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INTRODUCTION TO HACCP 2204. Steven C Seideman Extension Food Processing Specialist Cooperative Extension Service University of Arkansas. Introduction.
INTRODUCTION TO HACCP2204 Steven C Seideman Extension Food Processing Specialist Cooperative Extension Service University of Arkansas
Introduction • This series will discuss what HACCP is, the history of HACCP, what it does and how you can use it. Keep in mind that it is a very basic presentation of a complex subject. • Although HACCP is required in some food companies , its methodology can also be used for quality improvements in the food processing arena.
What is HACCP? • HACCP is short for ‘Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point”. • HACCP is a scientifically-based management system for food safety. • HACCP uses a written plan which focuses on how potentially hazardous foods are handled in a food processing environment.
What is HACCP? • HACCP is a state–of-the-art approach to consistent safe food production. • HACCP is proactive and prevention oriented focusing on preventing or controlling food safety hazards that fall into three main categories; biological, chemical and physical.
HACCP • HACCP is really all about prevention. Knowledge of the hazards and procedures to control the hazards will prevent foodborne illness in food processing plants. Identify a potential problem early and prevent it from becoming a real problem later.
The HACCP CONCEPT • In maybe what is an over-simplification, under the HACCP concept, a “hazard analysis ”is conducted to assess potential food safety hazards throughout the entire process for producing a given product. This is generally production people figuring out what can go wrong. Then they figure out critical control points (CCPs) on where to monitor hazards. Then a written plan is drafted to address various situations that might come up and how to handle them.
The History of HACCP • The HACCP system was originally developed for use in aerospace manufacturing under the name “Failure Mode Effect Analysis”. It was first adapted to food processing by the Pillsbury Company in 1959 in a project for the NASA space program. At that time, HACCP was used to guarantee that food used in the U.S. space program would be 100% free of viral and bacterial pathogens.
The History of HACCP • By the late 1960s, Pillsbury was using a HACCP system to manufacture consumer goods. • In late 1989, FSIS announced its intention to implement HACCP in meat and poultry inspection operations. FSIS embarked on a 3 year study to determine how best to implement HACCP.
The Seven Principles of HACCP • 1)Conduct a hazard analysis. Prepare a list of steps in the process where significant hazards could occur and describe the preventive measures. • 2)Identify the Critical Control Points (CCPs) in the process. • 3)Establish critical limits for preventive measurements associated with each identified CCP. • 4)Establish CCP monitoring requirements. Establish procedures for using the results of monitoring to adjust the process and maintain the control.
The Seven Principles of HACCP • 5)Establish corrective actions to be taken when monitoring indicates that there is a deviation from an established critical limit. • 6)Establish effective record-keeping procedures that document the HACCP system. • 7)Establish procedures for verification that the HACCP system is working correctly.
HACCP Definitions • Hazard-the capability of something to cause harm. • Risk-A condition or set of conditions that will lead to a hazard. • Critical Control Point-an operation, practice or procedure where unacceptable health risks might result if something goes wrong. Preventative measures at critical points will eliminate, prevent or minimize hazards.
Going Through the Steps of HACCP • We will now go through the steps involved in developing and implementing a HACCP system. • Remember that this is only an introduction to HACCP and more detail can be found in the Advanced HACCP course.
Step #1; Evaluate Current Programs • Before implementing HACCP, it is important to see how the company is currently handling food safety issues. This includes a review of existing quality assurance programs, sanitation programs, recall procedures, and good manufacturing practices (GMPs). • These programs, if effective can become the foundation of HACCP plans.
Step #2; Gain Support from Management • Strong commitment from senior management is vital. It will cost money up front but will save money in the long run from lawsuits. • Top management should understand the benefits associated with HACCP in regards to food safety. In addition, product quality should also improve.
Step #3; Select a HACCP Coordinator • Management should select a HACCP coordinator who will ultimately be responsible for the entire HACCP plan. This person should have extensive knowledge of and experience with HACCP systems.
Step #4; Assemble a HACCP Team • A multidisciplinary team should be established to develop, implement and review HACCP plans. Members of the team should understand the basic principles of the processing operation and be familiar with the HACCP concepts. The team should include microbiologists and engineers as well as representatives from quality control staff, product development, maintenance, sanitation and processing.
Step #5; Describe the Food and its Intended Use • The HACCP team should do a complete description of each food product as shown in Table 2.1. • The team should gather information on how the product is formulated including ingredients and the processing procedures used.
