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ME 350 – Lecture 1 – Chapter 1 & 2. ME 350 Design for Manufacturability Adjunct Professor: Bruce Flachsbart, email: mems@illinois.edu office hours: Mon: 1-2pm, 3:30-4:30pm, Tues: 1-2pm, office: 123 MEB. Lab TA’s: Tristan Herrmann; Alexander Hoyne;
ME 350 – Lecture 1 – Chapter 1 & 2 ME 350 Design for Manufacturability Adjunct Professor: Bruce Flachsbart, email: mems@illinois.edu office hours: Mon: 1-2pm, 3:30-4:30pm, Tues: 1-2pm, office: 123 MEB Lab TA’s: Tristan Herrmann; Alexander Hoyne; Scott Daigle; Yanbin Wu; Labs will meet in 1227 MEL starting next week,
Textbooks & References Groover, M. P., Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing, 4th Edition, John Wiley, 2007 (Available at IUB and Folletts) Make sure you have the DVD with the book. References (available at engineering library): 1) Kalpakjian, S., and Schmid, S.R., Manufacturing Processes for Engineering Materials, Addison Wesley, 4th edition, 2003 2) Callister, W. D, Materials Science and Engineering, Wiley, 2003 3) Devor, Statistical Quality Design & Control, 2006
Grading and Homework Policy Grading: Homework 25% Hour Exams 25% Labs 20% Final Exam 30% Grade Distribution: A to A-: 25-35%, B+ to B-: 35-45% C+ to C-: 20-30%, D to F: < 5% Homework Policy: • Print from email or website and do work directly in space provided • HW turned in by 2:59 pm in class on the date due (mostly Tue). • HW 10% penalty after 3 pm, 20% by following morning, and not accepted after Wednesday afternoon Lecture Notes: • Missed lecture material (with medical excuse) can be gone over during office hours. Unexcused absence and you’ll need to find information on your own. • Posted on class website: http://mechse.illinois.edu/content/courses/web_sites.php
Two Hour Exams and Final: • In class, close book and notes. Only pencil(s), an eraser, and a calculator are allowed at your desk. Dates: • Typical problems: true/false, short answer, and quantitative analysis (equation sheet provided). • Phone calls or writing after time called will cost per minute or phone call. • Makeup exams: with medical excuse only.
Lab Participation & Reports Lab Attendance and Participation • Each student is expected to attend and actively participate in every two-hour laboratory, read the lab handout, prepare for the in lab quiz, and/or complete the pre-lab assignment for the experiment before coming to their lab section. Each student should also bring a calculator, pens and pencils, notepaper, and the lab handout to each laboratory session. • Students may be allowed to attend a different laboratory session with written notification from the emergency dean due to a medical emergency. Other requests must be considered by the instructor. The penalty for an unexcused absence from a laboratory session or tardiness in excess of ten minutes is 10% off the lab report grade for that experiment. Lab Reports & Grading • The laboratory portion of the course grades is based on prelab assignments, in lab quizzes, and the lab reports. Completed computer generated paper reports are to be submitted to your TA at the beginning of lab on the designated due date. The reports are due immediately at the start of the lab period. The penalty for late submission is 10% per day late (starting 1 minute into class. Limited extensions on written report deadlines will be considered only in cases of extended illness or personal emergencies of a serious nature. • Although students typically perform laboratory work and preliminary data reduction in groups of two or more, each student is responsible for the preparation of his or her own independent report, and each student is graded individually. Confirmed cases of plagiarism, including copying all or portions of reports of present or former students, submitting reports completed in part or in entirety by others, using data from other lab sections, or using fabricated data, will automatically result in any or all of the following actions: a zero grade being recorded for that report; failure of the course; and referral to officers of the College of Engineering or University
What is Manufacturing and Why Steel Aluminum Polypropylene Copper Rubber Silicon
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Course Objectives • Acquire a general overview of modern manufacturing processes and knowledge of state-of-the-art process technologies. • Conduct basic analysis of manufacturing processes as a tool for understanding the physical process capabilities, tolerances and limitations. • Develop ideas and guidelines to evaluate design and manufacturing trade-offs. • Hands-on exposure to manufacturing processes, CAD/CAM, rapid prototype, metal sand casting, injection molding, design-for-assembly (DFA), Design to Cost (DTC), and design-of- experiments (DOE) methodologies through lab sessions.
Topics Covered (~30 chapters): • Rapid prototype • Machining – CNC/Abrasive/Nontraditional • Molding • Casting • Composite manufacturing • Welding/Soldering/Joining • DFA • MEMS • Design to Cost (DTC)
Manufacturable Materials • Metals • Steel, iron, nonferrous metals and alloys. • Polymers • Three catagories: • Ceramics • Glasses (i.e. ), and traditional ceramics (i.e. ). • Composites • Mixtures of the other types:
Processing Operations • Increases workpart’s value by altering: • shape, • physical property, • appearance • Three categories: • Shaping operations (e.g. etc.) • Property-enhancing operations (e.g. ) • Surface processing operations (e.g. etc.)
