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Summary Estimates for Multinational Companies Released 4/19/10. J. Steve Landefeld, Director. April 22, 2010. Summary Table - U.S. Multinational Companies. Source: BEA. Employment Growth Fastest Abroad. Source: BEA. Falling Parent Share of MNC Employment. Source: BEA.
Summary Estimates for Multinational CompaniesReleased 4/19/10 J. Steve Landefeld, Director April 22, 2010
Summary Table - U.S. Multinational Companies Source: BEA
Employment Growth Fastest Abroad Source: BEA
Falling Parent Share of MNC Employment Source: BEA
Possible Explanations Ashift in the location of production that is: • Resource-seeking • Lower-wage labor • More abundant natural resources • Market-seeking • Liberalization in host government policies toward direct investment • Faster rates of economic growth abroad
Affiliates Sell Abroad What They Produce Abroad Destination of Sales by Foreign Affiliates Source: BEA
Markets Growing Faster Abroad U.S. Share of World GDP trendline Sources: World Bank and BEA
Local Markets Important Where Employment is Growing Source: BEA
Summary Table - U.S. Affiliates of Foreign Multinational Companies Source: BEA
Little Recent Growth for U.S. Affiliates Employment by U.S. Affiliates of Foreign MNCs Source: BEA
Most Growth Occurred in Late 1990’s Real Outlays* for New U.S. Affiliates * Equals nominal outlays deflated by the U.S. GDP deflator; source: BEA.
EU-Owned Companies Account for Most of Growth UBO: Ultimate beneficial owner; Source: BEA