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Information Management Workgroup. Includes PI representation from the five primary university participants . Members:. Goals of Data Management:. Coordinate sound data management practices including data assimilation, QA/QC, archival, documentation and availability.
Information Management Workgroup Includes PI representation from the five primary university participants. Members:
Goals of Data Management: • Coordinate sound data management practices including data assimilation, QA/QC, archival, documentation and availability. • Coordinate timely delivery of appropriate data and metadata to modelers, forecasting centers, emergency management personnel, and others. 3. Demonstrate a national model for observing system data management via coordination of a regional capacity for exchange of data, metadata and derived products in accordance with emerging national IOOS standards.
Identification of IM processing & innovations that must be tailored to support other WG milestones and be IOOS compliant Functions: Aggregation Analysis Visualization Prediction Assimilation Standards • Data Sources: • Obs • RS • Model output Delivery Interfaces QA/QC • Products: • Documentation • Data • User-defined tools & applications
Brief Summary of Progress to Date • Networking and problem-solving: DMCC continues to deal with ongoing challenges. • Standards development. • Standard vocabulary (data dictionary) established. • Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) metadata generated. • Meta-Door implementation • Data formatting and transfer processes. • Initial assessment of DODS/OPeNDAP completed. • MapServer Internet mapping capabilities utilized for integrated data discovery and display -- additional features, e.g. multiple data layer overlays, good technical • Both netCDF and Relational Data Base (RDB) DODS servers have been established at each institution. The DODS RDB server has been shown to be technically feasible and is in place for use when needed.
Progress to Date (Continued) • Documentation: Web postings on tools and data aggregation efforts & issues. See (http://caro-coops.org/bb/viewtopic.php?t=249), internal Celoxis site, & SURA Wiki. • Development of initial Internet mapping interfaces and data workflows for in-situ observations, merged model output, and remote sensing observations. • OpenIOOS: SEACOOS provided map images of in-situ wind speed/direction and SST via the OpenGIS Consortium (OGC) Web Mapping Service (WMS) protocol. • All SEACOOS data are OGC-compliant. • Interface required for merging real-time data with model products completed. • Enhancement of Web portals for dissemination of data and metadata. • Access to external data streams to support modeling and outreach efforts, e.g. UC Santa Cruz' in-situ SST data, external satellite data from JPL, & external in situ data from NOAA NBDC, NWLON/CO-OPS, and NWS.
SEACOOS Information Management Provides Essential Elements for IOOS and SECOORA • Lessons learned and standards/products/protocols developed during evolution of SEACOOS can provide guidance for development of information management systems on a local/regional/national scale. • Standards/products/protocols developed by SEACOOS can feed directly into IOOS-scale activities, e.g. OpenIOOS. • Communications structure and support evolved by SEACOOS can provide a fundamental element for developing SECOORA network. • The information management interactive “culture” is a model for the networking community essential for IOOS and SECOORA.
The SEACOOS “Experience” Identified Important IM Requirements: • Development of an effective communications structure and networked problem-solving information management team, which must also interface with data providers and users, and key institutional personnel. • Provision of sufficient resources, e.g. personnel, infrastructure, travel funds. • Establishment of sound practices, including standards, common protocols, and documentation. • Sufficient redundancy and backup. • Utilization and testing of multiple technologies. • Multiple lines of access to data and derived products. • Web publication process that minimizes bottlenecks.