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's Uploads
20 Uploads
Spotlight on CMS & HHS Updates to Combat Disasters
11 vues
Spotlight on CMS & HHS Updates to Combat Disasters
42 vues
Effective Use of NCD, LCD, and NCCI Edits for Clean Claims
71 vues
Confront Tough Orthopedic Billing & Coding Challenges Before it's Too Late!
42 vues
Transition and Flexibility Are the Buzzwords for QPP 2018 Proposed Rule
29 vues
Pair These ICD-10 2018 Official Guideline Updates With Their Code Set Counterparts
51 vues
MACRA, QPP, MIPS and APMs Rules of the Game
38 vues
Will CPT® 2017 Settle Drug-Screen Coding Once and For All?
40 vues
ICD-10-CM 2018 Posted! Let the Update Games Begin
49 vues
Ins and Outs of Knee Coding
129 vues
Avoid Confusion on Infusions! Infusion and Injection Coding Tips and Tricks
78 vues
2017 CCI Updates to Ensure Revenue Integrity!
63 vues
Cardiology Coding: Changes You Need to Know for 2017!
118 vues
CPT® 2017 At-A-Glance: Transluminal Balloon Angioplasty
91 vues
Don’t Land in Hot Water-Audit Proof your Coding and Documentation
85 vues
Implementing an Effective Compliance Plan in Response to a Medicare Audit
87 vues
2017 ICD-10-CM: Updates and Challenges for Orthopedics
183 vues
Top Tips for ICD-10
118 vues
Are You Prepared for Yet Another Challenging Year Under ICD-10?
60 vues
Master CPT® 2016-2017 Code Changes in Seconds with Fast Coder
170 vues