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Connecting the Two Wars!

Connecting the Two Wars!. Part 3 Bringing the Twin Wars Together. Session 3.14 Connecting the Two Wars! Session 3.15 A Clash of Narratives Session 3.16 Three Cultures – Three Futures. Outline. The Great Satan This War Is About Western Decadence Nominally Christian – Practically Atheists

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Connecting the Two Wars!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Connecting the Two Wars!

  2. Part 3 Bringing the Twin Wars Together • Session 3.14 Connecting the Two Wars! • Session 3.15 A Clash of Narratives • Session 3.16 Three Cultures – Three Futures

  3. Outline • The Great Satan • This War Is About Western Decadence • Nominally Christian – Practically Atheists • Ideology and Public Life • Two-Front Offensive • The Kingdom Offensive

  4. The Great Satan • Read • John 8:4 • Revelation 20:3, 7-8 • Question • What do these reveal about Satan, his nature and his strategy?

  5. U.S.A. as the Great Satan • One nation under man proclaims: • There is no God • There is no truth • There are no morals • Man is an animal • Sex is for recreation and entertainment • These are all deceptions, the work of Satan

  6. This War Is About Western Decadence

  7. Letter to the American People • Sunday, Nov. 24, 2002 • Two Questions: • (Q1) Why are we fighting and opposing you? • Q2) What are we calling you to, and what do we want from you?

  8. Reflection • What is bin Laden saying? • What is your response to his accusations?

  9. This War Is about DECADENCE! • Harvard Prof. Samuel Huntington wrote: “In Muslim eyes Western secularism, irreligiosity, and hence immorality are worse evils than the Western Christianity that produced them. …” • Questions: • What is the Muslims’ assumption? • Is their assumption correct? • Why do they have this picture?

  10. Nominally Christian –Practically Atheists

  11. Common Reasoning • Question: As Muslims look at the West, what is their reasoning?

  12. GOD Creation Two Worldviews Evangelical Gnosticism Biblical Theism

  13. Faith Theology Ethics Missions Devotional Life Gospel Reason Science Business/economics Politics Art/music Physical ministry Bread The Greek Dichotomy Higher more important SPIRITUAL (sacred) GRACE Sunday Lower less important PHYSICAL (secular) NATURE Weekdays

  14. Evangelical Gnosticism Spiritual focus Heart – feed emotions What is God going to do for me? Christ “in me” Sunday Church Compartmentalized life Practical Atheists Biblical Theism Comprehensive focus Heart, mind, and will What does God want me to do for Him? Christ in me and in the world Monday Church Comprehensive life Consciously Christian Two Worldviews

  15. Compartmentalization

  16. Reflection • Where do you see this separation in: • Your own life? • Your church? • Give examples

  17. Ideology and Public Life • There is never any separation of ideology from public life. • A person’s ideology will inform public life.

  18. Ideology and Public Life Ideological Pluralism Atheists’ Proclamation Evangelical Gnosticism Institutional Pluralism (separation of church and state) Marriage of Church and State Atheists’ Practice – Freedom from religion Judeo-Christian Theism Reformed/moderate Islam Freedom of religion Jihadism – Tyranny of religion A Foundational Ideology * *Judeo-Christian Theism Atheism Islam

  19. Two-Front Offensive • In the West - The Cultural War – A War of Spirit and Ideas • From the East - Jihad – The Hot War • Both are wars of vision and ideas. • Thoughtful Christians must engage in each conflict.

  20. Militant Atheism • Europe • America Traditional Transcendent Societies Judeo-Christian Theism Moderate Islam counter offensive attack The Cultural War

  21. Jihad’s Hot War Jihad’s The Sword West Moderate Islam Atheists Christians Engage Submit Submit Evangelical Gnosticism Judeo-Christian Theism Submit Engage Co Belligerent

  22. Jihad – The Hot War

  23. The Kingdom Offensive

  24. Salt and Light • Read Matt. 5:13-14 • Discuss • What is the nature of light? What does it do in a society? • What is the nature of salt? What does it do in a society? • What happens in a society when salt loses its saltiness? • What are the implications for our lives?

  25. Kingdom Offensive Christ and Him Crucified Thy Kingdom Come Truth Goodness Beauty Atheism Islam

  26. Kingdom Offensive Rebuilt Societies Reformed Cultures Repentant Souls and Regenerated Lives Gospel – Renewed Minds – Discipled Nations Consequences – Behavior – Values - Beliefs

  27. Promote Life Over Death Life is better than death. Health is better than sickness. Liberty is better than slavery. Prosperity is better than poverty. Education is better than ignorance. Justice is better than injustice.

  28. Muslims Coming to Christ “In every hour, 667 Muslims convert to Christianity, …. Every day, 16,000 Muslims convert to Christianity. Every year, 6 million Muslims convert to Christianity.” Sheikh Ahmad al Qataani Al-Jazeera December 2001

  29. Reasons People Are Coming to Christ • They are HARDWIRED for love • Repelled by the Jihadist hatred and violence • Responding to the love of Christ

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