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Session 19

Session 19. Conversion of Parts of Speech 词类转译. 英语的语态是动词的一种形式,分为主动语态 和被动语态。汉语也有主动句与被动句之分 。 所谓“语态转译”,就是在英汉互译过程中,将主 动语态的句子转译为被动语态的句子,或者将被动 语态的句子转译为主动语态的句子。主动句的主要 成分是“主语 — 谓语 — 宾语”,这在英语和汉语中是一 致的。然而英语和汉语的被动句的结构就略有不同 了。英语被动句是由助动词加上动词的过去分词构 成的,而汉语被动句的构成则没有动词的变化,只

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Session 19

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  1. Session 19 Conversion of Parts of Speech 词类转译

  2. 英语的语态是动词的一种形式,分为主动语态 和被动语态。汉语也有主动句与被动句之分。 所谓“语态转译”,就是在英汉互译过程中,将主 动语态的句子转译为被动语态的句子,或者将被动 语态的句子转译为主动语态的句子。主动句的主要 成分是“主语—谓语—宾语”,这在英语和汉语中是一 致的。然而英语和汉语的被动句的结构就略有不同 了。英语被动句是由助动词加上动词的过去分词构 成的,而汉语被动句的构成则没有动词的变化,只 须使用一系列标志词来表明句子的被动结构即可。 这类标志词主要是“被”、“受”、“遭”、“挨”、“叫”、“让” 等等。它们可以用作助词表被动意义,亦可用作介词 引出动作发出者。

  3. 同英语相比,汉语被动句的使用范围小得多。有人同英语相比,汉语被动句的使用范围小得多。有人 曾做过统计,《水浒传》全书仅用了120个被动句; 而在一段有关石油勘测的英语短文中,全段14个谓 语动词,就有13个用了被动语态。造成这种汉语被 动句使用范围小的原因可能很多,但主要原因有三 个。第一个原因是汉语中有许多动词既可用来表示 主动意义,又可用来表达被动意义,正如倜西先生 (2002:74)所说,“汉语之所以少用被动句大概 与古汉语有关,因为在古汉语中有一个很特别的语 言现象:好些动词可以既表示主动,又表示被动, 因此无所谓主动句或被动句。” 第二个原因是汉语 是意合语言,这就决定了汉语在句子的构成上不太 注重形式的整合,而是注重意义的粘连。

  4. 因此,汉语句子即使不用被动句的标志 性词语,也可以表达被动意义。第三个原因 是汉语大量使用无主句。无主语句是汉语的 一大优势。 以上这些原因决定了在英汉翻译过程中, 会有相当一部分英语被动句给转译为汉语主 动句。如果为了保留原文结构而过多地使用 被动语态标志性词语,只会使译文显得生硬 拗口,晦涩难懂。而在汉英翻译过程中,则 需要根据英文表达习惯,将一些汉语主动句 转译为英语被动句。下面分英译汉、汉译英 两大部分例证语态转译这种变通技巧。

  5. 一. 语态转译在英译汉中的运用 • 1.1 英语被动句译为汉语主动句 • 英语被动语态的句子在大多数情况下被翻译成汉语 • 主动语态的句子,这是英汉翻译中的客观现象,这种 • 现象是由英汉两种语言的习惯表达特点所决定的。 • 1.1.1 英语被动句的形式主语在汉语译文中仍作主语 • The cratermay have been caused by an asteroid • crashing into the earth some time during the Cre- • taceous period 65 million years ago.这个断裂口 • 可能是6500万年前白垩纪时期一个小行星撞击地 • 球形成的。 • (2)Her husband could be freed on bail within months. • 她丈夫有可能在几个月内保释出来。

  6. (3) Whiledetails of the aid package were being ironed out, the company was placed in receivership. 尽 管一揽子援助计划的细节仍在完善,这家公司已 经被内定为受援单位。 (4) Police nationwidewill be mobilized to deal a tel- ling blow to smuggling activities, which are said to be crippling efforts by the localities to raise themselves above the poverty line.全国警察都 将动员起来严厉打击走私活动。据说,那些地方 为了尽快脱贫,不惜搞危害极大的走私活动。 (5) Result slips for the putonghua proficiency test will be issued to the test-takers tomorrow.普通 话水平考试成绩单将于明天发给参加考试者。 只要认真观察一下就不难看出,以上五个翻译的

