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If I learn to hear and label sounds around me, I will learn to hear sounds in words more skilfully. This is how I will learn to read. When you make up stories with me and I learn to ‘tell a story’ I will do better in my writing work when I am older.
If I learn to hear and label sounds around me, I will learn to hear sounds in words more skilfully. This is how I willlearn to read. When you make up stories with me and I learn to ‘tell a story’ I will do better in my writing work when I am older.
When I hear and re-create rhythmic patterns in words and sentences, I will learn phonics and spelling more easily. If we talk together about mathematical concepts I explore, I will be better able to ‘show my workings out’ when I am in school.
Label things I am playing with and doing. You will give me a rich vocabulary. I will achieve better in my literacy work in school. Label my feelings when I am angry or sad. Help me understand how I feel. I will be better able to understand others when I am older.
When I play with something I am very interested in, I am ‘learning how to learn’ and explore.This helps me ready for school. Read a story to me everyday and I will achieve better in my GCSE’s