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Albinos in Tanzania

Albinos in Tanzania. Jenny Choi 9G. Who. Albinos of Tanzania, currently in a dangerous position . What. Albinos are being killed by people who attempt sell their body parts at high price -A boy was killed by men wielding machetes, who cut off his arms and a leg

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Albinos in Tanzania

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Albinos in Tanzania Jenny Choi 9G

  2. Who • Albinos of Tanzania, currently in a dangerous position

  3. What • Albinos are being killed by people who attempt sell their body parts at high price -A boy was killed by men wielding machetes, who cut off his arms and a leg -A man was caught attempting to smuggle a baby’s head through the border

  4. Where • Centered mostly around Tanzania, but also occurring in neighboring countries like Burundi

  5. When • Has been continuing since last year; became even more frequent as witch doctors put high prices on the body parts of albinos

  6. Why • Tanzania’s witch doctors claim that albino’s body parts can be used in magic. The parts are supposed to bring good luck. • In some communities, albinos are considered as a curse put on a family and seen as ghost-like creatures.

  7. How • More than 20 albinos were killed in 2008 alone. The cases continue, although the president vowed to crack down on the criminals.

  8. Bibliography • http://eideard.wordpress.com/2008/11/20/ • http://article.wn.com/view/2008/12/24/UNICEF_calls_for_crackdown_on_albino_murders_in_Tanzania/ • http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/africa/tanzanian-albinos-come-out-of-the-shadows-1214720.html • http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/nov/16/tanzania-humanrights

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