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IQAP مشروع إنشاء نظام داخلى للجودة بكلية التمريض Man 308. Dr. Amina M. R. El-Nemer Project Manager. Faculty of Nursing IQAP. In Sep, 2004, Faculty of Nursing Mansoura University, awarded IQAP from QAAP.
IQAPمشروعإنشاءنظامداخلىللجودةبكليةالتمريضMan 308 Dr. Amina M. R. El-NemerProject Manager
Faculty of Nursing IQAP • In Sep, 2004, Faculty of Nursing Mansoura University, awarded IQAP from QAAP. • Since that date FON committed itself to introducing IQA system focusing on the educational process. • Aiming to improve the educational quality and provide accountability regarding quality to university, health sectors and stalkholders.
Why Internal Quality Assurance? • IQA System will answer the following questions: • Is the Faculty of Nursing , Mansoura University doing the right things? • Is it doing the right things the right way? • Does it achieve what it wants to be achieve?
Three Main Areas Faculty of Nursing should ensure that their responsibilities for quality are discharged effectively through their process for: • Program design. • Program approval. • Program monitoring and reviewing.
Enforcing pillars Of Quality Assurance • Organisation and Management process • Mission/strategy/learning objectives • Educational programme • Infrastructure • Staff • Students • Mechanisms of quality control and improvement
Quality isalways “in the eye of the beholder” • FON had just established a new unit (IQAU) responsible for quality promotion and assurance. • Educational Process: • How the management of the faculty is geared to support this approach? • How curriculum will support educational approach, values and mission • How teaching modes achieving the curriculum aims and objectives
IQAP OUTPUTS • Stakeholders expectations: • How to obtain contribution from health sectors, community and students ? • Obtaining and utilizing feedback from stakeholders and graduates. • Identify local needs that impact on the curriculum. • Staff: • Involving staff in shaping and monitoring the educational plan • Promoting staff commitment to support educational plan
IQAP OUTPUTS • Information: • Dissemination and sharing information amongst all staff and students • Quality control and monitoring: • Managing the work of the faculty in line with the notion of the quality cycle (setting targets, implementation, monitoring, ongoing review to inform revision of target and strategies
Quality Assurance Management Room • تم توفير حجرة واحدة فقط للمشروع وجارى البحث عن مكان آخر للوحدة. • أجهزةمركزضمانالجودة جهاز كمبيوتر + C.D writer طباعة ليزر طباعة ألوان ماكينة تصوير ماسح ضوئي
Organization Structure مقترحالهيكلالتنظيمىلوحدةضمانالجودةالداخلىبكليةتمريض مجلس الإدارة رئيس مجلس الإدارة مدير الوحدة شئون إدارية ومالية سكرتير
Quality AssuranceOrganizational Structureالهيكل التنظيمي لوحدة ضمان الجودة • مجلسإدارةالمشروع : أ.د/ سامية حواس – عميد كلية التمريض - رئيساً أ.د/ مريم حجاج – وكيل الكلية لشئون التعليم والطلاب- نائب الرئيس أ.د/ يسرية محمد إبراهيم – وكيل الكلية لشئون خدمة المجتمع وتنمية البيئة- عضواً أ.د/ نعمات محمد السيد – وكيل الكلية لشئون الدراسات العليا والبحوث عضواً د/ أمينة محمد رشاد النمر – مدرس بقسم تمريض الأمومة وأمراض النساء- مدير الوحدة د/ ناهد عطية قنديل –عضو هيئة التدريس الممثل فى مجلس الإدارة –نائب مدير الوحدة • رئيسمجلسالإدارة : السيد الأستاذ الدكتور/ سامية حواس – عميد الكلية. • مديرالمشروع : الدكتورة/ أمينة محمد رشاد النمر. • سكرتيرالمشروع : السيدة / نيفين فخرى. • شئونإداريةومالية : السيد / مجدى الزينى • Faculty Board approved 18/05/2005
Awareness and Information Dissemination • On 21st of October 2004, the project was opened officially at QA Scientific Meeting which was attended by the president of the Mansoura University, vice presidents, Dakhlia Governor, professors, and academic and non academic staff from different colleges of Mansoura University. The meeting aimed to highlight the role of QA in enhancing education in general and Nursing education in specific.
