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CENTRE FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY INNOVATIONS A UNESCO Associated Centre. Presentation for Kenya Eco-Industry Workshop November 20, 2007. Director: Prof. Shem Wandiga P.O Box 42792, Nairobi, Kenya Tel. No: 254-20-315540, 311714 Fax. No. 254-20-247301/311715
CENTRE FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY INNOVATIONS A UNESCO Associated Centre Presentation for Kenya Eco-Industry Workshop November 20, 2007 Director: Prof. Shem Wandiga P.O Box 42792, Nairobi, Kenya Tel. No: 254-20-315540, 311714 Fax. No. 254-20-247301/311715 Email: sowandiga@iconnect.co.ke Eighth Floor, Room 812 Utalii House Utalii Lane, off Uhuru Highway. Web site: www.csti.or.ke
About CSTI The Centre for Science and Technology Innovation (CSTI) is a UNESCO associated centre based at the Kenya National Academy of Sciences. We have been operating since 1998. Centre for Science and Technology Innovations
About CSTI (cont.) We have 5 Trustees: • Professor Shem O. Wandiga, Managing Director • Justice Professor Jacton B. Ojwang • Professor Pascal Mihyo • Mr. Christopher J. Chach-Ogwe • Professor Eric Odada Centre for Science and Technology Innovations
Pillars of African Renaissance Building on success Social cohesion Democracy Economic rebuilding and growth Africa plays important role in International affairs Science Technology and Innovation CSTI Mission Improving life through science, technology and innovation. Centre for Science and Technology Innovations
CSTI Operational Objectives • The aims of the Centre are: • To promote innovation in science teaching at the secondary and tertiary education levels through the incorporation of new trends in science; • To enhance the transfer of science and technology research results to distressed communities for economic development; • To promote constructive linkages between science and industry, for the enhancement of economic development; • To promote the effective use of science and technology in the food production process; • To facilitate initiative to achieve greater efficiency, through the adoption of good scientific principles, in the provision of various categories of services; Centre for Science and Technology Innovations
CSTI Operational Objectives (cont.) • The aims of the Centre are: • To promote the use of information and communication technologies in the transfer of science and technology; • To collaborate with other centres with similar objectives and aims; • To act as broker of knowledge and skills between researcher/research institution and end-users including policy makers; • To perform any other duty furthering the development, promotion and dissemination of science and technology. Centre for Science and Technology Innovations
Hot & cold spells Droughts River basin flooding Tropical cyclones Heavy precipitations (rain or snow) Causes El Niño / LA Niña Storm surges Ice Storms Storm (winds) Dust storms Wildland fires & haze Hail&Lightning Mud & landslides Flash floods Avalanches Tornadoes Climate Change Projects • The African continent is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. • Already home to the highest proportion of people living in extreme poverty, the continent is struggling to cope with the burdens that come with disease, conflict and poor management of natural resources. • These factors, combined with limited human, economic and infrastructural capacity, leave the continent vulnerable to climate variability and change. Centre for Science and Technology Innovations
Climate Change Projects (cont.) • Assessment of Impact and Adaptation to Climate Change: Principal investigator: S.O. Wandiga, in project called “Capacity building to evaluate and adapt to climate-change-induced vulnerability to malaria and cholera in the Lake Victoria Region . • Integrating Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change into Sustainable Development Policy Planning and Implementation in Eastern and Southern Africa: Principal Investigator: S. O. Wandiga, in the project called “Reducing Community Vulnerability to Drought Exacerbation by Climate Variability and Change in Makueni District”. Centre for Science and Technology Innovations
Climate Change Projects (cont.) • Nairobi River Basin Programme, Phase III: Principal investigator: S.O. Wandiga, in the project called “Desktop Study of information published on Nairobi River Basin”. • Strengthening Community-Based Adaptation to Climate-Sensitive Malaria in Kakamega and Kericho Districts, Western Kenya Highlands. Principal Investigator: Dr. Maggie Opondo, CSTI Research Associate. Centre for Science and Technology Innovations
Microchemistry Projects • The microscience learning and teaching materials was introduced to Kenyan schools by offering teacher training workshops and donation of the microscience kits to schools. • The project was designed to meet the high demand for sciences by utilizing more intensely and more rationally the limited available resources to improve science education in Kenya. • Microscience offers reduced costs to schools and parents, does not require built laboratories, running water or electricity to conduct laboratory practicals. It is friendly to the environment and gives the students the opportunity to have hands-on learning experience. Microchemistry Kit Centre for Science and Technology Innovations
