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Bringing SEL to Life in One Illinois High School. Adlai E. Stevenson High School.
Today’s Learning Targets-Participants will be able to articulate the:1. Definition of SEL and the five SEL Competencies2. History of SEL in Illinois3. SEL Research and Resources4. SHS SEL Action Steps5. Connections between SEL and curriculum, instruction, and assessment6. Linkages between RtI and SEL and student engagement data7. Lessons learned
Imagine you are a student at Adlai E. Stevenson High School… It’s August and time for mandatory orientation…
Grounding Activity:What qualities or characteristics do we want students to possess by the time they graduate from high school? Turn to your neighbor and share your thoughts.
WHAT IS SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL LEARNING (SEL)? SEL is the process of acquiring life skills that include the ability to recognize and manage emotions; develop caring and concern for others; establish positive relationships; make responsible decisions, and handle challenging tasks effectively. Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (2005).
Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) SEL is the process whereby children and adults develop essential social and emotional skills, knowledge, and attitudes related to: Recognizing one’s emotions and values as well as one’s strengths and limitations Self-awareness Making ethical, constructive choices about personal and social behavior Managing emotions and behaviors to achieve one’s goals Self-management Responsible decision-making SEL Social awareness Relationship skills Forming positiverelationships, working inteams, dealing effectivelywith conflict Showing understanding and empathy for others
Social and Emotional Learning in Illinois • 2001: Children’s Mental Health Task Force Convened • 2003: IIllinois Children’s Mental Health Act Passed • Created Children’s Mental Health Partnership and required all school districts to develop policies that incorporate social and emotional development in their educational programs • 2004: SEL Standards Created • 2006: SEL Implementation Initiative • ISBE, ICMHP, CASEL and ROE. • 2007: SEL Implementation Grants Provided • 2009: SEL Assessment Project- Dr. Marzano
THINK, PAIR, & SHARE • With a partner, reflect on your understanding of social emotional learning and discuss any steps your state has taken toward SEL implementation
Did You Know? A number of other states have also developed K-12 standards that address one of more aspects of social and emotional development: • Kansas Standards for Communication • Oklahoma Rubric Describing School Climate • Pennsylvania School Climate Standards (Draft) • Pennsylvania Interpersonal Skills Standards (Draft) • Tennessee Service-Learning Standards • Vermont’s Vital Results Standards within its Framework of Standards and Learning Opportunities • Washington Communication Learning Standards www.casel.org
Today’s Learning Targets-Participants will be able to articulate the:1. Definition of SEL and the five SEL Competencies2. History of SEL in Illinois3. SEL Research and Resources4. SHS SEL Action Steps5. Connections between SEL and curriculum, instruction, and assessment6. Linkages between RtI and SEL and student engagement data7. Lessons learned
Why Address Social and Emotional Competencies? • 29%-45% of students reported having social competencies, such as empathy and conflict resolution skills • 29% of students reported that their school provided a caring, encouraging environment • 40%-60% become chronically disengaged from school by high school level • 30% of high school students engage in multiple high-risk behaviors that interfere with school performance (Durlak, Weissberg, Dymnicki & Taylor, Schellinger, 2011)
SEL Research and Student Outcomes • 23% improvement in social and emotional skills • 9% improvement in attitudes about self, others, and school • 9% improvement in pro-social school and classroom behavior • 9% decrease in conduct problems • 10% decrease in emotional distress • 11 % improvement in academicperformance (Durlak, Weissberg, Dymnicki, Taylor, and Schellinger, 2011)
SEL Research and Student Outcomes • Provide a common language for what teachers already recognize as critical for student success – (explicit verses implicit). • SEL skills can be learned • SEL competencies are essential for academic achievement • Reduce barriers to learning (more time on task). • Prepares students for workforce skills needed for the 21st century workforce (www.21stcenturyskills.org)
Our Journey… 2007-2008 • Formed SEL Steering Committee • Engaged in planning and readiness • Participated in intensive training through ROE • Utilized EQ assessment instrument to examine group data
2008-2009 • Formed SEL Curriculum Team • Created SEL Vision Statement (www.d125.org/sel) • Conducted needs assessment of students and staff • Implemented explicit SEL instruction in Mentor Program • Analyzed SEL work across curriculum • Initial Staff Development Across Divisions • Utilized EQ assessment instrument to examine group data
2009-2010 • Provided professional development across divisions- SEL SMART GOAL • Expanded School-Connect SEL Curriculum in Advisory • Repeated Student Needs-Assessment • Developed Life Management Course • Created SEL Parent Sub-committee • SEL Screening and RtI
District 125 Goal #4 • The percentage of students in each graduating class who perform at the high level on the district’s Social Emotional Learning instrument will increase each year.
