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Heineken: Brewing Excellence Through Generations

Discover the rich history of Heineken, a family-owned business for over 250 years, known for its international brewing excellence and innovative marketing campaigns. Explore their TV ads, print ads, and global web presence.

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Heineken: Brewing Excellence Through Generations

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Scott Mike Robbie

  2. Heineken • History • Television Ads • Print Ads • Website

  3. Heineken History • Began as a family business in the 1800’s after a decline of beer drinking in the Netherlands. Over 251 years in the brewing business without much change to the closely guarded recipe. • Company developed Europe’s favorite beer and has become the most international brewer in the world.

  4. Heineken History cont. • June 2000, received King William’s I prize for Dutch Entrepreneurship. • Expands operations to China, Nigeria, Sweden, Belgium, Slovakia and Spain.

  5. Heineken Now • After three generations, still family owned. • Makers of specialty beers, light and alcohol-free beers. • Operations in over 170 companies. • Acquire strong brands to create a new and larger company.

  6. T.V. Ad campaign • Ads developed by the Lowe’s ad agency, also known for the “Got Milk” and “Can you hear me now?” ads. • Designed to bring brands into popular culture.

  7. Some examples of Heineken TV ads

  8. Heineken print ads • Designed to be simple and humorous, yet effective. • All thematically similar.

  9. Heineken’s web presence • Heineken.com • HeinekenInternational.com • Heineken.com.au

  10. The End

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