Issues has been highlighted during 1st scientific meeting • Professions moving across borders- we need to prepare ourselves for the Trade Agreements and multinationals. • Matching program to labor needs • Doing more with fewer resources • Raise of private education
Academic staff workshops and seminars • “Move information to people rather than people to information” • Ten workshops were carried out at the Faculty level Aiming for awareness raising,information dissemination and training 100% academic staff were attended most of seminars held at the faculty level.
Main themes for 10 seminars • What is quality assurance in educational program? • Quality management. • Program specification, program report. • Course specification, Course report. • Departmental report • Faculty report • Student evaluation and feedback • Student as primary stallholders • Quality assurance for admin. And non academic staff
Departmental level training of trainees • ToT Team • قد تم تدريب 15 عضو هيئة تدريس في الأقسام التي يعملون بها كل قسم على حدة . • وهذه النسبة تمثل 15% من أعضاء هيئة التدريس ومعاونيهم ولكنها تمثل 100% حيث أن أعضاء هيئة التدريس بالكلية هم 15 عضو هيئة تدريس . • 24 departmental workshops on how to write course specification, course report, program specification and departmental annual report
Student's Awareness Raising Seminar Held at Faculty of Nursing • objectives: 1- To raise awareness among Faculty of Nursing students and graduates about quality assurance system . 2- To increase student involvement in the QAS. 3- To raise the awareness about the importance of student's feed back in assessing & improving the educational process. • Date :- 28/3/2005 • Students and graduates Attended No. :- 300
Student involvement • Student awareness seminar (300) students. • 2- Invite students to attend and participate in QA workshops. • 3- Invite students to attend some of QA management team meetings. • 4- Student feed back (1000 students ) and ( 12 Academic courses) have been evaluated using student feedback questionnaire prepared by University QAP.
Curriculum and education Out of 48 academic Courses 40 of them which around 85% of academic courses has courses specification
Quality Control and Monitoring • Formulating Departmental Annual report template and encouraging all the department to use it. • Departmental annual report in progress • Faculty annual report in progress
Faculty of Nursing Vision • Faculty of Nursing Mansoura University will be an exemplar of excellence among other academic Schools of Nursing through achieving highest standards of ethical and professional conduct“ • Faculty Board approving: 14/09/2005
Faculty of Nursing Mission • To graduate highly qualified accredited nurses, • to enrich the profession and the wider society at national and international recognized standard through recruitment of highly efficient, talented and committed staff'' • Faculty Board approving 14/09/2005
Strategic initiative to achieve our vision and mission (6Es) • Enhance educational environment and update educational programs. • Enhance the quality of the faculty and staff. • Enhance the research enterprise. • Enhance access to clinical services. • Enhance communication with other faculties of Nursing at national and international levels. • Enhance highest standards of ethical and professional conduct. • Faculty Board approving: 14/09/2005
RECOMMENDATIONS • Quality Control and Monitoring should be • More qualitative than quantitative Improvement-oriented • Promoting quality culture („art of self-evaluation”, follow-up and feedback mechanisms) on • Based on ccomparable procedures, mutual understanding Not imposed „by force”. Aaccepted by academic staff • Development of Faculty web page with repository of QA materials, examples of good practice etc. • b) elaboration of multilingual glossary of educational terms, with special stress on terms used in QA.
During the first step, the quality team meets with all departments to get their involvements in the projects. • Low staff commitment and the lack of a “quality culture” were reported as major obstacles in the previous period.
Lack of commitment is surely connected to the lack of the awareness and incentives • And due to a lack of interest and, even more importantly, a lack of financial and human resources. • Overburden of staff members with teaching and clinical training courses • Lack of experiences (Most of academic staff are only Lecturers).
SummaryQA IS A CHALLENGING • Internal quality assurance is and should be an activity of all staff members in the faculty. • and not only an activity of the central administration or QA TEAM. • one has to solve the question of how to convince staff members about the importance of quality assurance and of how to create a greater quality awareness? • quality assurance is time consuming and costly. One has to find possibilities, which do not overload the institution as a whole and the individual staff members. • Should stimulate interaction and communication among staff and student based. • Sharing ideas, opinions, experiences, expectations, opportunities and obstacles.