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2-D Game Design Pitch: Tower Defense 2 D

Protect the remote colony on planet P3X-797 from invading aliens. Build towers, traps, and bombs to defeat the waves of enemies and save each base. Use strategic planning and quick thinking to ensure everyone escapes safely. Can you defend against the alien onslaught?

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2-D Game Design Pitch: Tower Defense 2 D

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 2-D Game Design Pitch: Tower Defense 2D Erik Gilson Brian McClure

  2. Story Line • The remote colony on the planet P3X-797 is being over run by aliens bent on its destruction • Protect the bases using the defenses given while waiting for backup to save each base • Stall for time to let everyone escape the planet

  3. Look • Fixed Window • Path for “Aliens” to run walk on • Side Bar to make traps, towers and bombs • EX: Tower Defense, Gemcraft

  4. Sound • Sounds on placing traps and towers • Explosions on towers attacking aliens • Sounds on wave starts-warning • Sounds on level finish

  5. Player will set up different towers with different abilities Use traps to slow down the aliens Waves of mobs will spawn from one end of the path Kill mobs before they reach the end of the path Waves will have variable numbers and speeds Once all waves are completed level is completed Game Play

  6. Players Actions and Controls • Player plays as a non-visual commander, building defenses for the base • Build towers along the path from the alien spawn point to your base • Stop the invading aliens before they reach the end of the path • Navigate interfaces with mouse, 1-0 keys for short cuts.

  7. Player Strategies • Combine the use of traps bombs and towers to maximize the effect of other defenses. • Each alien type has a specific weakness, that the player can exploit. • Conserve resources to buy more defenses

  8. Alien/Defense Matrices Scale of effectiveness from 1-5

  9. Given a certain amount of resources in the beginning. Build towers and traps to defeat aliens Each alien defeated gives resources to build more Aliens will attack in a series of waves Each wave a different type (Defense, Speed, Health) Different towers have different effects on the aliens (Speed, Damage, Armor) Level Summary

  10. If an alien reaches the end, player loses resources (must “repair” the base with resources), when resources run out player loses the level Complete 10 levels of play with different paths, monsters and bosses Introduction level (with tip boxes to teach) Final level with one high health boss Each level will have one “beginning” point and one “end” point for aliens Only allowed to build towers on non-alien-path spaces Only allowed to build traps on alien-path spaces Level Summery- Cont

  11. Hardware & Software • Mouse • Windows XP or greater • DirectX 9 or greater • Speakers • CPU: 1ghz or better • Ram: 1gb or better

  12. Program Layout • Show Start Screen – Level Select • Game Loop • Load level • Play Loop • Check for mouse input • Move aliens • Towers Attack • Draw • Game End – Save (Level Save/High Score)

  13. Fin – Thank You

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