 Inner scalel0 h Wind shear convection h Kolmogorov turbulence, cartoon ground
Kolmogorov turbulence, in words • Assume energy is added to system at largest scales - “outer scale” L0 • Then energy cascades from larger to smaller scales (turbulent eddies “break down” into smaller and smaller structures). • Size scales where this takes place: “Inertial range”. • Finally, eddy size becomes so small that it is subject to dissipation from viscosity. “Inner scale” l0 • L0 ranges from 10’s to 100’s of meters; l0 is a few mm
Breakup of Kelvin-Helmholtz vortex • Computer simulation • Start with large coherent vortex structure, as is formed in K-H instability • Watch it develop smaller and smaller substructure • Analogous to Kolmogorov cascade from large eddies to small ones • From small k to large k
How large is the Outer Scale? • Dedicated instrument, the Generalized Seeing Monitor (GSM), built by Dept. of Astrophysics, Nice Univ.)
Outer Scale ~ 15 - 30 m, from Generalized Seeing Monitor measurements • F. Martin et al. , Astron. Astrophys. Supp. v.144, p.39, June 2000 • http://www-astro.unice.fr/GSM/Missions.html
Lab experiments agree • Air jet, 10 cm diameter (Champagne, 1978) • Assumptions: turbulence is homogeneous, isotropic, stationary in time Credit: Gary Chanan, UCI Slope -5/3 Power (arbitrary units) Slope = -5/3 l0 L0 (cm-1)
Questionable at best Assumptions of Kolmogorov turbulence theory • Medium is incompressible • External energy is input on largest scales (only), dissipated on smallest scales (only) • Smooth cascade • Valid only in inertial range L0 • Turbulence is • Homogeneous • Isotropic • In practice, Kolmogorov model works surprisingly well!
10-14 Typical values of CN2 • Index of refraction structure function DN ( r ) = < [ N (x ) - N ( x + r ) ]2 > = CN2 r 2/3 • Night-time boundary layer: CN2 ~ 10-13 - 10-15 m-2/3 Paranal, Chile, VLT
Turbulence profiles from SCIDAR Eight minute time period (C. Dainty, Imperial College) Starfire Optical Range, Albuquerque NM Siding Spring, Australia
Atmospheric Turbulence:Main Points • The dominant locations for index of refraction fluctuations that affect astronomers are the atmospheric boundary layer and the tropopause • Atmospheric turbulence (mostly) obeys Kolmogorov statistics • Kolmogorov turbulence is derived from dimensional analysis (heat flux in = heat flux in turbulence) • Structure functions derived from Kolmogorov turbulence are r2/3 • All else will follow from these points!
IAG/USP (Keith Taylor) Wavefronts • Zernike polynomials are normally used to describe the actual shape of an incoming wavefront • Any wavefront can be described as a superposition of zernike polynomials
Atmospheric Wavefront Variance after Removal of Zernike Polynomials IAG/USP (Keith Taylor)
Gary Chanan, UCI Piston Tip-tilt
Astigmatism (3rd order) Defocus
Trefoil Coma