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Welcome to St Botolph’s Church of England (Voluntary Aided) Primary School New Parents Meeting Monday 4 July 2011. Key People... Mrs Sharon Smith – Head Teacher Mrs Linda Crouch – Asst Head Teacher and Inclusion Manager Mrs Mandy Green – Butterflies Class Teacher
Welcome to St Botolph’s Church of England (Voluntary Aided) Primary School New Parents Meeting Monday 4 July 2011
Key People... • Mrs Sharon Smith – Head Teacher • Mrs Linda Crouch – Asst Head Teacher and • Inclusion Manager • Mrs Mandy Green – Butterflies Class Teacher • Mrs Marie Reed – Butterflies Teaching Asst • Mrs Elaine Leadbetter – Business Manager • Father Lawrence Smith – Chair of Governors • Mrs Helen Thornton – Chair of Friends of St • Botolph’s (FOSB parent association)
Starting school... • the practicalities! • School starts Monday 5th September • Mornings only for one week, full-time week • commencing Monday 12th September • Legalities...your child does not have to start • school until the term of their 5th birthday • Communication- we want to work with you to • get it right
Your child will be tired –this is usual! • • You can bring your child into school from 8:40 • and stay until 8:50 am (assembly is at • 9:00 am) • • It’s OK to phone! • • Collection is from the KS2 playground by • the main gate • • Don’t forget the home school link books
School Uniform • •Information is in your pack. You can order online. Orders to be in by 19 July please for collection on 1 and 2 September • •Grey trousers, skirts, shorts • •Red check dresses • •Black, suitable school shoes • •White or red polo shirts • •Red school jumper, sweatshirt or cardigan • •White, black or red tights • White or grey socks • Red school coat (new design) or own choice appropriate to the season • Red PE shorts and red, blue, green or yellow House Team tee-shirt
Plimsolls or trainers for outside •Jogging trousers / tracksuit in winter •Please send in P.E kit and leave it in school –sometimes the timetable changes •Wellies (when wet) •Please check sizes from time to time •Please, please, please label everything!
What have you done at school today? NOTHING!!!
How does the curriculum work? The Curriculum •Needs to offer a range of experiences •Needs to encourage independence •Needs to ensure that the children are active in their learning through play and first hand experiences •Is child-initiated 70% of the time •Has an over arching theme that mirrors the other key stage one class
There are 6 Key areas of learning… •Personal, social and emotional development(the child’s ability to work, play and co-operate with others) •Communication, language and literacy (listening, speaking, early reading and early writing skills) •Mathematical development (the understanding of number, calculating, shape, space, measures and mathematical language) •Knowledge and understanding of the world (investigations, designing and making, Information Technology, cultures and beliefs) •Physical development (movement, sense of space, health and bodily awareness, the use of tools and equipment) •Creative development (exploring media and materials, music, using the imagination, responding to experiences and communicating ideas) Some of these areas sub-divide to create 13 strands altogether…..
The 13 Assessment Scales •PSE –Dispositions and Attitudes •PSE –Social Development •PSE –Emotional Development •CLL –Language for Communication and Thinking •CLL –Linking Sounds and Letters •CLL –Reading •CLL –Writing •MD –Numbers as Labels for Counting •MD –Calculating •MD –Shape, Space and Measures •Knowledge and Understanding of the World •Creative Development •Physical Development
How do we assess progress? The ‘on-track’ foundation stage profile is kept for all children….this is completed termly and shows progress and areas for further focus.
Average scores •In each of the 13 assessment scales children can score up to 9 points •According to the LA, a good average score for each assessment scale is 6 – an end of profile score of around 78 •Children are all very different and mature at different rates –there are developmental issues to consider. •Any Early Learning Goals they do not achieve in Reception will be carried over to Year 1. •Judgements are moderated by the LA and alongside other schools. •Point 9 indicates a child who is working well beyond the Early Learning Goals and is VERY difficult to achieve •No two children will have the same profile, so please don’t compare.
How are the scores assessed? •On-going observations –formal and informal •Comments from the children •Input from other adults who work with the class •Input from home – this is crucial for the whole learning journey picture
“Parents have a unique knowledge of aspects of their child’s development, which is central to the assessment process. An essential feature of parental involvement is an ongoing dialogue, which is based on one of the key principles of the Foundation Stage - Parents and practitioners should work together in an atmosphere of mutual respect within which the child can have security and confidence.” (Foundation Stage Profile Handbook)
What can you do? •Please give us your feedback •Model responses back to your child •Reading – more of this later! •Writing/Handwriting •Everyday maths and counting •Giving choices – full sentence responses
How do you know how well your child is doing? •You will receive information in their report at the end of the year. •Parent Evenings •Home school link books •Learning Journey folders –you are welcome to look at these at any time •It is not advisable to compare your child with others!!! •The scores are nothing to worry about – if we have any concerns, we will speak to you throughout the year. •If you are concerned about your child’s progress please come in and speak to us about it...we value our ‘Open Door’ policy •Celebration Postcards •Notes from school
Reading Your child will have a series of reading books within the national book band system and a reading day. Books can be changed at other times –let us know via the home school link book Each class has a library day Guided reading as the year goes on Volunteer readers in school Please record home reading in the home school link books –this is crucial information for us Reading is not about struggle –it’s a balance between challenge and confidence We don’t always get it right!
Over to you…. Any questions?
Thank you for coming this afternoon, we look forward to working with you. Mrs Smith and Mrs Green