2010-2011 • SEL learning targets action step • Inventory and Mapping • Content embedded in orientation • Marketing, marketing, marketing • Professional Development • SEL Screening- a new path? • SEL IEP Goals • Implicit and Explicit Instruction
Today’s Learning Targets-Participants will be able to articulate the:1. Definition of SEL and the five SEL Competencies2. History of SEL in Illinois3. SEL Research and Resources4. SHS SEL Action Steps5. Connections between SEL and curriculum, instruction, and assessment6. Linkages between RtI and SEL and student engagement data7. Lessons learned
Why Use Learning Targets? • Create a vision for student learning • Clearly articulate what we want students to know and be able to do • Are written in student friendly language • Create common language for entire school community • Can be classified as: • Knowledge targets • Reasoning targets • Skill targets • Product targets (Stiggins, Arter, Chappius, & Chappius, 2006)
SEL Learning Targets- Self Awareness As a member of the Stevenson High School community, I will develop Self-Awareness. 3 Categories Under Self-Awareness • Emotions • Self-perception • Strengths & Weaknesses
Self-Awareness: Emotions • I can identify my emotions. • I am able to describe how my feelings effect my own actions. • I am able to describe the underlying reasons for my feelings. • I can predict my emotions given a potential event or series of events. • I recognize when I am beginning to feel stressed.
Self-Awareness: Self-Perceptions • I recognize how others perceive me. • I can identify the attitudes that I portray. • I recognize when I need help.
Self-Awareness: Strengths & Weaknesses • I can identify my strengths. • I can predict conditions under which I am likely to be successful. • I can identify my areas for growth. • I recognize that making mistakes is part of the learning process.
Implicit vs. Explicit What is implicit SEL instruction? What is explicit SEL instruction? Why do we need to explicitly teach SEL skills?
Why do we need to explicitly teach SEL skills?“…there is broad agreement that programs are likely to be effective if they use a sequenced step-by-step training approach, use active forms of learning, focus sufficient time on skills development, and have explicit learning goals (Bond & Hauf, 2004; Durlak, 1997; Dusenbury & Falco, 1995; Gresham, 1995). These four recommended practices form the acronym SAFE (for sequenced, active, focused, and explicit.”(Durlak, Weissberg, Dymnicki, Taylor, Schellinger, 2011, p. 408)
Explicit SEL Instruction in Freshman English- Mr. Joe Geocaris Facing Challenges: How Does Adversity Influence One’s Self-Concept? Poetry Argument and Pre-Writing
School Connect – Advisory LessonsLindsay Perkins, Sarah Bowen, Allison Kulla, John Mortillaro, Hector Vazquez • Program Overview • SEL Screening (Bar-On EQ) in FMP • Data Review by Freshman Team
School Connect – Advisory LessonsLindsay Perkins, Sarah Bowen, Allison Kulla, John Mortillaro, Hector Vazquez September 8- Introduction to SEL October 20- Developing Academic Support November 3- Administer Bar-On EQ December 1- Study Habits January 19- Talking to Teachers February 16- Reflecting on Grades March 16- Problem-Solving Skills April 13- Recognizing Character Strengths May 11- Coping with Change and Uncertainty May 18- Empathizing with Others
School Connect – Advisory LessonsLindsay Perkins, Sarah Bowen, Allison Kulla, John Mortillaro, Hector Vazquez Lesson 1.6: Empathizing with Others Curriculum provides detailed information related to: Enduring understandings, essential questions, objectives, key terms, lesson synopsis, background information, teaching tips, preparation, recommended resources