Solidification Processes • Starting material is heated sufficiently to transform it into a liquid or highly plastic state • Casting process at left and casting product at right
Particulate Processing • (1) Starting materials are metal or ceramic powders, which are (2) pressed and (3) sintered
Deformation Processes • Starting workpart is shaped by application of forces that exceed the yield strength of the material • Examples: (a) forging and (b) extrusion
Material Removal Processes • Excess material removed from the starting piece so what remains is the desired geometry • Examples: (a) turning, (b) drilling, and (c) milling
Property Enhancing Process – e.g. Heat Treatment • A batch of silicon wafers enters a furnace heated to 1000°C (1800°F) during fabrication of integrated circuits under clean room conditions (photo courtesy of Intel Corporation).
Surface Processing – e.g. Coatings Photomicrograph of the cross section of multiple coatings of titanium nitride and aluminum oxide on a cemented carbide substrate (photo courtesy of Kennametal Inc.).
Assembly Operations • Two or more separate parts are joined to form a new entity • Types of assembly operations: • Joining processes – create a joint • Welding, brazing, soldering, and adhesive bonding • Mechanical assembly – fastening by mechanical methods • Threaded fasteners (screws, bolts and nuts); press fitting, expansion fits
What is DFM? • Design for Manufacturability (DFM): By understanding and analyzing the fundamental manufacturing processes, reduce the of production while achieving optimal product • Quality and lifetime of the products should not be left until the test stage, but actively brought into consideration by design, manufacture and assembly • Rule of 10: order of magnitude increase on the cost when changes are made at later stages (from part design → subassembly → assembly → manufacturing → final product to market → customer)
Ch 2 – The Nature of Materials • Crystal structure • Repeated geometric unit is called: • Characteristic of virtually all metals, some polymers, and some ceramics. • Defects • Point, line, and surface defects • Crystalline vsnoncrystalline • Another name for noncrystalline:
Crystal Structures in Metals • Body-centered cubic (BCC) e.g. Chromium, Iron, Molybdenum, Tungsten • Face centered cubic (FCC) e.g. Aluminum, Copper, Gold, Lead, Silver, Nickel • Hexagonal close-packed (HCP) e.g. Magnesium, Titanium, Zinc How many atoms in each unit cell?
Imperfections (Defects) in Crystals • Point defects: • Line defects: • Surface defects: • Grain boundaries or the surface of a crystal
Elastic & Plastic Strain When a crystal experiences a gradually increasing stress, it first deforms elastically, then atoms change lattice positions, and the deformation isplastic, or a permanent change.
Effect of Dislocations on Strain • As compared to a perfect lattice, the stress required for plastic deformation of a material with dislocation is: Figure 2.12 Effect of dislocations in the lattice structure under stress
Slip on a Macroscopic Scale • Slip occurs many times over throughout the metal when subjected to a deforming load, thus causing it to exhibit its macroscopic behavior in the stress-strain relationship • Dislocations are a good‑news‑bad‑news situation • Good news in manufacturing – the metal is easier to form • Bad news in design – the metal is not as strong as the designer would like • HCP has the fewest slip directions (thus usually has ductility), then FCC, and BCC has the most.
Polycrystalline Nature of Metals • A block of metal may contain millions of individual crystals, called: • Such a structure is called: • Each grain has its own unique lattice orientation; meeting at interfaces called: • Faster cooling of molten metal produces grain sizes that are: • Smaller grain size generally means that strength, hardness, and ductility are:
Crystalline versus Noncrystalline Figure 2.14 (a) crystalline and (b) noncrystalline materials. The crystal structure is regular, repeating, and denser; the noncrystalline structure is less tightly packed and random.
Volumetric Effects Tm – Tg – Amorphous and Crystalline structures differ in both melting and thermal expansion characteristics Figure 2.15 Characteristic change in volume for a pure metal (a crystalline structure), compared to the same volumetric changes in glass (a noncrystalline structure).
Summary • Attend lectures, be on time, read chapters, and participate. • We are going to cover a lot of manufacturing processes – their strengths and weaknesses. • We are going to cover the tools to understand and optimize manufacturing. • This class is to help you be able to better design a product for manufacturing.
Quotes • Be modest, a lot was accomplished before you were born. • Judge success by the degree that you’re enjoying peace, health, and love. • Take charge of your attitude. Don’t let someone else choose it for you. • Be forgiving of yourself and others. • Use wit to amuse, never abuse.