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Alder Growth and Yield Modeling WHC meeting 29 June 2005 Kelso. Background.
Alder Growth and Yield ModelingWHC meeting 29 June 2005 Kelso
Background • There has been a growing interest in a public Red AlderGrowth and Yield Model accompanying the increased acceptance of Red Alder as both a tree crop and an important biodiversity component in forest stands. The increased value of red alder compared to Douglas-fir or hybrid-poplar, and new forest practices rules that limit access to red alder growing in riparian areas, the location of much of the standing crop of red alder, have been strong drivers of this interest in purposefully managing for red alder.
Original Plan • The Washington Hardwood Commission and Industrial growers are in favor of a cooperative effort to produce a robust and credible Red Alder growth and yield model using current and applicable data. The specific tasks that must be accomplished pertaining to the model include: • Clarify model scope (geographic coverage, range of stand conditions and sites, modeling capabilities and specifications) • Outline model format and functions • Edit and collate applicable data • Develop the model to specifications • Document model • Validate the model
Members • We have received data from • MoF BC • HSC Oregon State • Campbell group • Rayonier • USFS PNW • Weyerhaeuser • This data includes data on managed natural and plantation grown alder grown under various stand densities and thinning regimes. The data also includes information on the geographical position of the trials.
Current Status • The alder Growth and Yield Co-operative members developed the technical standards that were used in the development of a joint database held at the SMC at the UW. All of the cooperators have provided their data in the required format to the SMC. CMER provided the initial funds to start the work at the UW, allowing the SMC to compile the database structure and to allow all of the data contributors to submit their data. The data was all submitted to the SMC by October 2004. The Initial database was compiled by March 2005, however the data was lost in an accident. • The data has been recompiled and is currently being reloaded into the database, Randy Collier the database manager and Dave Briggs of the SMC assure me it will be ready by mid July.
Funding • The cost of the data collation and formation of the database was $30K • This has been paid for as follows: • CMER 15K • WHC 4K • USFS 2K • Rayonier 2K • Weyerhaeuser 4.5K • UW SMC 2.5K • TOTAL 30.0K
Modeling • There are several options under discussion for modeling the data • A public model through the USFS model FVS • A public model through ORGANON at OSU • Dave Hibbs at OSU is organizing the ORGANON model at OSU. Dave is currently looking for cooperators for this modeling option. • At the last meeting of the cooperators we all agreed that these will run concurrently and Dave Hibbs would look for support for the OSU model whilst we would continue with the FVS option.
Modeling 2 • I have contacted Gary Dixon at the USFS station at Fort Collins Co. The following is a breakdown of the FVS status • If we can provide the data to Gary by mid July he can incorporate it into FVS by the first quarter of 2006, however if it is later than mid August he will start another project and will only complete the modeling by mid 2006 • The model will have separate codes for plantation alder and natural grown alder so that both can be run to the optimum.
Modeling 3 • The model will include silviculture options, we still need to discuss a separate set of codes for non managed riparian options. • The model will run from bare ground up in any yearly interval selected. • Gary Dixon will be happy to talk at the WHC meeting once he has fully assessed the data and is happy to answer questions
Questions? For copies of the current description of work, or contact details for Dave Hibbs or Gary Dixon email me at barri.herman@weyerhaeuser.com