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Explore the cryptographic problems GapSVP, GapCVP, and their complexities in NP, coNP, coAM, and coQMA. Discover insights into the GapCVP√n problem and its verification process, with detailed steps and algorithms discussed. Dive into the encoding of functions and the verification of non-negligibility close to the lattice points. Study the theorem establishing GapCVP√n in NP∩coNP. Uncover the complexities and implications of these lattice-based cryptographic challenges, along with open problems demanding further research in this area.
GapSVPnandGapCVPn are in NP ∩ coNP Dorit Aharonov Oded Regev
Lattices • Basis: v1,…,vn vectors in Rn • The lattice L is L={a1v1+…+anvn| ai integers} v1+v2 2v2 2v1 2v2-v1 v1 v2 2v2-2v1 0
Shortest Vector Problem (SVP) • GapSVPb: Given a lattice, decide if the length of the shortest vector is: • YES: less than 1 • NO: more than b v2 v1 0
v Closest Vector Problem (CVP) • GapCVPb: Given a lattice and a point v, decide if the distance of v from the lattice is: • YES: less than 1 • NO: more than b • GapSVPbis easier than GapCVPb [GoldreichMicciancioSafraSeifert99] v2 v1 0
n Cryptography [Ajtai96,AjtaiDwork97…] Known Results • Polytime algorithms for gap 2n loglogn/logn [LLL82,Schnorr87,AjtaiKumarSivakumar02] • NP-hardness is known for: • GapCVP: 2^(log1-en) [DinurKindlerSafra03] • GapSVP: 2 [Micciancio98] ? 1 2^(log1-en) 2n loglogn/logn P NP-hard
Known ResultsLimits on Inapproximability • GapCVPn 2 NP∩coNP [LagariasLenstraSchnorr90, Banaszczyk93] • GapCVPn 2 NP∩coAM [GoldreichGoldwasser98] • GapSVPn 2 NP∩coQMA [AharonovRegev03] 1 2^(log1-en) n n 2n loglogn/logn NP∩coNP NP∩coAM NP∩coQMA P NP-hard
2^(log1-en) n n 2n loglogn/logn P NP-hard Main Result Theorem: GapCVPn2 NP∩coNP NP∩coNP NP∩coAM NP∩coQMA NP∩coNP
Our Goal Given: - Lattice L (by v1,v2,…,vn) - Point v We want: A witness for the fact that v is far from L
Overview Step 1:Define f • Its value depends on the distance from L: • Almost zero if distance > √n • More than zero if distance < √log Step 2:Encode f Show that the function f has a short description Step 3:Verifyf Verify that the function is non-negligible close to L Pointwise approximation lemma CVPP approximation algorithm
The function f Consider the Gaussian: Periodize over L: Normalize by g(0):
f distinguishes between far and close vectors (a) d(x,L)≥√n f(x)≤2-Ω(n) (b) d(x,L)≤√logn f(x)>n-5 Proof:(a) Banaszczyk93 (simple for one Gaussian) (b)Suffices to show
The function f (again) Let’s consider its Fourier transform !
Proof: g is a convolution of a Gaussian and δL is a probability measure Claim: f is a probability measure on L*
f is an expectation In fact, itis an expectation of a real variable between -1 and 1: Chernoff
Encoding f Pick W=(w1,w2,…,wN)with N=poly(n) according to the f distribution on L* (Chernoff) This is true even pointwise!
A Pointwise Approximation Lemma Lemma: Let f be a function on an Abelian group. If f is a probability measure then In fact, it is enough that f¸0 and ∑f(w) < poly. Note the difference between this and truncating the small Fourier coefficients [KushilevitzMansour91]
Back to Lattices:the Approximating Function (with N=1000 dual vectors)
This concludes Step 2: Encode fThe encoding is a list W of vectors in L*fW(x) ≈ f(x)
Interlude: An Immediate Corollary GapCVPP Solve GapCVP on a preprocessed lattice (allowed infinite computational power, but before seeing v) Algorithm for GapCVPP: Prepare the function fW in advance; When given v, calculate fW(v). √(n/logn) approximation algorithm, improving the previous n-approximation [Regev03]
Back to GapCVP√n in coNP The input is L and v The witness is a list of vectors W = (w1 , … ,wN) Verify that fWis non-negligible near L
0.01 The Verifier (First Attempt) Accepts iff 1. fW (v) < n-10, and 2. fW(x) > n-5 for all x within distance √logn from L • Completeness and soundness would follow • But: how to check (2) ? • - First check that fW is periodic over L (true if W in L*) • - Then check non-negligibility aroundorigin • We don’t know how to do this for distance √logn • We do this for distance 0.01
The Verifier (Second Attempt) Accepts iff 1. fW (v) < n-10, and 2. w1,…,wN L*, and 3. 2 implies that fW is periodic on L:
The Verifier (Second Attempt) Accepts iff 1. fW (v) < n-10, and 2. w1,…,wN L*, and 3. 3 implies that fW is at least .8 within distance .01 of the origin: fW(x) 0 .01 -.01
The Final Verifier Accepts iff 1. fW (v) < n-10, and 2. w1,…,wN L*, and 3. ||WWT||<N where 3 checks that in any direction the w’s are not too long:
The Final Verifier Accepts iff 1. fW (v) < n-10, and 2. w1,…,wN L*, and 3. ||WWT||<N where
Soundness If d(v,L)<0.01 then any W fails one of the tests 1. fW (v) < n-10 2. w1,…,wN 2L* 3. ||WWT||<N Proof: 2 & 3 not 1 ||WWT||<N fW(x) > 0.8 for |x|<0.01
Completeness If d(v,L)>√n there exists a witness W s.t.: 1. fW (v) < n-10 2. w1,…,wN L* 3. ||WWT||<N Proof: Pick W=w1,…,wn from L* according to the f distrib. 1,2 3 follows from: [Banaszczyk93]
Conclusion • Main result: GapCVPn2 NP ∩ coNP • An algorithm for GapCVPP√(n/logn) • An interesting lemma about point-wise approximation by Fourier Sparse functions
Open Problems • Can the containment in NP∩coNP be improved to √(n/logn)? • Can it be improved beyond? (seems that this requires ‘looking into the lattice’) • Can we extend this method to other problems, like Graph Isomorphism ? • Other uses for the pointwise approximation lemma? • Other ‘quantum inspired’ results ?