I N D I V T X S TIER 3 SEL Resource Curriculum SEL Lessons in Mentor Program Individual Counseling Review of BARON- EQ Data TIER 2 G R O U P T X S Freshman Mentor Program Double-period Algebra AYD SEL Lessons in Advisory SEL Embedded in Group Counseling Life Management Course SEL Embedded in Core Curriculum TIER 1 AESHS Standard Curriculum English AESHS Standard Curriculum Math AESHS Standard Curriculum Science AESHS Standard Curriculum Social Sci Sample of AESHS Pyramid of Interventions Triangle format adapted from D211
IEP Goals • SHORT TERM OBJECTIVE MODEL • In the area of [NAME SEL COMPETENCY], [NAME THE STUDENT] will demonstrate at least one strategy to [NAME THE VERB i.e. improve, employ, display, express, acknowledge etc.) [NAME SKILL UNDER THE COMPETENCY] during [#] out 6 group sessions/classroom interactions as evidenced by [GIVE EXAMPLES OF ACTIONS]
IEP Goals • SHORT TERM OBJECTIVE MODEL • In the area of [Self-Awareness], [Johnny] will demonstrate at least one strategy to (improve) [Self-Perception Skills] during [4] out 6 group sessions/classroom interactions as evidenced by [recognizing how others perceive him] and [recognizing the attitudes he portrays] .
Future WorkFormative Assessment of SEL • CASEL & ISBE teamed up with the Marzano Research Laboratory to create rubrics for assessing Illinois State Learning Standard SEL skills • The rubrics will be based on Marzano’s 4.0 scoring scale
Marzano, Robert. Classroom Assessment and Grading That Work. Alexandria: ASCD, 2006.
Future WorkFormative Assessment of SEL THINK, PAIR, & SHARE What might be some barriers to school-wide teacher assessment of, and feedback about their students’ social-emotional competence?
Professional Development Issues Facing GLBTQ Youth: 2-Part Lunch N Learn Series • Rationale • Learning Targets • Connection to SEL Competencies
References Bar-On, R. (1997). The Emotional Quotient Inventory: technical manual. Toronto, ON: Multi Health Systems. Beland, K., & Douglass, J. (2009). School-Connect: Optimizing the high school experience. Bethesda: School-Connect. Devaney, E., O’Brien, M. U., Resnik, H., Keister, S., & Weissberg, R. P. (2006). Sustainable Schoolwide Social and Emotional Learning (SEL): Implementation Guide. The University of Illinois Chicago: The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning. Durlak, J. A., Weissberg, R. P., Dymnicki, A. B., Taylor, R. D., & Schellinger, K. B. (2011). The impact of enhancing students’ social and emotional learning: A meta-analysis of school-based universal interventions. Child Development, 82 (1), 405-432. Marzano, R. J. (2006). Classroom assessment & grading that work. Alexandria, VA: ASCD. Payton, J. W., Weissberg, R. P., Durlak, J.A., Dymnicki, A.B., Taylor, R.D., Schellinger, K.B., & Pachan, M. (2008). Positive impact of social and emotional learning for kindergarten to eighth-grade students: Findings from three scientific reviews. Chicago, IL: CASEL. Stiggins, R., Arter, J., Chappuis, J., & Chappuis, S. (2006). Classroom assessment for student learning: Doing it right- using it well. Educational Testing Center. Zins, J. E., Weissberg, R. P., Wang, M. C., & Walberg, H. J. (Eds.), (2004). Building academic success through social and motional learning: What does the research say? New York: Teachers College Press.
Contact Information • Amy Altschuler, Student Support Team Coordinator • aaltschuler@d125.org • Kim Lechner, Student Support Team Coordinator • klechner@d125.org • David Saxe, Assistant Principal • dsaxe@d125.org • Andy Schroeder, Student Support Team Coordinator • anschroeder@d125.org