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A laptop computer battery should last between two and four years, or around 1,000 full charges. The total lifetime of a battery is dependent on several factors. These factors include battery type (NiCad, NiMH, or Li-ion), how often the battery is used, and its age.
1 Howto improvelaptopbattery life How to improve laptop battery life........................................................................................1 How to improve laptop battery life................................................................................2 1. Dim the screen..........................................................................................................2 2. Change the power settings....................................................................................3 3. Disable Wi-Fi and Bluetooth................................................................................6 4. Don’t leave your laptop on permanent charge.............................................7 5. Disconnect remove unnecessary peripherals....................................................8 6. Get a second battery..............................................................................................8 7. Buy a new battery....................................................................................................9 8. Upgrade to an SSD..................................................................................................10 9. Switch to internal graphics..............................................................................11 10. Manage your memory..............................................................................................11
31 There are things you can do to extend yourlaptop's battery life. Some you might be doing already, but there are others you may not. Here's how to improve laptop batterylife 。 Many modern laptops have enough battery power to last all day, but ifyou're reading this, clearly your laptop doesn't last long enough for you. And plenty of laptops don’t even have removable batteries, so swapping the empty one out for a fully charged spare isn’t an option. Here are our top tips on how to improve laptop batterylife A lot of the tips are similar to those for improving smart phone batterylife, so you can use the sametechniques. How to improve laptop batterylife 1. Dim thescreen By far the biggest power drain on most laptops is the screen. Or, to be more specific, the screen’s backlight. This is what enables you to see the colours on an LCD screen, and some older laptops have power-sapping fluorescent backlights. Modern laptops have LED backlights, but even these use a fair amount ofjuice.
31 Dimming the screen brightness can add 30 minutes or more to yourbattery life. Virtually all laptops have keyboard shortcuts to adjust the brightness. Typically, you’ll hold the Fn key and press one of the function keys in the top row, or one of the cursor keys labelled with a sunsymbol. If not, hold the Windows key and press X. This will open up theMobility Center where you can change the brightness, and this works in all versions of Windows. Any question about Windows,you can visit: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/windows 2. Change the powersettings By default, your laptop might be set to Windows’ ‘Balanced’ setting rather than Power Saver. In the Control Panel search for Power Options andcheck
31 which Power Plan is selected. Don't forget that Windows uses differentpower and performance settings depending on whether it is running on mains or batterypower. You should find a battery saver option, and it's simply a case of selectingit and closing the window. If not, click on 'Show additional plans'. If there's still nothing, you can customise a power plan by clicking Change plan settings next to aprofile. You should set the screen to turn off after a couple of minutes, and setthe laptop to sleep if nothing appears to be happening after five or 10 minutes. If you delve into the advanced power settings, you can tweak things to your liking, setting when the system hibernates and whichcomponents shoulduse
31 their maximum power saving profiles (including, on some laptops,the graphics card and Wi-Fiadapter). In Windows 10, there's a new toggle button to enable battery savermode. This works like a phone's and limits background activity such as pushemail. Either click the battery icon to find it, or click the icon in the bottomright corner of the screen to bring up Action Centre: you'll see the Battery Savertile
31 near the bottom. It will begreyed out if your laptop charger is connected. To find out which apps are draining the most power, click the battery icon near the clock, then click Power & sleep settings. From the left-hand pane click Battery and then on the Battery usage by app link. You can also make this mode turn on automatically by ticking the box and adjusting theslider. 3. Disable Wi-Fi andBluetooth If you’re not using them, disable Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Both radios can use a fair amount of power, so it makes sense to turn them off when you’re on battery power. Most laptops have a switch or key combination to disable Wi-Fi, but Bluetooth can betrickier. Some manufacturers provide a utility (often obvious in the Start menu)for enabling or disabling Bluetooth, but if in doubt, you can head to the Device
31 Manager in the Control Panel, scroll through the list of hardware untilyou findtheBluetoothadaptor,right-clickonitandchooseDisable. (Double-clicking on it when disabled should enable itagain.) 4. Don’t leave your laptop on permanentcharge Lithium-ion batteries are relatively clever in that they can’t be overcharged, but it’s not good for the long-term health of your battery to leave your laptop always plugged in to the mains. Some manufacturers (including Sony and Lenovo) provide a utility which limits the battery from fullycharging. This helps to prevent battery degradation and means you can leavethe laptop always connected to the mains. When you want to use your laptop on battery power and get maximum battery life, disable the limiter and allow the laptop to charge to 100percent.
