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Aim: To practice multiple choice test-taking strategies Do Now: A. define conundrum in this example. Ex. Test taking strategies are a conundrum to me . Aim: To practice multiple choice Test-Taking Strategies. MULTIPLE CHOICE TEST. Weeding out absolute words;
Aim: To practice multiple choice test-taking strategiesDo Now: A. define conundrum in this example.Ex. Test taking strategies are a conundrum to me.
Aim: To practice multiple choice Test-Taking Strategies MULTIPLE CHOICE TEST • Weeding out absolute words; • Recognizing “umbrella” (or “fusion” )questions;
Aim: To practice multiple choice Test-Taking Strategies SAT Word 1: conundrum -a confusing and difficult problem or question. “Solving the rubik’s cube has always been a conundrum to me.” synonyms: problem, difficult question, difficulty, quandary dilemma
Aim: To practice multiple choice Test-Taking Strategies TOOLBOX 25: ABSOLUTE AND UMBRELLA QUESTIONS • “Umbrella” Questions: Also known as “fusion” questions, seem to have four correct answers. • Which of the following is a part of a car? • Oil filter • Engine • Carbeurator • Air filter
Aim: To practice multiple choice Test-Taking Strategies The correct answer is “B,” engine. • You probably noticed that all of these choices look like “good” answers. This is a clue that you have an umbrella, or “fusion” question. The clue is that three of the answers fit within the category of the fourth. In this case, carbeurator, air filter and oil filter are all parts of the engine, so “engine” is the correct answer. You may also notice that “engine” is a more general term than the others. Let’s try another…
Aim: To practice multiple choice Test-Taking Strategies Which of the following is a part of the human leg? • The femur • The thigh • The quadriceps • The hamstrings Right away, you probably recognized that these are ALL part of a leg, so how do you decide . This is an example of another “umbrella” question.
Aim: To practice multiple choice Test-Taking Strategies The Answer Is… • “B”, the thigh, because the others are all part of the thigh, which again is also the most general of the terms.
Aim: To practice multiple choice Test-Taking Strategies …and another Which of the following is found in the U.S.? • Richmond • Roanoke • Lynchburg • Virginia
Aim: To practice multiple choice Test-Taking Strategies And the Answer IS… • You probably got that one right! It’s “D”, Virginia, because the others are located in Virginia.
Aim: To practice multiple choice Test-Taking Strategies TOOBOX 25(CONT.): Absolute Words: These usually make a sentence false. • None • Never • All • Always • Every day • Only • Must
Aim: To practice multiple choice Test-Taking Strategies Here is an example: • The result of Barney’s study showed that: • All people suffer from PTSD • No people suffer from PTSD • PTSD never occurs in young people • PTSD may be found more in older people
Aim: To practice multiple choice Test-Taking Strategies The answer is “4” • Did you notice that choices 1, 2 and 3 contained the absolute words “all”, “no”, and “never”. In general, absolute words limit too many options to be good choices for an answer. • The correct choice, however, was more general – it contained the word “may”.
Aim: To practice multiple choice Test-Taking Strategies Here is another example: • People with chronic disease can be described as: • Inevitably in pain • Always grouchy • Never able to walk • Needing more assistance
Aim: To practice multiple choice Test-Taking Strategies The Answer is… • Can we really say that these people are ALWAYS grouchy or INEVITABLY in pain or NEVER able to walk? Of course not. The correct answer is “D”, “needing more assistance.”
Aim: To practice multiple choice test-taking strategiesDo Now: A. Write a comment about anything you learned in class yesterday.YES, ANYTHING!!
Aim: To practice multiple choice Test-Taking Strategies SAT Word 2: divergent -- (adj) separating, moving in different directions from a particular point. EX: Mrs. Roman diverged from her lesson to tell a story about a cat. Synonyms: differing, varying, different, dissimilar, disparate, contrasting, contrastive.
Aim: To practice multiple choice Test-Taking Strategies Let’s read The College Conundrum Make a prediction about what you think a college conundrum is? 8. Which statement best summarizes the central idea of the passage? 9. Read this sentence from paragraph 6 “The usually optimistic girl wore a dismal expression on her face as he handed Ms. Alvarez two pieces of official looking letterhead.” In this sentence, optimistic most clearly means…
Aim: To practice multiple choice Test-Taking Strategies 10. Read this sentence from paragraph 16: “Well, how did you feel when you received the letters?’ Ms. Alvarez asked.” Why does Ms. Alvarez ask Emmaline this question? 11. Read this sentence from para. 18? “Ms. Alvarez’s eyes widened at Emmaline’s statement, and she offered an encouraging smile.” What effect does this sentence provide the reader as the story develops?
Aim: To practice multiple choice Test-Taking Strategies • 12. Read this sentence from paragraph 26: “Now, can you give me some tips on telling my dad about the disappointing news?’ Emmaline asked.” Why does Emmaline most likely believe her father will be disappointed? • 13. Which choice best describes how Emmaline’s father’s point of view compares to Ms. Alvarez’s? • 14. Why was Ms. Alvarez surprised that Emmaline was considering accounting as a career?
Aim: To practice testing as a genre.Do Now: A. Write a question you still have about “Testing As a genre.” B. Make a comment about yesterday’s “college conundrum.
Aim: To practice testing as a genre. SAT Word #3: Novice: apprentice, beginner EX: I am worse than a novice at Call of Duty Black Duty. EX: A novice sometimes has beginners luck. synonyms: neophyte, newcomer.
Aim: To practice testing as a genre. Toolbox 25: QUOTE strategy • Q – Question • READ the directions and circle words (discuss, describe, explain) • U – Underline • Words that help focus on ideas to develop answers and make ANNOTATIONS in the margin. • O – Organize/Write • Use your PLANNING PAGE and outline the facts (evidence) you will write about and then write your answer. • T – Time • Write how much time to spend on answering each item to PACE yourself. • E – Evaluate • REVISE the content & organization of what you wrote & your mechanics.
Aim: To practice testing as a genre. Day 1 (4/1): 6 passages= 15 mins per passage (write time in the margins). Day 2 (4/2): 15 mins first passage; 35 short responses; 40 mins. essay (extended response) Day 3 (4/3): 25 mins passages, 25 short response; 40 extended response. *This year: more Informational Passages and less literacy passages.
Aim: To practice testing as a genre. • LETS READ THE TRILOBYTES PASSAGE • 15. The author compares trilobities with anthropods in para 8 to help readers understand how trilobites… • 16. The author helps the reader understand a similarity between trilobities and pull bugs by comparing their… • 17. The author helps the reader understand a major difference between trilobites and dinosaurs by contrasting their…
Aim: Aim: To practice testing as a genre. • 18. How does the quotatin in para 6 from Professor Mulroy most contribute to the development of the author’s key concepts? • 19. Read the following sentence from paragraph 10: • “Researchers can use this date to help learn more about the shifting of continents, changes in the planet’s crust, and the development of different landforms across the world.” 20. What is the author’s main purpose is para 9? 21. How does the photograph support para 8?
Aim: Aim: To practice testing as a genre. Exit Ticket: Explainhow comfortable are you after doing this test prep? Why? Record a comment about testing as a genre.