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Beginning of Immigration

Beginning of Immigration. Immigration started in 1900s when people from other countries wanted freedom or other things. S ome countries had wars and people wanted to get away from harsh conditions. . Why People I mmigrate.

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Beginning of Immigration

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Beginning of Immigration Immigration started in 1900s when people from other countries wanted freedom or other things. Some countries had wars and people wanted to get away from harsh conditions.

  2. Why People Immigrate • People immigrate to other countries in hope of better luck and a better life for their family and themselves. But they don’t always find what they dream about.

  3. People that Immigrate • All kinds of people immigrate to other countries like White, African Americans, Mexicans, Asians, Chinese, Korean, etc.

  4. Reasons why people Immigrate • Some immigrants go to other places to find a better job and make money to send it back to their family's in their countries so they could live better. On the other hand, there are persons who immigrate just for the sake of persons they love. They leave their families to make a new family with the person they love.

  5. People leave in fear • Other people are obligated to leave their country because of the war which threatens their lives. They’d rather start everything form the beginning than risking putting their lives in danger.

  6. How they get into other countries • When developed countries see that their territories are invaded by lots of immigrants they set new laws that make the immigration harder. As a result of this, many illegal immigrants cross the borders and are eager to work, even if they are paid only at half of the sum of money native workers receive for the same kind of job.

  7. Accepted Immigrants • Some immigrants have been accepted in the communities where they live and have managed to change the opinions of strangers regarding our nations, as it is well known that Romanians are seen as thieves and gypsies.

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