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The Next Generation Science Standards: Science for the 21 st Century and Beyond. Theresa Curry, Assistant Principal Manhasset Union Free School District Mary Loesing, EdD, STEM Chairperson Connetquot Central School District LIASCD October 3, 2014 CD October 3, 2014. What are the NGSS?.
The Next Generation Science Standards: Science for the 21st Century and Beyond Theresa Curry, Assistant Principal Manhasset Union Free School District Mary Loesing, EdD, STEM Chairperson Connetquot Central School District LIASCD October 3, 2014 CD October 3, 2014
What are the NGSS? • These voluntary standards describe important scientific ideas and practices that all students should learn by the time they leave the 12th grade. The standards integrate three important dimensions—science and engineering practices, disciplinary core ideas, and crosscutting concepts—effectively build science concepts from kindergarten through 12th grade, and integrate important concepts of engineering. The Next Generation Science Standards establish learning goals in science that will give all students the skills and knowledge they need to be informed citizens, college ready, and prepared for careers.
Who developed the NGSS? • A group of 26 lead state partners, including NYS • Writing team of 41 science experts, including teachers, administrators, scientists, and business leaders • Supported by Achieve, Inc., AAAS, National Research Council, National Science Teachers Association • Public feedback was obtained through two drafts before the final document was released in 2013. • NGSS is based on the Framework for K-12 Science Education.
How do the NGSS differ from current NYS standards? • Current standards were developed in 1996 and released as Core Curriculum Standards documents beginning in 2000. • Current standards define the content that can be assessed. • Lab skills are listed independent of content. • NGSS were released in 2013 • NGSS consist of three dimensions: disciplinary core ideas, science and engineering practices, and cross-cutting concepts. • NGSS combines content with practice and application.
Where is NYS with respect to NGSS? • As a lead state partner, NYSED has engaged stakeholders in reviewing the NGSS since their inception. • NYSED has gathered public feedback on NGSS • A Strategic Plan for Science Education has been created and will be shared with the Board of Regents • NYSED has acknowledged the need for science education reform.
Implications of NYS Adoption of NGSS • Implementation timeline • Curriculum Writing • Certification • Assessment • Scheduling • Departmentalization at the elementary level • Mapping of Course Sequences
What are the science & engineering practices • Asking questions and defining problems • Developing and using models • Planning and carrying out investigations • Analyzing and interpreting data • Using mathematics and computational thinking • Constructing explanations and designing solutions • Engaging in arguments from evidence • Obtaining, evaluating and communicating information
How must instruction change to meet these standards? • Instruction will focus on fewer content areas, giving teachers the opportunity to go into greater depth • Inquiry experiences and the science and engineering practices will enable students to develop a deeper understanding of the content that is taught. • Teachers must resist the urge to add topics back to these standards. NGSS is a baseline for all students to reach. It does not constrain concepts in advanced courses and sets the stage for AP courses. • With NGSS students will learn content by engaging with the practices.
How will student’s classroom experience change under NGSS? • Frustration levels may increase as students are exposed to levels of inquiry requiring greater student creativity, problem solving skills and independence. • Students will focus less on memorizing large chunks of content. • Students will learn content and practices as one, rather than performing lab activities unrelated to the content they are learning.
How are NGSS and STEM/STEAM related? • Both are grounded in science content • Mathematics is used to quantitatively describe relationships in data • Engineering allows for the design of solutions to problems • Art addresses the creativity of new designs and the ability to think outside the box. • Technology provides the tools to carry out the engineer’s design
Resources • NGSS – www.nextgenscience.org/next-generation-science-standards • NGSS at NSTA – http://ngss.nsta.org • Sigma XI Smart Brief - https://www2.smartbrief.com/signupSystem/subscribe.action?pageSequence=1&briefName=sigmaxi&utm_source=brief • NSTA Blog – http://nstacommunities.org/blog • NGSS Now– http://www.nextgenscience.org/ngss-now-newsletter