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Workshop PrO REC / RTC voluntary agreement Groningen april 16, 2007. Regional Co-operational Connections “leading to continuous education and employment ” Harry Weisbeek Manager PrO De Bolster Groningen Peter Killestijn senior consultant RBO Groningen. Workshop in five points:.
Workshop PrO REC / RTC voluntaryagreement Groningen april 16, 2007 Regional Co-operational Connections “leading to continuous education and employment” Harry Weisbeek Manager PrO De Bolster Groningen Peter Killestijn senior consultant RBO Groningen
Workshop in five points: Introduction Harry Weisbeek, De Bolster Peter Killestij, RBO Groningen Development and Vision - Peter Killestijn Co-operation – Harry Weisbeek Fruit from the Tree - Peter Killestijn Questions
About ending up well... A fruit grows on a tree. De Bolster opens, a beautiful chestnut falls….on the earth. The chestnut grows into a beautiful young tree. The youth grows into a grown-up tree that makes an impression on everyone. At least….when the chestnut ends up well and is looked after well.
RBO since 1987, agents in education Demand-driven independent en objective “investing in people is investing in the future”
The people from RBO • 85 employees • education-advisers/projectdevelopers • purchase and organisation of education • accountmanagers/quality-guardians • subsidy-experts • automated trainee-tracking system
RBO Clients • Schools (PrO, REC, ROC, AOC) • Companies, branches, sector funds. • UWV, Municipalities, Provinces, Government Departments • Reintegration agencies, (WIW) and sheltered employment. • Institutions for care and aid.
Which developments are current? • Ageing on the labour market. • Increasing employment for the target group. • More control and responsibility at municipalities (Alderman youth). • The law on Social Support. • Liberation of the reintegration market. • Other tasks for MEE. • Other relations between reintegration agencies and UWV.
Which developments are current? 8. More responsibility at the schools in area of among other things finances and policy. 9. Lumpsumfinancing. 10. Formation of four cluster-schools. 11. Austerity AWBZ? 12. Adequate education: Pro REC after 2010? 13. Integration of regularly and special education. Digitalisation of education. 14. Recognition that PrO-students can obtain MBO level 1 education. 15. The discovery that 47% of the students at a school have a multiple disability. .
Vision • Need and wish to co-operate • The pupil in the middle
Co-operation PrO REC / RTC voluntary agreement? • • PrO and REC take the lead (sometimes with care-institutions and MBO) • • To guarantee continuity, quality and creativity, independent, objective, and without personal interest. • • Co-operate with each other• Co-operate with others • • ”Virtual” no new foundation, but taking advantage of own potential.
What does a PrO REC voluntary agreement offer? • Many new plans, chances, ideas, possibilities and subsidies. • Synoptic subsidy administration. • • Continuity for a minimum of five years. • • Independent support point for quality, continuity and creativity. • • upperschool trainee-tracking system • files, hours, costs, subsidies….
KERNGROEP (Groot mandaat) H. Weisbeek (Pro Groningen) J. Olijve (REC 3) L. van der Tuin - (Pro Drenthe) H.J. Nicolai (RENN 4) G.R. Luring (REC 1 + 2) AFSTEMMINGSOVERLEG EXTERNEN (2 keer per jaar) Uitvoerend, creatief PrO REC AOC MEE ROC’s RIB’s UWV Etc. 2004 – 2009 PrO/REC Ledenvergadering (24 leden Besluitvormend) PRO, REC 1,REC 2, REC 3 RENN 4 Bolster, Esborg, Visio, De Steiger, Thrianta, Erasmus, letta Jacobs, Stiep, De Meent, Mytyl, Van Heemskerck, Gomarus, M. Hardenberg, De Wingerd, Hart de RuyterStar Numan Guyot, Van Liefland Assen Meidoorn, NPC Appingedam, De Graaf REC 3Van Liefland Groningen, REA College Platform Complementair Werken Strategisch bestuurlijk MKB ROC’s Zijlen/Novo CMO AOC gemeenten SW UWV PrO/REC Jongerenloket
Experiment UWV Verburggelden Doelgroependag Cicero, UWV, REA-college 02-‘05 Agrogroen (=cofi Equal SKW) 04-‘05 t/m 02-‘07 Assessment (=cofi Equal) 08-‘05 t/m 12-‘07 Mytylschool, UMCG Beatrixoord Werkwijs npc 08-’05 t/m 12-‘07 REC AT ’05-‘07 Innovatie 2004 Bolster, Alfacollege ESF-3 OC&W PROREC 2001-2006 2007 - 2013 Branchegerichte cursussen Werkwijs AKA Alfa Drenthecollege AOC Terra Leerlingwerkplaatsen Netwerk nazorg Equal 2005 - 2007 - preventie en prevalentie UMCG - PROREC-keten (CMO) - startkwalificatie werkenden (CMO) - de keten sluiten (CMO) - in- en externe zorgstructuren (CMO) - Workskills RMC fr Innovatie 2007 2005 Maatschappelijke stages S/O onderzoek RUG Ambassadeur PROREC Nieuwe ideeën 2006-2009 1.Profileerling UMCG 2. Zeehondencreche 3. Grassroots 4. Liever een Karrenspoor (VO) 5. Promotiedagenl 6. gem./prov. Wajong 7. PrOREC jobcoach 8. Kans Antillen 2005 Maatschappelijke stages - NPC VO afd. Praktijkonderwijs - Star Numanschool - Bolster - AOC Winsum - Stiep - Aletta Jacobs College, Om de Noord Esborg Vooruit subsidie 2005 50% cofi EQ PrO REC 50% cofi EQ Preventie en Prevalentie PROREC-scholen CMO Groningen, RBO KERNGROEP (Groot mandaat) H. Weisbeek (Pro Groningen) J. Olijve (REC 3) L. van der Tuin - (Pro Drenthe) H.J. Nicolai (RENN 4) G.R. Luring (REC 1 + 2) AFSTEMMINGSOVERLEG EXTERNEN (2 keer per jaar) Uitvoerend, creatief PrO REC AOC MEE ROC’s RIB’s UWV Etc. 2004 – 2009 PrO/REC Ledenvergadering (24 leden Besluitvormend) PRO, REC 1,REC 2, REC 3 RENN 4 Bolster, Esborg, Visio, De Steiger, Thrianta, Erasmus, letta Jacobs, Stiep, De Meent, Mytyl, Van Heemskerck, Gomarus, M. Hardenberg, De Wingerd, Hart de RuyterStar Numan Guyot, Van Liefland Assen Meidoorn, NPC Appingedam, De Graaf REC 3Van Liefland Groningen, REA College Platform Complementair Werken Strategisch bestuurlijk MKB ROC’s Zijlen/Novo CMO AOC gemeenten SW UWV PrO/REC Jongerenloket
Fruit from the tree • Learning from each other and with each other • Assessment • Job tryout in school, a labour training centre and/or at the employer • One counter for practical experience • Waiting list guarding WSW and Care • Tot exploit the Care-offer:day spending • Qualified, rurally recognised adapted continuation courses for the students (ROC, AOC, themselves) • Guidance, Jobcoach, reintegration • Paid labour or significant participation in the society
In Conclusion: • Co-operation in core-tasks • The pupil in the middle • One counter for: - Assessment and portfolio- Education and qualification- Work experience and labour training- Work and Significant participation
YOUR QUESTIONS? PrO REC Convenant / RTC Convenant Postbus 351, 9700 AJ GRONINGEN.Tel. 050 – 5262900. e-mail: p.killestijn@rbogroningen.nl