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AP English : Welcome Back!

AP English : Welcome Back!. Freire Charter School Ms. Stacey Monday, September 24th, 2012. Class Bulletin: 9.24.12. Today’s learning objective: To define and identify the different literary points of view . What goes in the bin? Nada What goes on your desk?

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AP English : Welcome Back!

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  1. AP English:Welcome Back! Freire Charter School Ms. Stacey Monday, September 24th, 2012

  2. Class Bulletin: 9.24.12 • Today’s learning objective: • To define and identify the different literary points of view. • What goes in the bin? • Nada • What goes on your desk? • Notebook open for Word of the Day • Who has a make-up assignment to complete? • Kelli, Brentni, Shayna, Tierra, Jahneen, Yesell, Janae P., Alexis D., Charmaine • Who has an appt in the WC? • Mon 9/24: Ny-Drice P., Janae P. • Tues 9/25: Aigner F., Alexis D. • Thurs 9/27: Isaiah G., Yesell G.

  3. “TMC” Word #11Cluster C: Intensity EARNEST: deeply sincere; showing intense conviction and commitment based on deeply held beliefs. What is something that you believe in deeply and sincerely? On your sticky note, write earnestly to the person sitting next to you – trying to get the to see why this matter is so important to you. Do not use humor or sarcasm or anger – only focused solemnity.

  4. Perrine Chapter 5 Reading Check Answer the questions from last night’s reading. NO NOTES. You have 10 minutes.

  5. Lit Lesson 5: Point of View • What is point of view? • Who tells the story? • How much is this person allowed to know? • To what extent does the narrator ‘look inside’ the characters and report their feelings to the reader? • Omniscient • Third-Person Limited • First person • Objective

  6. Lit Lesson 5: Point of View • The Omniscient POV • Story told in 3rd person by narrator w/ unlimited knowledge • Can reveal thoughts + feelings of all characters and interpret/comment on them directly to reader • Is the most “flexible” point of view but can create confusion in the reader because the perspective changes from character to character. • LOOK FOR: Descriptions of how a character feels or insights into what they are thinking.

  7. Lit Lesson 5: Point of View • The Limited POV • Story told in 3rd person, but through viewpoint of only one character -- narrator never “leaves this character’s side” • Narrator may know more about character than character knows about him/herself—but narrator has no knowledge of other characters other than what they say/do. • ***What this character ‘notices’ and comments upon is an important aspect of characterization!!!*** • Limited narrator may simply be a narrator—an outsider—but may also be a participant in story. • LOOK FOR: Descriptions of how only one character feels or insights into what they are thinking—but observations only of everyone else.

  8. Lit Lesson 5: Point of View • Stream of Consciousness • A “variant” of 3rd person limited POV • A story told in an apparently random “flow” of thoughts within one character’s head • Mingles memories and current experiences • Transitions between time and topics may be ‘psychological’ instead of logical

  9. Lit Lesson 5: Point of View • First Person • Author ‘disappears’ within a character, who then tells the story through their voice • Narrator may be a: • Major / minor character • The protagonist / an outside observer • muy importante; will greatly affect our interpretation and significance of a story. • First person narration denies the author the opportunity to directly comment on the story • Enables dramatic irony – when the reader perceives or can infer/predict something more than the character can.

  10. Lit Lesson 5: Point of View • Objective • AKA the ‘dramatic’ perspective - a ‘fly on the wall’ • Story is told solely through what can be seen and heard; no comment, interpretation, or insight into the characters’ minds. • The ‘purest’ form of this POV would be a story told in all dialogue. • Requires readers to make all their own inferences.

  11. Let’s Practice! • Working with your neighbor, read the literary excerpts on the handout (9-10A) and complete the POV questions.

  12. Homework for Tues 9.25.12 Complete Point of View Handout (9-10A) If you have an assessment to make-up, you *must* do so after-school today or tomorrow—if this cannot work, you must talk with me NOW to make other arrangements.

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