Microchemistry Projects (cont.) Sample Microchemistry Experiments Experiment 1: Preparation and Testing for Chlorine Experiment 2a: Preparation of Soluble Salts (Preparation of Sodium Chloride) Experiment 2b: Preparation of insoluble salts (Preparation of Lead Sulphate) Centre for Science and Technology Innovations
Microchemistry Projects (cont.) Benefits of Microchemistry Approach • Chemicals used sparingly • Time saving measures • Reasonably affordable • Students able to make observations • Kits are very handy and portable • Everybody had an experience with the kits • Kits are similar to toys therefore demystifying the notion that sciences are difficult • Able to repeat practicals especially when errors are made • Concept of science is the same and the only difference is that reagents are used in small quantities • Eliminates demonstration by teacher as students watch • Encourages practical session to go on even in classrooms and this removes the idea of rotating classes in the lab Centre for Science and Technology Innovations
Current Projects and Activities • Increasing Community Resilience to Drought in Makueni District • Participants: 5 villages for a total of 40 farmers • Project Goal: reduced risk and vulnerability to climate-induced drought through participatory activities to evolve sustainable climate adaptation strategies. • Project Objectives: • Increase household food security through increased livelihood resilience and reduced vulnerability to drought • Reduce poverty through improved livelihoods • Facilitate integration of climate change and adaptation into policy development and planning Farmer Training Session Centre for Science and Technology Innovations
Current Projects and Activities(cont.) • Increasing Community Resilience to Drought in Makueni District • Provision of extension services to participating farms • 98% of pilot demonstration farms dry planted by 25th October • 85% of other Non-pilot farms practicing dry planting • 90% germination achieved before end of the first week of rains • Crop performance monitored at every stage and emerging cases noted by the farmers and the field extension staff. • As at end of December 2006, DLC and KCBmaize was at grain formation. All sorghums and Millets were at milk stage. Green grams and Cow peas were podding while Pigeon peas and Kikamba maize varierities were still actively growing. Centre for Science and Technology Innovations
Current Projects and Activities(cont.) • Creating GIS Mapping for Climate Change • Objectives: • To perform land cover change analysis for the period 1970 – 2000 • To study climate variability and links to land cover • To study the agricultural practises and climate variability Centre for Science and Technology Innovations
Current Projects and Activities(cont.) • Creating GIS Mapping for Climate Change Project is divided into three components: • Land Suitability Evaluation for arable crops using GIS and Remote Sensing By Felix Mutua • Human induced transformation and landuse / landcover monitoring using GIS and remote sensing By Kiprop Simion • Climate variability and links to land cover change By John Gitau Centre for Science and Technology Innovations
Current Projects and Activities(cont.) • Creating GIS Mapping for Climate Change • GIS Layers • Agriculture trend data • Soil data • Historical climate and rainfall • Population and socio-economic • Wildlife and national parks • Livestock distribution • Other relevant data like infrastructure Centre for Science and Technology Innovations
Our Impact on Policies • Improving local adaptive strategies in the context of: • Improving existing livelihood systems • Long term sustainable development • This is being done through: • Introduction of technologies (science) to enhance productivity of existing livelihood systems • Creation of new sustainable opportunities (diversification) • Recommendation of policies that reinforced the livelihood systems; Policies that have direct positive impacts on sustainable livelihoods Centre for Science and Technology Innovations
Our Role in Eco-Industry • Following are ways in which CSTI can help to further the growth of Eco-Industry in Kenya • Research and train farmers on how to rotate crops and adapt to climate changes so that both biofuel and food crops can be produced on the same land at high yields. • Assist with the development of eco-industry standards by providing data on pollutants, clean technologies and green chemistry. • Collect, analyze and maintain databases on level of pollutants and green house gas emissions in Kenya. • Host workshops and training seminars on eco-industry. Sorghum plot early 2007 Same sorghum plot one month later Centre for Science and Technology Innovations