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The State Enterpreneurial Sector (SES) of Angola

Explore Angola's State Entrepreneurial Sector (SES) framework, legislation, and future outlook. Learn about wholly and partially owned public enterprises in various economic fields. Gain insights into governance, institutional roles, and legislative measures.

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The State Enterpreneurial Sector (SES) of Angola

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Presentation Transcript

  1. By: Henda Esandju Inglês The State Enterpreneurial Sector (SES) of Angola Ministry of Economy Institute for Public Sector Enterprises

  2. Outline The State Enterpreneurial Sector of Angola TheInstitutional Framework TheLegislation Future Perspectives The SOE Sector in Angola

  3. The State Enterpreneurial Sector of Angola In Angola, the SES is made of a significant number of (i) Wholy owned and (ii) Partially owned public enterprizes, in different economic fields This is a direct consequence of the planning economic system that existed in Angola up until the end of the 80’s. SOE´s

  4. The SOE Sector in Angola WhollyOwedSOE’sby Sector ofEconomicActivity Sector Empresarial

  5. The SOE Sector in Angola PartlyOwedSOE’sby Sector ofEconomicActivity Sector Empresarial

  6. The SOE Sector in Angola WhollyandPartlyOwedSOE’sby Sector ofEconomicActivity Sector Empresarial

  7. The Wholly Owned SOE´s • Are created by a government (head of state) decree and its creation is a joint initiative of a line ministry and the shareholding ministry (Ministry of Economy); • It’s 100% owned by the state; And its Governance bodies is comprised of: • The Board of directors: with a maximum of 11 directors, including independent ones; • The Fiscal Boad: made of a chairmain and two additional members Sector Empresarial

  8. Partly Owned Public Enterprises • Are created in accordance with the company (comercial) law; • In essence, they are business corporations in which the state has the majority stake and can be established along side with: • Other wholly owned Public Enterprises (PE’s); • Subsidiaries of PE’s; • Public (State) institutes; • Private Companies; • Private individuals Sector Empresarial

  9. Partly Owned Public Enterprises (Cont.) Its governance bodies consists of: • Anual General Meetings • Board of Directors • Fiscal Board Sector Empresarial

  10. The State Enterpreneurial Sector of Angola Sector TheInstitutional Framework TheLegislation Future Perspectives TheInstitutionalFramwork

  11. The Institucional Framework • We have a dual governance system of SOE’s: • Sectorial Oversight – exerted by the line Ministries in charge different sectors of economic activity • Ownership Function – exerted by the Economic Ministry, through the (i) GTSEP – Tecnical Office for the SES and (ii) ISEP – Institute for Public Sector Enterprises Sector Empresarial

  12. The Institucional Framework Line Ministries • Specific Role/Tasks: • Set the economic development policy for the oversighted sector of economic activity; • Regulate the economic sector of activity; • To evaluate the plans and buget proposed by the companies; • To take part on the evaluation of the performance of the management bodies of companies; • to take part on the nomination and firing of members of the management bodies of companies; • To request tecnical, economic and financial information regarding the activity of companies; Fonte: Lei 9/95 de 15 de Setembro Sector Empresarial

  13. The Institucional Framework The Role oftheMinistryofEconomy (Shareholder) • Formulation, coordination e executionoftheownershippolicyofthestate; • Proposinglegislativeandregulatingmeasures for themanagementoftheassetsofSOE’s; • Proposingandcoodinatingtheimplementationoftheprivatizationpolicy; • Proposingtheapprovalofthelegislation for thereestruturingprocessofthestateentrepreneurial sector; • ParticipatinginthemonitoringandvalidationoftheframeworkofPPP’s; * Fonte: Decreto Presidencial nº 1/11 de 3 de Janeiro Sector Empresarial

  14. The Institucional Framework Ministry of Economy: Organizational Chart * Fonte: Decreto Presidencial nº 1/11 de 3 de Janeiro Sector Empresarial

  15. The Institucional Framework MinistryofEconomy - Technical Office for the State Entrepreneurial Sector (SES) • Plays a strategic Role, specifically: • Preparationofpolicyproposalonthe SES • Legislative proposals in the field of privatization • Performingstudiesonthe SES * Fonte: Decreto Presidencial nº 1/11 de 3 de Janeiro Sector Empresarial

  16. The Institucional Framework Institute for Public Sector Entreprises • Plays a Tecnical Role: • Treatment of issues related to the SES and the processes of privatization and reprivatization • Monitoring and technical assistance to companies • Decreto 37/09 de 13 de Agosto Sector Empresarial

  17. The Institucional Framework Institute for Public Sector Entreprises SpecificTasks • Evaluationofstrategic, businessandinvestmentplansand anual and plurianual budgets; • Propose methods and standards for accountability and enforce the terms of accountability; • Propose management tools for the organization of inventory and assets of the public enterpreneurial sector Fonte: Decreto 37/09 de 13 de Agosto Sector Empresarial

  18. The Institucional Framework Institute for Public Sector Entreprises SpecificTasks (Cont.) • “Opiniononthe financial reportsandstatements; • Propose inspections to the financial activity of enterprises; • Keep up dated technical, economic and financial data; • Propose the necessary tools to ensure the effective management of state shareholdings Fonte: Decreto 37/09 de 13 de Agosto Sector Empresarial

  19. The Institucional Framework Institute for Public Sector Entreprises (OrganizationalChart) Fonte: Decreto 37/09 de 13 de Agosto Sector Empresarial

  20. The Institucional Framework MonitoringofStateOwnedEnterprisesDepartment - Department of Management of State Holdings • Control and Monitoring of SOE’s in each of the following 4 areas (domains): • Governance; • Operations • Financial Reporting • Compliance Sector Empresarial

  21. The Angolan State Enterpreneurial Sector TheInstitutional Framework TheLegislationGoverningSOE’s Future Perspectives Sector Empresarial Público em Angola

  22. TheCurrentLegislationGoverningSOE’s The current legislation governing the SES is the following: • Law 9/95 LawofPublicEnterprises • Decree n.º 8/02 Regulation to theLawofPublicEnterprises • Law n.º 10/10 Amendments to theLawofPublicEnterprises Sector Empresarial Público em Angola

  23. FutureLegislationofthe SES • Under the restructuring process of the SES, the Government is expected to approve the following legal instruments: • Framework-Lawofthe SES – NewlawoftheStateEnterpreneurial Sector • Regulationoftheframeworklaw • The Statute (status) of Public Managers • RemunerationStatuteofPublicManagers Sector Empresarial Público em Angola

  24. The Angolan State Enterpreneurial Sector TheInstitutional Framework TheLegislationGoverningSOE’s 4.Future Perspectives Sector Empresarial Público em Angola

  25. Key Actions Developed by ISEP since its constitution: • Evaluation of the privatizations carried out from 1989 to 2009; • Evaluationof 53 strategicenterpriseswiththeviewoftheirrestruction; • Improvingtheaccountabilityofthepublicenterprises • Implementingthegoverningbodiesofpublicenterprises • Reformulation of the mechanism of monitoring of public enterprises through the fiscal boards • CapitalizationofPublicEnterprises • Human capital formationof SES Sector Empresarial Público em Angola

  26. KEY CHALLEGES • IncreasingtheeffectivenessandefficiencyofSOE´s; • Attracting, retaining and developing talents • Increase the quantity and quality of information on public enterprises THE KEY CHALLENGES FACING THE SES Sector Empresarial Público em Angola

  27. ThankYou! Ministry of Economy Institute for Public Sector Enterprises

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