31 5. Disconnect remove unnecessaryperipherals Leaving a disc in your DVD drive is a sure way to reduce battery life, as it might spin up whenever you launch a Windows Explorer window or access the Save option in an application. Any USB accessories you leave connected, such as portable hard disks orUSB web cams will also draw power, so disconnect them if they’re notneeded. 6. Get a secondbattery
31 We mentioned this at the start, but why not invest in a spare battery?They’ re available for many laptops, and you might even find that your laptop can accept a higher-capacity than was suppliedoriginally. OtherlaptopsallowyoutoremovetheCDorDVDdriveandinstallasecond battery in itsplace. If your laptop doesn't have a removable battery then consider buyinga universal laptop battery that comes with a variety of ‘tips’ to suit just about any laptop. You simply charge it up, choose the appropriate tip and connect it to your laptop ’ s power socket when the internal battery runs low. The external battery charges the internal battery or, if you remove the internal battery, powers the laptopdirectly. 7. Buy a newbattery Contrary to popular belief, laptop batteries are consumables – like printer ink. Batteries aren’t designed to last the lifetime of thelaptop, and that’s why – if you check the small print on the warranty statement – you’ll probably find that the battery isn’t covered, or is guaranteed for a shorter period than thelaptop.
31 Over time, batteries degrade and after several years of hard use, you ’ll probably find the battery only has 50 percent of its original capacity and lasts only half thetime. While some laptops don’t have user-replaceable batteries, most do andyou can buy third-party replacements for considerably less than the cost of the equivalent from your laptopmanufacturer. https://www.replacement-batteries.co.uk/are professional in laptopbatteries and laptop ac adapters for many years, they can ship battery package to Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia,Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, Ireland--- ServiceDepartment. 8. Upgrade to anSSD Mechanical hard disks, which are still common in laptops, require a fair few watts to spin their platters. A solid-state drive, on the other hand, uses less power as it has no movingparts. Although you won’t see a huge improvement in battery life from thisupgrade,
31 it will have the extra benefit of making your laptop an awful lotquicker. 9. Switch to internalgraphics If your laptop has an AMD or Nvidia graphics chip, there’s a good chance it will also have integrated graphics (usually Intel). In theory, it should be set up so the powerful graphics chip is only used when playing games or running demanding applications, but you should check whether this is thecase. As with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, manufacturers sometimes offer a utilityto manually switch between graphics chips. You may have to reboot, but most modern designs allow you to switch on thefly. We ’ ve seen such laptops last twice as long on battery power whenthe integrated graphics chips is used instead of the Nvidiaor AMD chip. 10. Manage yourmemory If you’re the sort who has 10 or even 20 tabs open in your web browser, you’ ll benefit from longer battery life by culling those tabs. The same goes for running lots of applications at the sametime.
31 When you run lots of programs, or have lots of photos open in an editor,you’ ll use up all the free system memory. Anything extra has to be ‘paged’ to the hard disk, which as we’ve said, is a mechanical device in manylaptops. This not only slows your computer down but also increases battery life.One quick fix is to install more memory in your laptop, but keeping the bare minimum of programs and tabs open is anotherway. Did you know: you can run a battery test and get a detailed report like the one below? The tool is built into Windows 8 and 10 and here's how to useit.