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Welcome to Computer Class. Ms. Torres & Mr. Greene. September 1, 2010. Welcome Back to a New Year. We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to a brand new school year. We hope that you have enjoyed your summer and are ready to embark on an exciting school year.
Welcome to Computer Class Ms. Torres & Mr. Greene September 1, 2010
Welcome Back to a New Year We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to a brand new school year. We hope that you have enjoyed your summer and are ready to embark on an exciting school year. We would like to encourage you to talk to us if you don’t understand something or you have something to share. You will find that we are good listeners. We hope to make this year a good one for all. Your Computer Science Teachers
Tips to Succeeding in Computer Class • Listen Carefully During Instruction • Be Interested in the Lesson • Have a Positive Attitude • Always Try Your Best
Here's What You Can Expect From Us For our students, we will provide: • A structured yet fun learning environment • Individually tailored lessons to meet your needs and accentuate your strengths • Educational support in the area of Computer Science • Extra help on an as needed basis
Learning Styles • We understand that each of our students learns differently. It may be quite different from the way that we try to present something to you. Please tell us if you don't understand it the way we say it the first time. Also let us know if there is some strategy that you know works for you - we will be willing to give it a try. We will do our best to accommodate your needs.
Quia • This year I will be implementing the use of a course management system called Quia. • This system allows me to create an online classroom for each class period where I can provide the students with class assignments and materials, as well as create fun, interactive activities, quizzes, and tests. • Each student will have a user name and password to logon to our course classroom. • I am hoping that this type of online environment will engage students, increase student production and interest.
The Grading System • I am implementing a new grading system this year, that I feel, will ensure that all students are held accountable for the amount of work they complete. • Students are required and expected to work each and everyday, for the entire period. • This grading system will be further discussed in the class syllabus.
Computer Science Syllabus • High School Classes • Middle School Classes • Middle/Elementary School Classes
Classroom Rules 1. Have respect for others. 2. Be on time and ready to work. 3. Always raise your hand to speak. 4. Use a pass to leave. 5. Sit correctly. 6. Put bags along the wall. 7. Follow dress code. 8. No food, drinks or candy. 9. Listen when others speak. 10. Always try your best.
Classroom Rules & Regulations As listed in the Parent-Student Handbook, the rules are: 1. Raise hand before calling out. 2. Remain in assigned seat. 3. Remain quiet while others are speaking. 4. Remain on task. 5. Refrain from disruptive behaviors. 6. Be on time for class. 7. Follow directions. 8. Be prepared for class. 9. Participate, speak, and behave appropriately 10. Be respectful of other’s opinions.
Class Procedures • Students are expected to work each day from the start of the period until the end of the period on the assigned tasks. • Each student will be instructed on the material, either as a group or individually, and is then expected to complete all problems assigned. Incomplete questions or parts of a project disregarded, will be marked wrong if the student hands their work in without first discussing the problem with the teachers. • There will be days that we will strictly be working out of a textbook, on a ditto or other group activity.
Class Procedures Continued • All students must put their name and date on each and every paper. This point cannot be stressed enough. Since many of your assignments will be completed on the computer, they will look just like everyone else’s work. For this reason it is imperative that your name be on it. If we receive papers without names those papers will not get credit.
Class Procedures Continued • There will be no use of headphones for listening to music or watching videos. Do not bring them to any class. They should be handed in upon entry to the building. • If there is something I want the class to hear I will bring it up on the projector for everyone to see and hear. • All students are expected to try their BEST to complete their assignments. If you try, you will NEVER fail! If you simply refuse to complete an assignment, put your head down on your desk, or not listen during a lesson, your grade will be penalized.
Transition of Classes Students will remain in their classrooms until Mr. Corbett or another staff member says switch. There will be no loitering outside of the classroom door. Do not open the door – the teachers will do this. At this time, students will move quickly and quietly to their next class. There should be no talking, passing notes, hugging, huddling, running, pushing or holding hands. Also be reminded that you should stay to the right while navigating through the hallways
The Teacher’s Desk & Closet • The Teacher’s Desk and anything behind it is off limits to students. You may not go into the teacher’s desk nor may you sit at the desk. • You may not use the terminal at the teacher’s desk, DO NOT ASK. • Students should not open or remove anything from the closet or file cabinets. • Anything that is hanging on the walls or on the white board should also be left alone.
Classroom Computers & the Internet • If you are given an assignment for which the computer will be used you will only use the programs which you are asked to use. You will always have an educational purpose in being on the computer. • Students should not expect to be “surfing the net” on a daily basis. Internet and computer use will be on an “as needed” basis and with teacher permission. The computers are not for personal use – do not ask us to use them for this purpose. • You are not to save any material on the network that has not been assigned by a teacher. Accounts will be checked regularly and unnecessary material removed. • Be aware, there will be NO FREE DAYS!
Computer Use During Homeroom & Lunch • Computer use during homeroom and lunch is currently not allowed. • This is a direction given by Mr. Corbett.
Smart Sync 2009 Software • Most students are aware that we have monitoring software installed on all terminals and laptops in the building. • This is for the protection of the students as well as the staff. • Keep in mind that specific software applications can be restricted. If you are using programs that you are not supposed to, I will block them. • If you are searching the Web and not working on the assigned tasks, I will block your access to the Internet or to the entire room if it is deemed necessary.
Parent Teacher Communication • At times it may be necessary for us to speak with parents. We will call home as necessary for both good and bad things. • Please keep this in mind as you complete your assignments and interact with other students and staff.
The No Physical Contact Rule • Under no circumstances is it okay for any student to touch another student. Also students are not allowed to touch teachers nor should teachers touch students. We WON’T touch YOU and You DON’T touch Us!
Hall Passes & the 10-minute Rule • No hall passes will be issued during the first ten minutes or the last ten minutes of class. • You may not leave the room without permission nor without a pass. You must have a destination. You will not be permitted to just walk in the hallway. When you do leave the room you are expected to go to and from your destination quickly and quietly so as not to disturb our class or other classes. • Only one person will be issued a pass at any given time. • If you wish to see the nurse or a counselor, we MUST call first. Do not just walk to their offices.
School Rules and Procedures • Move quickly and quietly in the halls while changing classes. • Come into the classroom quietly and sit in your assigned seat. • Never enter a classroom unless a staff member is present. • Follow the ten minute rule. • Students will practice all drills (fire, emergency, etc.) calmly and quietly for maximum safety.
Fire Drills & Code Red Drills • If there is a fire drill in and you are in Room 10: • Remain calm and turn right to exit the building through the door where the buses drop off and pick up students. • When you proceed down the steps, you will walk to the left of the green dumpster outside. • If a “Code Red” is called by Mr. Corbett or Mrs. Stackhouse, you are to immediately to go to the back corner of the classroom next to the closet. One of us will open the closet door and everyone will remain there on the floor, quiet until the drill is over. You are to follow all directions that are given by us.
Front Door & Visitors to the School • Under no circumstances is a student allowed to open any door to the building to let someone in. • This is extremely important and meant to keep the students and staff at school safe. • If you hear the door bell or someone knock at the back door, please alert your teacher, or if you are in the hallway, Mrs. Stackhouse.
Teasing and Harassment The bottom line is . . . • Under no circumstances will teasing or harassment be tolerated.
In Conclusion . . . We hope that you have a great school year.