Step #6; Develop a Flow Diagram • A flow diagram must be developed for each product as shown in figure 2.1. • A flow diagram lays out in great detail how a product is created from raw material production to processing and packaging to distribution to consumer use.
Step #7; Verify the Flow Diagram • Upon completing the flow diagram, the HACCP team should complete an on-site inspection to verify the completeness and accuracy of the diagram. • Maintaining an accurate, up-to-date flow diagram for each product is critical to setting up and monitoring a HACCP system.
Step # 8; Conduct a Hazard Analysis. • To control biological, chemical and physical hazards, a hazard analysis must be conducted to determine where the hazards are located and what can be done to prevent the hazards from occurring. • The HACCP team should use both the product description and the flow diagram to determine where the hazards are and what can be done to control them. • Additional factors such as hygienic design of equipment, employee hygiene and sanitation procedures should also be considered.
Step #8; Continued • When assessing the food product, the HACCP team should; 1)Identify potentially hazardous raw materials and foods that may contain pathogens and/or support microbial growth. 2)Identify the potential sources and specific points of contamination by analysis of each step in the food chain.
Step #8; Continued 3)Determine the potential for microorganisms to survive or multiple during production, processing, distribution and preparation for consumption. 4)Assess the risks and the severity of hazards identified.
Step #9; Identifying Critical Control Points (CCPs) • After identifying and assessing the potential hazards associated with a product, a system of control to address those hazards must be developed. To do this, critical control points (CCPs) in the process that will prevent, eliminate or reduce the food safety hazards to acceptable levels must be identified. • Once the CCP have been identified, mark them directly on the HACCP flow diagram.
Step #9; Continued • Examples of Critical Control Points include; 1)An example of a CCPs in meat slaughter and processing operations would include receiving live animals, scalding, evisceration, receiving the meat, product formulation, cooking, chilling and packaging. 2)An example of a biological CCP is the minimum internal cooking temperature for ground beef to ensure that pathogens in the raw product have been destroyed.
Step #10; Set Critical Limits • Once a CCP is identified, critical limits are established and monitored to indicate whether the CCP is “in control”-the state when correct procedures are being followed and criteria are being met. • A critical limit (CL) is set for each CCP to determine whether a preventive measure must be taken
Step #10; Continued • Critical Limits should be; *Designed to indicate whether a CCP is in or out of control. *Simple, specific and clear. *Based on scientifically determined parameters and quantifiable.
Step #10; Continued • Critical limits are associated with preventative measures that have been identified for each critical control point such as temperature, time, humidity, moisture level, water activity, pH and salt concentration. • If the CCPs are monitored and immediate corrective actions initiated when appropriate, hazards will be prevented, eliminated or reduced to acceptable levels.
Step #11; Establishing Monitoring Procedures • Monitoring procedures are planned observations or measurements that assess whether a CCP is in control, determine whether a trend is occurring towards loss of control and provide written documentation for use in verification of the HACCP plan. • Monitoring procedures must be effective because if the process is not controlled and a deviation occurs, the end result may be unsafe food.
Step#11; Continued • The best monitoring procedures are ones that are continuous. If it is not feasible, a specified monitoring interval should be established. • An example would be continuous or periodic checking the temperature of a continuous apparatus to ensure the internal temperature of the product reaches 160F at the CCP.
Step #12: Prescribe Corrective Action • If specific critical limits are not met, a deviation will occur that requires corrective action procedures. • Deviation procedures or corrective actions will remedy the deviation and ensure the product safety. • An example is failure of a product to reach a desired internal temperature. A corrective action would be to check to ensure that the equipment is operating correctly and then continuing to heat the product until it reaches the desired temperature.
Step #13: Keep Accurate Records • The HACCP records are plant records that are completed at each CCP and contain information to ensure the HACCP plan has been correctly followed. • A record may be in any form (processing chart, written record, computerized record) that shows the historical record of the process, the monitoring, the deviations and the corrective actions that occurred at the identified CCP.
Step # 14: Verifying that the HACCP Process is Working • Verification activities are methods, procedures and tests that are used to determine if the HACCP plan for the establishment is valid and is operating properly. Verification activities also help companies determine if hazards were overlooked or whether new unexpected hazards exist.
Conclusions • HACCP is a scientifically based management system for food safety based on prevention. • HACCP is based on identifying potential problems early and preventing them from becoming a real problem later.
Conclusions • This series presented the 7 principles and 14 steps involved in HACCP as an introduction to the subject. In actuality, the implementation and advancement of HACCP in the food processing business is a continuous, scientifically based program requiring professionals with years of experience and knowledge.