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Modelling. Class T09: Conceptual Modelling – Behaviour Message-Based Behavior References: Conceptual Modeling of Information Systems ( Chapters 11 and 12) A practical guide to SysML ( chapter 9) OMG Systems Modeling Language (OMG SysML ) (Chapter 12).

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  1. Modelling Class T09: Conceptual Modelling – Behaviour Message-Based Behavior References: Conceptual Modeling of InformationSystems (Chapters 11 and 12) A practicalguide to SysML (chapter 9) OMG Systems Modeling Language (OMG SysML) (Chapter 12) BTW, a really interesting blog with mind-maps! Please give it a look!!! http://blog.iqmatrix.com/mind-map/effective-stress-management-mind-map

  2. Program T01-T02 – Module 1 - Introduction to Systems Modeling T03-T06 – Module 2 - Conceptual Modeling – Domain T07-T11 – Module 3 - Conceptual Modeling – Behavior • Overview • Flow-Based Behavior • Message Based Behavior • Event Based Behavior • Revision T12-T15 – Module 4 - Ontology T16-T19 – Module 5 - Conceptual Modeling – Architecture T20-T21 – Module 6 - Conceptual Modeling – Methodologies T22-T23 – Module 7 - Ontology: Advanced T24-T25 - Conceptual Modeling – Global Revisions; Exercises, … Modelação

  3. Recalling: The behavioral schema “The structural schema defines the types of the facts contained in the information base. These facts change over time, but they cannot change in any arbitrary way. Only some changes of the information base are permissible. These changes are called domain events. The definition of the domain event types is the most important part of the behavioral schema.” Conceptual Modeling of Information Systems, page 247 Modelação

  4. Recalling: Systems and states… (…) The state of a domain at any given point in time is the set of instances of the relevant entity and relationship types that exist in the domain at that time. (…) Most domains change over time, and therefore their state changes too. When the state of a domain changes, the information base must change accordingly. Of course, a domain cannot change in an arbitrary way. Only some changes are acceptable. The acceptable changes are called domain events. This concept (of a domain event) can be defined precisely in terms of a more basic concept, called a structural event (…) Conceptual Modeling of Information Systems, page 248 Modelação

  5. Behavior in UML and SyML Flow-based behavior UML SysML Event-based behavior Message-based behavior Modelação

  6. Behavior – Sequence Diagrams (UML and SysML Modelação

  7. Sequence Diagrams The sequence diagram describes the flow of control between actors and systems (blocks in SysML) or between parts of a system. This diagram represents the sending and receiving of messages (interactions) between the interacting entities called lifelines, where time is represented along the vertical axis. The sequence diagrams can represent highly complex interactions with special constructs to represent various types of control logic, reference interactions on other sequence diagrams, and decomposition of lifelines into their constituent parts. OMG Systems Modeling Language (OMG SysML) (Chapter 12) Modelação

  8. Interactions (messages) Common semantics of the graphic elements in interactions: Synchronous message Return to a synchronous message Asynchronous message Creation of a new object Modelação

  9. Sequence Diagrams (UML, SysML) • A way to represent interactions between objects, among time… • Stress the lifetime of the objects in a specific execution context. Modelação Examples from http://www.tracemodeler.com/articles/a_quick_introduction_to_uml_sequence_diagrams/

  10. Sequence diagrams represent instances (objects in UML): Modelação Examples from http://www.tracemodeler.com/articles/a_quick_introduction_to_uml_sequence_diagrams/

  11. Synchronous and asynchronous messages Modelação Examples from http://www.tracemodeler.com/articles/a_quick_introduction_to_uml_sequence_diagrams/

  12. Return messages Modelação Examples from http://www.tracemodeler.com/articles/a_quick_introduction_to_uml_sequence_diagrams/

  13. Instantaneous messages (or not…) Modelação Examples from http://www.tracemodeler.com/articles/a_quick_introduction_to_uml_sequence_diagrams/

  14. Duration constraint between messages • Duration Constraint Between Messages has been set to d...d*3 • Duration Observation has been set to d=duration • Timing Constraint has been set to t...t+3 • Timing Observation has been set to t=now. Modelação Image from the Enterprise Architect – UML Help

  15. Creation and destruction messages Modelação Examples from http://www.tracemodeler.com/articles/a_quick_introduction_to_uml_sequence_diagrams/

  16. Conditional interactions Modelação Examples from http://www.tracemodeler.com/articles/a_quick_introduction_to_uml_sequence_diagrams/

  17. Conditional interactions Modelação Examples from http://www.tracemodeler.com/articles/a_quick_introduction_to_uml_sequence_diagrams/

  18. Conditional interactions Modelação Examples from http://www.tracemodeler.com/articles/a_quick_introduction_to_uml_sequence_diagrams/

  19. A simple example (in a restaurant…) Modelação http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:UML_Sequence_diagram.JPG

  20. Still in the restaurant, but now with a cashier… and named entities/objects! Modelação http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Restaurant-UML-SEQ.gif

  21. Behavior – Communication Diagrams (UML) Modelação

  22. Communication Diagrams (UML) • A Communication diagram shows the interactions between elements at run-time in much the same manner as a Sequence diagram. However, Communication diagrams are used to visualize inter-object relationships, while Sequence diagrams are more effective at visualizing processing over time. • Communication diagrams employ ordered, labeled associations to illustrate processing. Numbering is important to indicate the order and nesting of processing. A numbering scheme could be:, and so on. • A new number segment begins for a new layer of processing, and would be equivalent to a method invocation. Modelação From the Enterprise Architect – UML Help

  23. Communication Diagrams (UML) Show interactions stressing the relations between the objects involved Modelação Image from the Enterprise Architect – UML Help

  24. Modelação Image from the Enterprise Architect – UML Help

  25. Behavior – Timing Diagrams (UML) Modelação

  26. Timing Diagrams (UML) • Stress state changes in objects over time… • It can represent the same information as in the interactions diagrams and state machine diagrams, but now with detailed information about temporal restrictions and lengths… Modelação Image from the Enterprise Architect – UML Help

  27. Modelação Image from http://www.jot.fm/issues/issue_2006_05/article2/

  28. Behavior – Interaction Overview Diagrams (UML) Modelação

  29. Interaction Overview Diagrams (UML) Interaction overview diagrams in UML are relevant to describe sequences of action. They combine elements of activity diagrams with sequence diagrams to show the sequences of action. The elements represented are references to other existing behavior diagrams. Modelação

  30. Interaction in UML versus SysML Modelação

  31. Interactions in UML versus SysML… Interactions are used to describe interactions between entities. UML 2.1 Interactions are supported by four diagram types including the Sequence Diagram, Communications Diagram, Interaction Overview Diagram, and Timing Diagram. The Sequence Diagram is the most common of the Interaction Diagrams. SysML includes the Sequence Diagram only and excludes the Interaction Overview Diagram and Communication Diagram, which were considered to offer significantly overlapping functionality without adding significant capability for system modeling applications. The Timing Diagram is also excluded due to concerns about its maturity and suitability for systems engineering needs. OMG Systems Modeling Language (OMG SysML) (Chapter 12) Modelação

  32. Combined fragments in SysML Sequence Diagrams A combined fragment The interaction operator The operands Modelação

  33. Basic Interaction Operators Modelação

  34. Hierarchical Sequence Diagrams in SysML Hierarchical Sequence Diagram s can be used in SysML to provide a general interaction overview (taking advantage of combined fragments…) An interaction Modelação

  35. Modelação http://www.markstivers.com/wordpress/?p=367

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