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NPMA Certification Program Presented by. Frank Gonzalez, NPMA CGB Chair and Beth Green, NPMA VP Certification. Why did NPMA decide to create a Certification Governing Board ?
NPMA Certification ProgramPresented by Frank Gonzalez, NPMA CGB Chair and Beth Green, NPMA VP Certification
Why did NPMA decide to create a Certification Governing Board? • The Certification Governing Board’s responsibility is to structure and govern the NPMA certification program appropriately for the profession, occupation, roll and skill of certifying parties. Certification Governing Board (CGB)
Why a separate Governing Board? • Establishes protection against undue influence that could compromise the integrity of the certification process. • Development, administration and scoring of assessment instruments to promote the purpose of the certification program. • Establishing for the certification program a mission, by-laws, business plan, policies and procedures ensures the program is operated competently and effectively Certification Governing Board (CGB)
How is the Governing Board Managed? • The Governing board consists of individuals from the certified population (CPPS, CPPA and CPPM levels), as well as voting representation from a public member. • It is important that stakeholders (e.g., the public and other consumers, employers, regulators, and certificants) are represented on the board that sets policies regarding certification activities related to eligibility scoring of the assessment instrument. Certification Governing Board (CGB)
What is the NPMA Governing Board tasked Accomplish? • Write Policies and Procedures for NPMA certifications • Create a comprehensive Certification Handbook • Achieve and then maintain Accreditation for NPMA certifications • Update Certification Manuals, test questions and statistical data Certification Governing Board (CGB)
How is the NPMA Governing Board comprised? • Consists of voting and non-voting members • Non-voting members are from the NPMA Executive Board or an NPMA staff member. • Current members include 14 voting members and 6 non-voting members • Currently seeking 2 additional non-certified members from the Central or Western Regions (contact Penny Parker at NPMA HQ if interested in serving on the board) Certification Governing Board (CGB)
Required rules established by the Board? • Ensure assessment instruments adequately examines the knowledge and skills of the candidates • Certification program must be open to non-NPMA members • Monitor the success of the certification program (e.g., number of candidates examined, pass/fail statistics) • Develop discipline, nondiscrimination and confidentiality policies and procedures • Establish an appeals process Certification Governing Board (CGB)
What Accreditation Body will be Used for the NPMA Program? • National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) Accreditation demonstrates compliance with the Standards for the Accreditation of Certifications Programs • The NCCA Standards are comprehensive and cover all aspects of a certification program, including administration, assessment development and recertification • The NCCA standards are consistent with the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing and therefore are applicable to all professions and industries
Why should YOU Certify? The NPMA Certification Program is designed to elevate professional standards, enhance individual performance, and designate those who demonstrate knowledge essential to the practice of personal property management. Join a distinguished group of peers worldwide who have chosen to attain this high level of excellence. Achieving Excellence Through Certification
Why should NPMA seek Accreditation? • The NCCA accreditation would validate and add value to the professionals that are certified through the NPMA certification program • Accreditation requires continued compliance • Accreditation ensures the program is compliant and serves our competency assurance needs Achieving Excellence Through Certification
What are the benefits to the Certified Member? • NPMA Certification is key to enhanced professional stature. If you have made a commitment to a career in property management, you should consider obtaining your NPMA Certification. You'll enjoy these important benefits: • Expanded knowledge: Gain technical competence in every aspect of property management. • National professional recognition: Peers, staff, and management all value NPMA Certification. • Extensive peer-level communication: Increase networking opportunities as a result of participating in study groups and NPMA events. Achieving Excellence Through Certification
How do I maintain my Certification? • All Certified NPMA individuals are required to renew their certification at the 5 year expiration. The Continuance Application and requirements are posted on the NPMA website. Some ways to demonstrate your continued competence: (including CPPS members effective 12/31/12) • Build on your business and management skills • Take professional development courses • Attend applicable webinars, seminars and conferences • Do self learning, attend training • Teach related courses or classes • Write professional articles and papers
For the latest certification information go to the NPMA website at www.npma.org or contact: Penny Parker, Manager of Certification pparker@npma.org or (813) 475-6998, x307Rosanne (Beth) Green, VP of Certification BethIvanGreen@cfl.rr.comFrank Gonzalez, CGB Chairperson fg01@txstate.edu
References and Citations National Property Management Association (NPMA) website: www.npma.org The Institute for Credentialing Excellence (ICE) website: www.credentialingexcellence.org The National Commission for Certifying Agencies website: www.credentialingexcellence.org/ncca