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PC’s For Racine County Program Proposal. September 26, 2005 Michael F. Pitsch Executive Director Tech Corps Wisconsin, Inc. What is TCW?.
PC’s For Racine County Program Proposal September 26, 2005 Michael F. Pitsch Executive Director Tech Corps Wisconsin, Inc.
What is TCW? • Tech Corps Wisconsin, Inc. is a statewide, non-profit volunteer organization dedicated to bridging the digital divide by providing access to technology for those who traditionally do not have this access. • We have an ten year track record of doing this work from a small to a very large scale.
PROJECT SUMMARY AND OVERVIEW • The PC’s For Racine County project (PCFRC)is directed at reducing the “digital divide” in Racine County. The “digital divide” describes the gap between people who have access to technology and those who don’t. PCFRC will address this “divide” by placing personal computer systems into the homes of qualifying families. Placing refurbished computers into the homes of families who don’t have the financial means to purchase a computer will not only enhance the children’s education but it will also allow the parents to become part of the larger community competing for education and employment.
This pilot project seeks to provide a minimumof 1000 Racine County residents with the toolsand skills necessary to compete for jobs and educational opportunities over a three year period. • The key elements of this program are: • PII and PIII refurbished desktop and laptop computer systems • Technical support for one year (phone, email and carry-in) • Computer skills training (5 plus hours) • BridgeNet dialup or broadband wireless Internet service for one year
PROJECT GOALS AND OBJECTIVES • This project is in alignment with the RCEDC economic development plan (Our Community's Plan for Economic Development) in a number of areas, but especially the following: • CHALLENGE SIX • To ensure greater social equity and economic opportunity… • Strategies: • Sponsor a countywide initiative to increase the computer use and technological proficiency of the overall community; especially low-income, minority and the older population.
CHALLENGE ONE: To foster an entrepreneurial climate. To encourage innovation in support of existing business throughout Racine County. Strategies: Ensure that minority entrepreneurs are provided with appropriate training that will enable them to start successful small businesses; Develop the telecommunications infrastructure; The PC’s For Employees program is directed at reducing the “digital divide” in Racine County. PC’s For Employees addresses this ” divide” by placing personal computer systems into the homes of qualifying employees. This can be leveraged by companies to improve communication with employees and give employees access to online Human Resources information. The Surplus Outlet Store provides low cost computer systems and accessories to the general public. BridgeNet our dialup Internet service provides low cost Internet service to the general public. BridgeNet will initiate a wireless broadband Internet service starting in 2005. RCEDC Economic Development Plan (Our Community’s Plan for Economic Development) Tech Corps Wisconsin Programs
CHALLENGE TWO To recognize the importance of the knowledge economy to Racine County's future. Strategies: Focus on the recruitment and development of a talented workforce; The PC’s for Youths Program (PCFY) serves at-risk youth by providing software and hardware skills and provides an opportunity to receive a free computer for themselves and to build and give one to a friend or relative. TCW has internship and volunteer opportunities for those who wish to learn software and hardware skills. We also provide the opportunity to earn one half the cost of a computer system with sweat equity. RCEDC Economic Development Plan (Our Community’s Plan for Economic Development) Tech Corps Wisconsin Programs
CHALLENGE SIX To ensure greater social equity and economic opportunity through a commitment to an accountable and responsive public education system. Strategies: Explore creative alternatives for preparing and placing minority and disadvantaged students in technology-related employment; Sponsor a countywide initiative to increase the computer use and technological proficiency of the overall community; especially low-income, minority and the older population. The PC’s For Families program is directed at reducing the “digital divide” in Racine County. PC’s For Families addresses this divide” by placing personal computer systems into the homes of qualifying families, providing training and support in both English and Spanish. The PC’s for Students program provides laptop computers and Internet service to Racine high school students. The PCFRC program (proposed) is directed at reducing the “digital divide” in Racine County. The “digital divide” describes the gap between people who have access to technology and those who don’t. PC’s For Racine County addresses this divide” by placing personal computer systems into the homes of qualifying recipients. RCEDC Economic Development Plan (Our Community’s Plan for Economic Development) Tech Corps Wisconsin Programs
CHALLENGE SEVEN: To maintain and increase employment in Racine County. To create opportunities for low-income, disadvantaged and minority individuals. Strategies: Develop a plan to train central city residents and incumbent workers in high-demand technical occupations; TCW has internship and volunteer opportunities for those who wish to learn software and hardware skills. We also provide the opportunity to earn one half the cost of a computer system with sweat equity. The PC’s for Youths Program (PCFY) serves at-risk youth by providing software and hardware skills and provides an opportunity to receive a free computer for themselves and to build and give one to a friend or relative. PCFY is completely hands-on giving the youth the opportunity to gain real life technical and workforce skills. RCEDC Economic Development Plan (Our Community’s Plan for Economic Development) Tech Corps Wisconsin Programs
PCFRC - Howit will work • Recruiting Program recipients will be identified, selected and fed into the program by the following entities: • Racine County HS/WFD • GTC • Local NPO’s • Local companies and corporations • On-going analysis • GTC and WFD will monitor job placements and educational credits for program revisions. TCW will report pre and post test data. • Follow-up • GTC and WFD will report job placements and educational credits for program refinements. TCW will report pre and post test data.
