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Minority Women: Barriers to Preventive HC. Financial: limited or lacking health insuranceOrganizational: distance, no car, office hoursCultural: language, attitudes towards health
1. Early Breast Cancer Detection in Multicultural Societies Immigrant/minority women as HC users
Structural and cultural barriers to PrevHC
HBM gap between cognitions and practices
Fatalism, fear of cancer, mistrust of therapy
BC as a threat to the gender role/worth
Older women as a special target group
Possible policies and solutions
2. Minority Women: Barriers to Preventive HC Financial: limited or lacking health insurance
Organizational: distance, no car, office hours
Cultural: language, attitudes towards health & illness, providers gender
Psychosocial: low health motivation & over-burdened personal agenda; caring for family members, not self
Emphasis on curative not preventive services
3. Examples from Israel: Bi-annual Mammo Prevalence, age 50-74 Mainstream Jewish women 50-60%
Russian Jewish Immigrants 40%
Ethiopian Jewish Immigrants 20%
Israeli Palestinian (Arab) Women 20%
No group data on BSE or clinical exams
4. Health Belief Model: Cognitions, Attitudes, and Practices Ideas not leading to action: Women are informed about BC risks, admit personal susceptibility, but Not seek early detection
Attitudes expressed in surveys do not reflect innermost feelings about cancer, esp. in minority groups (in-depth interviews do better)
Broader cognitions-practice gap among immigrant/minority women due to low health motivation & higher barriers to mainstream HC
5. Underlying Reasons for Non-Action in BC Screening Denial: This cannot happen to me
Fatalism towards cancer as enigmatic and menacing disease (reflects external locus of control and low self-efficacy)
Doubts about benefits of early detection
(Dont trouble the trouble before the trouble troubles you)
Mistrust of possible cure, perceived futility of harsh cancer treatments, fear of becoming a burden on family members
6. BC and Womans Worth in Traditional Patriarchal Societies Any chronic disabling condition is perceived as endpoint of my life as a woman a sick homemaker is devalued and eventually discarded;
Women give care to men and children, not receive care from them; role reversal is hard to take
I dont want to bring this trouble on myself;
Id rather not know and not tell others until the
very end
7. Targeting Older Minority Women (age 60+) Relational Self: In non-western cultures, older women view themselves as secondary and subservient to the needs of children & grandchildren, i.e. with especially low preventive motivation and high fatalism/low self-worth
Isolation from the mainstream, high cultural barriers to HC services, poor personal resources
Discomfort about visiting womens health clinics or gynecologists perceived as catering mainly for younger fertile and sexually active women
Media image of BC as younger womens problem
8. Some Approaches to Policy Empower minority women, enhance their sense of self-worth and self-care
Educate men in ethnic communities so that they encourage women to get screened
Design specially tailored educational programs to dispel common myths and misperceptions of BC among minorities and marginal social groups
Cultural sensitivity/competence training for the mainstream service providers
Introduce more minority health professionals to target their co-ethnics