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Toolkit for early pregnancy assessment in primary care

Toolkit for early pregnancy assessment in primary care. Dr John McMenamin john.mcmenamin@wickmed.co.nz ken@procon.co.nz. The early pregnancy toolkit Clinical assessment of pregnancy including prescribing and vaccinations Smoking Alcohol Personal safety

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Toolkit for early pregnancy assessment in primary care

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Toolkit for early pregnancy assessment in primary care Dr John McMenamin john.mcmenamin@wickmed.co.nz ken@procon.co.nz

  2. The early pregnancy toolkit • Clinical assessment of pregnancy • including prescribing and vaccinations • Smoking • Alcohol • Personal safety • Mental Health • Referral LMC

  3. Questions for depression ◦During the past month, have you been bothered by feeling down, depressed or hopeless? ◦During the past month, have you been bothered by little interest or pleasure in doing things? Question for anxiety ◦During the past month have you been worrying a lot about everyday problems?

  4. Fluvacc Eligible for funded flu vaccination

  5. Print copy for patient and LMC Transfer data to BadgerNet

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