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Fr Jan Michael Joncas. Music in the Liturgy since Vatican II: Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something True. 1. Roman Catholic Liturgical Music on the Eve of Vatican II. Two categories of communal worship.
Fr Jan Michael Joncas Music in the Liturgy since Vatican II: Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something True
Two categories of communal worship • Liturgies: formal public prayer of the Church as designated in the Church’s official worship books • Celebrations of the [seven] sacraments • Celebrations of the sacramentals • The Liturgy of the Hours / Daily Office • Para-liturgies or devotions: territorial or local prayer of the Church not designated in the Church’s official worship books • Communal recitation of the rosary • Novenas
Missa Cantata Terminology: “sung,” “high” or “choir” Mass Celebrated by a priest (or bishop: “pontifical high Mass”) assisted by deacon and sub-deacon All publicly proclaimed texts of the Mass were chanted between the ministers and the scholacantorum Variable “proper” chants (Antiphona ad Introitum, Graduale, Alleluia, [Sequentia], Antiphona ad Offertorium, Antiphona ad Communionem) Invariable “ordinary” chants (Kyrie eleison, Gloria in excelsis, Credo, Sanctus-Benedictus, Agnus Dei)
MissaLecta Terminology: “read” or “low” Mass Celebrated by a priest assisted by at least one server who recited the publicly proclaimed texts of the liturgy in Latin “Missarecitata” or “dialogue Mass” had the congregation recite those portions of the liturgy recited by the servers Entrance, Offertory, Communion and Exit hymns might be inserted
Para-Liturgies/Devotions • Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament • “O SalutarisHostia” • “Tantum ergo sacramentum” • Stations of the Cross • “At the Cross Her Station Keeping”
2. Vatican II on Congregational Song Chapter Six of SacrosanctumConcilium
Underlying assertions The purpose of liturgical music participates in the purpose of the liturgy itself, which is “the glory of God and the sanctification of the faithful” [112]. “Mother Church earnestly desires that all the faithful should be led to that full, conscious and active participation in liturgical celebrations which is demanded by the very nature of the liturgy…. [F]ull and active participation by all the people is the aim to be considered before all else….” [14]
“[S]ince the use of the mother tongue, whether in the Mass, the administration of the sacraments, or other parts of the liturgy, frequently may be of great advantage to the people, the limits of its employment may be extended. This will apply…to some of the…chants…” [36.2].
SC on congregational singing “Liturgical worship is given a more noble form when the divine offices are celebrated solemnly in song, with the assistance of sacred ministers and the active participation of the people.” [113] “[C]hoirs must be diligently promoted…; but bishops and other pastors of souls must be at pains to ensure that…the whole body of the faithful may be able to contribute that active participation which is rightly theirs…” [114].
“Religious singing by the people is to be intelligently fostered so that in devotions and sacred exercises, as also during liturgical services, the voices of the faithful may ring out…” [118]. “Let them [composers] produce compositions which have the qualities proper to genuine sacred music,…providing…for the active participation of the entire assembly of the faithful.” [121]
3. Twelve Branches of Roman Rite Liturgical Music Since Vatican II
3.1. Continuing Roman Rite Chant Traditions Basic repertoire: Jubilate Deo(1974/1987) Easier congregational chants for Mass: Libercantualis/ Kyriale simplex Easier choral chants for Mass: Graduale simplex / Cantus selecti More challenging choral chants for Mass: GradualeRomanum, Graduale Triplex, Gregorian Missal for Sundays
3.2. Creating a Vernacular Service Music Repertoire Jan Vermulst: Mass for Christian Unity, People’s Mass Richard Proulx: “Holy, Holy, Holy” from Community Mass 2010 St. Louis Jesuits: “Holy, Holy, Holy” from D major Mass Marty Haugen: “Preface/Holy, Holy, Holy” from Mass of Creation 2010
3.3. Importing European Roman Catholic Liturgical Music Joseph Gelineau: “Psalm 8” from Psalms and Canticles Lucien Deiss, CSSP.: “The Spirit of God” from Biblical Hymns and Psalms Jacques Berthier (monastery of Taizé): various collections Bernard Huijbers: The Performing Audience
3.4. Adapting Vernacular Folk Hymnody English-language carols: e.g., “The First Nowell” American folk-tunes applied to English-language worship texts: e.g., “BEACH SPRING” African-American spirituals and gospel songs: e.g., “He’s Got The Whole World” Folk melodies from many cultures applied to English-language worship texts: e.g., “Angels We Have Heard on High,” “Lo, How A Rose E’er Blooming”
3.5. Importing and Adapting Music from Entertainment Venues Broadcast media: e.g. “From a Distance” Musical theater: e.g., “Godspell” C. Alexander Peloquin: “All the Ends of the Earth” from Songs of Israel
3.6. Importing and Adapting Classic Protestant Hymnody Isaac Watts: e.g., “Joy to the World!”, “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross,” “O God, our Help in Ages Past” [John and] Charles Wesley: e.g., “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing,” “Rejoice the Lord is King!”, “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling” John Mason Neale: e.g., “O Come, O Come Emmanuel,” “All Glory, Laud and Honor,” “Draw Near and Take the Body of the Lord”
3.7. Creating Roman Rite Vernacular Liturgical Texts James Quinn: e.g., “I Am the Word That Spoke and Light Was Made” Omer Westendorf: e.g., “Gift of Finest Wheat”
3.8. Creating Roman Rite Liturgical/Ritual Music Stage One: 1965-1975 Hymnal for Young Christians (Ray Repp, James Thiem, Rev. Cyril A Reilly, Rev. Peter Scholtes, Rev. W. F. Jabusch) Peoples Mass Book (Joe Wise, Tom Parker, Sebastian Temple, Jack Miffleton) Carey Landry: Hi, God!