PROGRAM COSTS The successful implementation and completion of this program will require funding in the approximate amount of $450,000 to $600,000 over the three year time span. These costs break down as follows: Computer ($150 each or $150,000.00 total) • Includes the purchase of computer components, i.e.. cdrom drives, modems, sound cards, software licensing fees, printers, usb cables, etc. to adapt the computers from corporate use to home use. These costs also include paid staff wages for volunteer supervision, refurbishing lab materials and overhead and administrative costs. Support ($100 each or $100,000.00 total) • Includes paid staff wages making repairs, for volunteer supervision, hardware costs, and overhead and administrative costs for phone, email and carry-in technical support.
PROGRAM COSTS(continued) Training ($100 each or $100,000.00 total) • Includes paid staff wages for volunteer supervision and overhead and administrative costs. These costs include setup and maintenance of training labs as well as Spanish/English curriculum writing, pre and post training testing. Internet Service (dialup) ($100 each or $100,000.00 total) • Includes paid staff wages for managing the system, for volunteer supervision and overhead and administrative costs. This includes software purchases and licensing as well as hardware and maintenance costs. Includes the subsequent telecommunication infrastructure and capital equipment purchases, required during the ramp up to 1000 users on the BridgeNet system.
PROGRAM COSTS(continued) Internet Service (broadband wireless) ($200 each or $200,000.00 total) • Includes paid staff wages for managing the system, for volunteer supervision and overhead and administrative costs. This includes software purchases and licensing as well as hardware and maintenance costs. Includes the subsequent telecommunication infrastructure and capital equipment purchases, required for the addition of broadband wireless users on the BridgeNet system. Note: there are no marketing costs built into this program.
UNKNOWN PROGRAM COSTS Literacy Training Work with Racine Literacy Council, etc. for referrals (approx. $25k) ESL Services Work with RUSD/Gateway agencies for referrals (approx $25k) ChildcareServices Work with NGN Daycare, etc. for provision ($?)
PROGRAM FUNDING SOURCES We anticipate funding from the following sources: Recipients ($150,000.00) • Having experience with providing computer systems both at no cost and at a nominal cost, we prefer to associate a cost with these computer systems. We believe that this cost should be $150 per recipient. We believe this to be a hand up not a hand out and that the program will sustain itself in subsequent years through user fees for these recipients. Government-related funding ($100,000.00) • We believe that the Workforce Development Center and other agencies can direct funding intended for the target audience into this endeavor. The WDC would play a major role in identifying and recruiting participants in this program, as well as providing on-going analysis of the program and end of program results information. Corporate investment ($100,000.00) • We believe that there is significant corporate self interest here and that funding via RCEDC, RAMAC etc. would be appropriate. These corporations would also play a major role in identifying and recruiting participants in this program.
PROGRAM FUNDING SOURCES (continued) We anticipate funding from the following sources: Private and Corporate Philanthropy ($100,000.00) • We believe that because of the broad support brought to this program from a large number of partners, foundations would see that a 25% investment would bring 100% results. Wireless provisioning partner ($100,000.00) • We anticipate the participation in these first year costs by a selected county-wide wireless partner Community-based nonprofit organizations ($100,000.00) • We believe that the minority community will be served greatly by this program. We expect that some economic development funding could be directed towards this program.
Community Recipient 11% 23% Recipient Government Philanthropy 22% Corporate Philanthropy Government Community 22% Corporate 22% PROGRAM FUNDING SOURCES (continued) • Program Funding
BridgeNet Wireless Broadband • How it will work Tech Corps Wisconsin (TCW) is expanding it's existing dial-up BridgeNet Internet service to include a wireless broadband option for commercial and residential customers. We are in the process of rolling out Wi-Fi, wireless broadband Internet service. Six antennas on our building roof at 1220 Mound Avenue will cover a one mile radius with 802.11 b/g high speed service. We are also planning another larger initiative, Wi- Max, with a ten mile radius for next year.
BridgeNet Wireless Broadband • How it will work • The service is expected to be fully operational in the Sept/Oct 2005 time frame at 10 to 20 mbps bandwidth for both residential and commercial customers with plan costs in a range from $200 to $400 annually. This service will be exclusive for a number of reasons: • • We will not only offer web and email access but complete antivirus, Windows update, antispam, and antispyware management as part of the basic package. • • Faster and less expensive than DSL and cable service. • • Web site hosting and data center services will be offered at additional cost. • • All proceeds from this service are used to support the charitable activities of TCW in bridging the digital divide for employment and educational purposes in Racine County.
BridgeNet Wireless Broadband Notes: • A minimum of a Pentium III 500 MHz computer system, and Windows XP Pro SP2 or greater will be required. • Service will not be available for non-Windows computers. • Pricing excludes the wireless computer hardware required. • Some cost of customer premise equipment (CPE) may be required depending on geographical location. (Computer supply and software licensing issues exist)
Next Steps • Presentations to funding partners • Presentations to potential recipient organizations