  7. 句子形式上看来是汉语主动语态句子,实际上是句子形式上看来是汉语主动语态句子,实际上是 表达被动意义的句子,是未带被动语态标志词语 的被动句,因为其主语都是受动者。 1. 1. 2 英语被动句的逻辑主语在汉语译文中作 主语,其形式主语在译文中作宾语 (6) The Malaysian stock market has been battered by investors, a spillover from the economic melt- down in neighboring Thailand. 股票投资者重创 马来西亚股票市场,这是受其近邻泰国经济灾难 的间接影响出现的。 (7) The sluggishness in the economy cannot be exp- lained by cyclical factors; we need structural chan- ges. 周期性因素并不能解释经济停滞不前的原因; 我们需要进行经济结构改革。

  8. (8) This eulogy to the world’s most famous recor- ding studio is bolstered by archive film footage dating back several decades.几十年前拍摄的资 料片片段证明了这家世界最著名的录音工作室对 自己获得的赞誉当之无愧。 (9) Nine documents on cooperation in economy, law and justice, science and technology, and culture were also signed betweenthe two governments. 两国政府还签署了9个关于经济、法律、科技和 文化合作的文件。 (10) Franklin’s break came when she was hired by King’s College in 1950 to work on the DNA project as a crystallographer—mapping the location of atoms within a structure.

  9. 1950年,富兰克林的机会来了,国王学院聘用她作1950年,富兰克林的机会来了,国王学院聘用她作 为晶体绘制员参加DNA项目研究——她负责绘制一 个结构内原子的位置图。 1. 1. 3 英语被动句译成汉语判断句 (11) Science is discovered by a process of inquiry, observation, and experiment. 科学的道理是通 过询问、观察、实验这样一个过程发现的。 (12) It is estimated that only one-quarter of the tech- nologists needed by industry are produced by tertiary-level schools. 据估计,工业需要的工艺 师只有四分之一是高等学校培养出来的。

  10. (13) These problems involve primarily the oceans and atmosphere—the commons which are shared by all and are the basis of our life-sup- port system. 这些问题主要涉及海洋和大气层, 而海洋和大气层是人类所共有的,是维持生命 系统的基础。 (14) Many reports followed with descriptions of fine weather. Some of them were even written in verse.接下来的是许多描绘好天气的报告。有 些报告甚至是用诗歌形式写的 (15) I was told that the letter had been posted last night.有人告诉我,那封信是昨晚投递的。 1. 1. 4英语被动句译成汉语无主句 (16) Legislative pull is needed before the city’s slums

  11. and shanty towns can be bulldozed.消除城市 贫民窟,需要采取立法措施。 (17) Entomologists claim that older bees can suffer from jet-lag if they are transported overseas by airplane. 昆虫学家们称,如果把较老的蜜蜂空运 到国外,那么它们也会患时差综合症。 (18) A spacecraft hasn’t yet been chosen for a mis- sion to Pluto, the only planet smaller than Mer- cury. 还没有选定飞往冥王星的航天器,冥王星 是唯一比水星小的行星。 (19) No money is allocated for the mission itself, however. 然而,飞行任务本身没有任何拨款。 (20) Therefore, effective measures should be taken to control the size of cities so that they can grow

  12. healthily and steadily. 因此,必须采取有效措施 控制城市规模,让城市健康平稳地发展。 1. 1. 5英语被动句译为带有适当主语的汉语主动句 有些英语被动句只有形式主语,没有逻辑主语, 即行为的施动者没有出现。根据汉语表达习惯,可 将这样的英语被动句翻译成带有适当主语的汉语主 动句。 (21) The leasing portfolio is not just a sideline; it is seen as a way of getting a foothold in other business. 租赁组合不只是一种副业;人们认 为这是争取在其他行业立足的一个办法。 (22) In the study, the cow cells were exposed to extracts from twenty-three red wines, four white wines, one rose and one type of red

  13. grape juice. 在研究中,研究人员将母牛细胞 分别置于二十三种红葡萄酒、四种白葡萄酒、 一种玫瑰葡萄酒和一种红葡萄汁的提取液中。 (23) Vitamin C is much more than just a tonic for resisting colds. It is also known to play an important role in the prevention of cancer and the promotion of a healthy heart and vascular system. 维生素C决不仅仅是可以御寒的补药。 人们还知道,维生素C在防癌、在促进心脏以 及脉管系统的健康方面也起着重要的作用。 (24) Well-known as an actor and the husband of quarter of a century younger actress Catherine Zeta-Jones, it is less known that Douglas is a prolific producer of films. 作为一名演员和作为

