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Southern Ontario Maximo Users Group ( SOMUG ) Automation & Integration

Southern Ontario Maximo Users Group ( SOMUG ) Automation & Integration. Presented by… Mike Hausser, P.Eng Director of Asset Management and Support Services City of Cambridge. Implementation Objectives Business Intelligence. Embed business processes into technology Automate routine actions

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Southern Ontario Maximo Users Group ( SOMUG ) Automation & Integration

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Southern Ontario Maximo Users Group( SOMUG )Automation & Integration Presented by… Mike Hausser, P.Eng Director of Asset Management and Support Services City of Cambridge

  2. Implementation ObjectivesBusiness Intelligence • Embed business processes into technology • Automate routine actions • Minimize Human Input • Leverage information you have • Present relevant information to user to support human decisions • Make relevant information to others to support external communications with minimal effort • Collect information to support iterative expansion of above objectives …

  3. Summary of Examples • Quality control of information • Alerting senior staff of significant events and issues • Alerting asset management staff of changes in components • Dynamic routes to deploy crews and track issues that manage risks

  4. Quality Control Example… • Need to ensure observations are input • Using escalations, identify specific workorders that are missing observations after labour entries have been entered. • Email supervisor of workorder

  5. Alerting Senior Staff of Events… • Water main breaks, sewage backups, response to weather event… • Using escalations, filter by specific job plans, email senior staff within 10 minutes of workorder creation. • Budget / Expense alerts… • Extra fields added to ChartofAccounts table to record annual budget and background process updates expenditures daily. • Escalations identify when expenses are nearing and exceeding budgets.

  6. Alert Asset Mgmt Staff on component changes.. • Valve replacements, service installations, manhole installs, etc… • Using escalations, when workorder status changes to Complete and specific worktypes, email AM staff.

  7. Dynamic Routes… • Road inspections use ESRI ArcPad • Capture defects and issues • In GIS database, defects are processed into various lists based on various thresholds • Each list becomes a maximo route • MEA process refreshes maximo route asset/location list representing defects • Escalation will ‘activate’ PMs to generate a workorder if the maximo route has a list and ‘de-activate’ PMs when no asset/locations on route.

  8. Metrics Reporting Program Planning Claims Mitigation Defects & Issues Road Needs Assessment (Condition) GIS (Defect Registry) 980 Lane*km Analytics (in GIS) Status Monitoring Updates Crew 1 - Day X Crew 1 - Day Y Work Orders in Maximo Organized by Type and Geography Crew 3 - Day Z Crew 2 - Day X Road Inspection Process

  9. Questions… Mike Hausser, P.Eng Director of Asset Management and Support Services Transportation and Public Works City of Cambridge hausserm@cambridge.ca

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