James Thiem: Sons of God [HYC pp. 98-99] REFRAIN: Sons of God, hear his holy Word! / Gather ‘round the table of the Lord! / Eat his Body, drink his Blood / And we’ll sing a song of love: / Allelu, allelu, allelu, alleluia 1. Brothers, sisters, we are one, / And our life has just begun; / In the Spirit we are young; / We can live forever.
Stage Two: 1975-1985 The Dameans (Darryl Ducote, Mike Balhoff, Dave Baker, Buddy Ceaser, and Gary Ault): “Look Beyond,” “Beginning Today” St. Louis Jesuits (Bob Dufford, SJ, John Foley, SJ, Tim Mannion, Roc O’Connor, SJ, Dan Schutte): “Sing to the Mountains,” “Glory and Praise to Our God,” “For You Are My God” Neither Silver Nor Gold Glory and Praise (1977 ff)
Stage Three: 1985- St. Thomas More group (Stephen Dean, Peter Jones, Peter McGrail, Anne Quigley, Bill Tamblyn, James Walsh, Paul Inwood, Bernadette Farrell, Christopher Walker) Marty Haugen, David Haas, Mike Joncas
3.9. Developing Roman Rite English-language Chant Corpus Christi Watershed Propers (www.ccwatershed.org) Paul F. Ford: By Flowing Water [Liturgical Press] Collegeville Composers’ Group: Psallite: Sacred Song for Liturgy and Life [Liturgical Press] André Gouzes, OP: A Sunday Vigil / The Rangueil Mass [GIA] Luke Mayernik: Ever Ancient, Ever New [OCP]
3.10. Adapting Contemporary Protestant Hymnody John Bell and the Iona community Mary Louise Bringle, Ruth Duck, Sally Ann Morris Carl P. Daw, Jr., Herman G. Stuempfle, Jr., Timothy Dudley-Smith, Thomas Troeger, Fred Pratt Green Brian Wren: “Great God, Your Love Has Called Us Here” from Michael Joncas: O God of Past and Present (OCP)
3.11. Creating New Roman Catholic Liturgical Texts Delores Dufner, OSB: “Like a Bird That Spreads Her Wings”from Michael Joncas: God of All Beginnings (GIA) Genevieve Glen, OSB Harry Hagan, OSB Ralph Wright, OSB Alan Hommerding Paul Nienaber (Jesuit)
3.12. Creating Bi- and Multi-Cultural Roman Catholic Ritual Music A. “Praise and Worship”/”Contemporary Christian Music” Steve Agrisano, Tom Booth, Tom Franczak, Sarah Hart, Danielle Rose Matt Maher, Curtis Stephan, Jesse Manibusan Paul Mellay, John Angotti, Ed Bolduc Example: Chris de Silva: “Gospel Acclamation” from Mass from Age to Age
B. African-American: [Rev. Clarence Rivers], Grayson Warren Brown, Rawn Harbor Example: “Glory to God” from Michael Joncas: Missa ad Gentes/Maryknoll Centennial Mass (GIA) C. Spanish-language: Bob Hurd, Donna Peña, Delores Martinez, Mary Frances Reza, Carlos Rosas, Pedro Rubalcava, Fr. Juan Sosa, Fr. Ron Krisman, Tony Alonso, Lorenzo Florian Example: “Gospel Acclamation” from Michael Joncas: Missa ad Gentes/ Maryknoll Centennial Mass (GIA)
D. Asian: Ricky Manalo Example: “Lamb of God” from Michael Joncas: Missa ad Gentes/ Maryknoll Centennial Mass (GIA) E. World Music: Iona community Example: “We Are Marching in the Light of God”