  14. 比他小1/4世纪的女演员凯瑟琳·泽塔-琼斯的 丈夫,道格拉斯可谓尽人皆知,但并非很多 人知道他是一位多产的电影制片人。 (25) I was promised the pie in the sky by and by. 有人许诺,不久以后天上有馅饼掉下来给我。 1. 2 英语主动句译为汉语被动句 (26) The government has vowed to sweep all shoddy and fake goods off the shelves. In addition, stiff penalties loom for counterfeiters. 政府发誓将假冒伪劣商品彻底清除出货架。此 外,假冒伪劣商品生产厂家将受到严厉惩处。 (27) The sale of assets by the railway company could well kill a proposed deal for joint opera- tions with a road haulage firm. 这家铁路公司

  15. 出售资产,完全有可能使其与一家公路运输 公司拟议的联合经营被取消。 (28) It’s a good thing that you didn’t go there. I ran there, and I almost froze to death.幸亏你没去, 我跑到那里,差点儿没被冻死。 (29) Single-sex schools are losing out to co-educa- tional institutions.单一性别的学校越来越不受 欢迎,正被男女学生混合的学校所取代。 (30) American values receive a warm welcome in the home.美国人的价值观在家庭中受到热烈 欢迎。 二.语态转译在汉译英中的运用 2.1 汉语主动句译为英语被动句

  16. 为数不少的汉语主动句给翻译为英语被动句, 这也成为翻译中的一个客观事实。 2.1.1 原文主语在译文中仍作主语 许多汉语句子虽然没有表被动语态的标志性 词语,即形式上是主动语态的句子,但实际上是 表达被动意义的。这样的句子的主语不是行为的 执行者,即不是真正的逻辑主语,而是行为的接 受者。下面是一些形式上为主动语态、实际上表 达被动意义的汉语主动句,因此它们都给翻译成 英语的被动句,其译文不但忠于原文,而且符合 英语习惯表达法。 (31) 随着分子生物学和组合化学的发展,一种具 有抗除草剂遗传性质的新棉花品种已经培育 出来了。 Thanks to molecular biology and

  17. combinatory chemistry, a new cotton strain that is genetically resistant to herbicides has been developed. (32) 窗框上装有循环水,它可以为居室的主人带走 很多他发觉不到的天敌,又可以送进来他需要 而又不易得到的芳香和养分。 The window frame will be filled with circulatory water, which will remove things harmful to the resi- dent without his knowledge and carry to him fragrance and nutrients which he much needs but are otherwise hard for him to get. (33) 我们过去十年所做的一切工作就要化为乌有了。 All the work we have done in the last ten years is about to be destroyed.

  18. (34) 是强化煤炭等传统骨干产业的投资力度呢,还 是扶植电子等幼龄产业成长——在这个问题上, 当局内部颇有分歧。The authoritiesare divi- ded overwhether to put more investment mu- scle into the traditional pillar industries, such as coal, or to massage the growth of infant industries, such as electronics. (35) 许多严重的政治分歧没有在联合声明中提及, 外交官们认为,联合声明为了避免分歧而故意 在一系列观点上措辞含糊。 Many serious poli- tical differences were kept out of sight in a joint statement that diplomats said was made deli- berately vague on a number of points to avoid disagreement.

  19. (36) 花树虫鸟,山水人物都可以在丝绸上绣的栩栩 • 如生、色彩优美。 Flowers and birds, lands- • capes and figurescan be embroidered on silk • fabricsin vivid, elegant colors. • 2.1.2 原文宾语在译文中作主语 • (37) 老师向学生传授几何学基本原理,鼓励他们完 • 善自己的空间想象能力。The students are in- • troduced to the fundamentals of geometry and • encouraged to refine their spatial-visualization • skills. • (38) 人们可从许多方面了解苏州的文化传统,而最 • 令人称叹的是,苏州的现代化计划成功地保留 • 了其作为历史文化名城的特点。 The cultural • traditions of Suzhou can be seen in many

  20. ways, and what makes them more admirable is the fact that in the modernization program today, Suzhou has successfully maintained its distinguishing features as a famous historical and cultural city. (39) 一家人家生了一个男孩,合家高兴透顶了。 When a baby boy is born to a family, there is immense joy in the whole household. (40) 雾遮没了正对着后窗的 一带山峰。The mountain peaks opposite to the back window were veiled in fog. 2.1.3 汉语无主句翻译成英语被动句 (41) 必须加快现代企业制度建设,深化经济体制 改革。The establishment of a modern corpo-

  21. rate system must be accelerated and economic restructuring deepened. (42) 清理和减少了行政审批事项。Administrative procedures for examination and approval were rectified and reduced. (43) 加大重点支出项目的投入和保障力度,维护 改革发展稳定大局。More funds will be allo- cated and guaranteedfor key expenditures to safeguard the overall interests of reform, development and stability. (44) 还没有决定采用哪个计划,所以我们只能等待。 It has not been decided which plan to be adop- ted,therefore, we have no choice but to wait.

  22. (45) 应当坚定不移地执行改革开放的基本国策。 Efforts should be made to firmly carry out the basic state policy of reform and opening up to the outside world. 以上五句都是典型的汉语无主句,其主语不必 说出来。它们都给翻译成带有适当主语的英语的被 动句,这些译句虽然形式上与原句有所不同,但意 义上忠于原文。 2.1.4 带泛指主语的汉语主动句译为 带形式主语的英语被动句 带泛指主语的汉语主动句译为带形式主语的英 语被动句时,其形式主语通常是It,即用It来指代原 句宾语表达的意思,也可以是原文宾语从句的主语。 例如:

  23. (46) 人们发现,疟疾是蚊子携带的寄生虫传染的。 Itis foundthat malaria is caused by tiny pa- rasites carried by mosquitoes. (47) 其实,大家心中都很清楚,即使在最繁荣时期, 也总有人挨饿。As a matter of fact, ithas long been known that even during the most pros- perous period, there have been people without enough to eat. (48) 几个世纪以来,人们一直以为哺乳动物和鸟类 与其它动物的区别在于它们调节体温的方式。 For centuriesit has been recognized that mam- mals and birds differ from other animals in the way they regulate their body temperature. (49) 大家认为,由她去执行这项任务再合适不过了。

  24. She is considered to to be the most appro- priate person to carry out the mission. (50) 有人看见他趁大家午睡的时间,悄悄地溜出了 房间。He was seen to slip out of the house when the others were having an afternoon nap. 2.2 汉语被动句译为英语主动句 (51) 有些地方教师住房仍然不足,教育工作者的工 资经常被拖欠。Housing for teachers is still in- adequate in some areas, andteachers’ pay is often in arrears. (52) 半夜要煨银尔,伺候主人耍钱;头钱从来没分, 有时还挨皮鞭……I boil white fungus for him late at night. I wait on him at his gambling table with- out ever getting a tip. Instead I sometimes get

  25. a good threshing… (53) 当然她们是被搂在幸福之神的怀抱里了。青春 的爱娇,活泼快乐的心情,她们是多么可羡慕 的人生呢! Young and light-hearted, they were indeed basking in the embrace of the god of happiness.How enviable their life was! (54) 海浪突然袭来,我被卷去了丈多远,口里灌进去 很多海水,咸的我大声叫喊“救命呀!救命呀!” Suddenly the violent waves came upon me and carried me quite a few metres away. “Help! Help!” I cried out with lots of salty seawater in my mouth. (55) 有些被他们抢走了,我也不心痛,因为第二天, 我又可以跑去海滩拾许多同样的回来。They

  26. takeaway some of the shells, but I don’t care at all, for the next day I can bring back from the beach as many replacements. (56) 这个年轻人应该受到惩罚。The young man de- serves punishing. (57) 回头一看,他就把他脸上的笑容改装成一副忧 郁的面色,好象他的笑容是怕被人看见似的。 He turned around and immediately assumed a melancholy expression, as if afraid to show his smile before strangers. 本章例证了英汉互译中语态转译这种变通手法。 总的说来,英语比汉语更喜欢使用被动句,因此, 许多英语被动句转译成汉语的主动句,许多汉语主 动句,特别是形式上的汉语主动句,转译成英语被

  27. 动句。可见,语态转译这种变通手法是建立在英语动句。可见,语态转译这种变通手法是建立在英语 和汉语的习惯表达法的基础上的。值得注意的是, 许多具体实例既可翻译为主动句,又可翻译为被动 句,究竟做何取舍,必须具体情况具体分析,必须 以翻译原则为准绳,同时考虑语境因素的制约。

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