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Flushing Lodge #298 LEO Program Leadership Qualities April 21 st , 2005. “What all great leaders have in common”. In an effort to make good men better. Thomas Jefferson
Flushing Lodge #298LEO ProgramLeadership QualitiesApril 21st, 2005 “What all great leaders have in common” In an effort to make good men better
Thomas Jefferson Jefferson (1743-1826), born in Goochland, Virginia, was a philosopher, architect, statesman, and third president of the United States. He also served as governor of Virginia, minister to France, secretary of state, and vice president. Jefferson is best known for being the primary author of the Declaration of Independence, and for the Louisiana purchase, which doubled the size of the country. He spent his years after the presidency establishing the University of Virginia. Abraham Lincoln Born in the backwoods of Kentucky in 1809, Lincoln (1809-1865) worked as a rail splitter, boatman, postmaster, surveyor, storekeeper, lawyer, state legislator, and congressman before gaining national attention during debates for election to the US Senate. When he was elected the 16th US President, seven states had already seceded from the Union, to be followed by four more. He guided the US through five years of traumatic civil war and issued the Emancipation Proclamation to outlaw slavery in the United States. His Gettysburg Address, written on the train ride to the battlefield, is still considered a masterpiece. Some Great Leaders
Benjamin Franklin Franklin (1706-1790), born in Boston, Massachusetts, was an American author, printer, inventor, scientist, publisher, printer, and diplomat. He was truly a man of many talents. Franklin was known for his wit and humor, much of which was published in Poor Richard's Almanac, and for his proof that lightning was a form of electricity by experimenting with a kite in a thunderstorm. He played a pivotal role in the revolutionary and formative years of the United States. He helped draft the Declaration of Independence in 1776, represented the US in France during the war, and was involved in negotiating the peace with Britain in 1781. He was a stabilizing figure at the Constitutional Convention in 1787. Franklin founded the world's first public fire department, the first public lending library, and what later became the University of Pennsylvania. Dwight D. Eisenhower Eisenhower (1890-1969) was born in Denison, Texas. He graduated from West Point in 1915, became a captain during World War I, and served under General Douglas MacArthur in the 1930's. After US entry into World War II he was selected as commander of US forces in Europe, and led invasions of North Africa and Italy. He planned and led the Allied invasion of Europe. After the war he succeeded General George C. Marshall as Army Chief of Staff, then retired to become president of Columbia University. In 1951 he returned to service as supreme commander of NATO, and in 1952 'Ike' ran for election and became the 34th US President.
Winston Churchill Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill (1874-1965), was an author, orator, statesman, member of Parliament, cabinet secretary, and the British Prime Minister who lead England through the trying years of World War II. His inspirational speaking held his country together through the 'blitz' of German bombardment, while his negotiating skills held together the shaky alliance between the US and Russia. After the war, he coined the phrase 'iron curtain' to describe Soviet control of eastern Europe. Churchill was knighted for his service and awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1953 for his book "The Second World War." Dale Carnegie Carnegie (1888-1955), born in Maryville, Missouri, started out as a traveling salesman. He began teaching public speaking at a New York YMCA in 1912. His book Art of Public Speaking was published in 1915. He became a well known public speaker, and a pioneer in personality development, eventually teaching private courses and creating a chain of schools. He is perhaps best known for his 1936 book "How to Win Friends and Influence People", which has sold over 10 million copies in 30 languages.
George Washington Washington (1732-1799), born in Westmoreland County, Virginia, was commander in Chief of American forces during five harsh years of the Revolutionary War, and at times held his troops together with little more than his own willpower. After the war he played a vital roll in presiding over the Constitutional Convention of 1787, and was elected the first US president in 1789. Harry S. Truman Truman (1884-1972), born in Lamar, Missouri, was a captain in World War I, a judge, a senator, vice president, and, following the death of Franklin Roosevelt, the 33rd US president. He was known for his strong basic values, his no-nonsense attitude, and his plain speaking. While Truman received rough treatment from his critics while in office, he is one of the most admired past presidents. Among his accomplishments were bringing the second World War to a swift conclusion, helping to establish NATO and the UN, and implementing the Marshall Plan for economic recovery in Europe after the war.
Norman Vincent Peale A Methodist minister, Peal, born in Bowersville, Ohio, made effective use of radio, television, and newspapers to promote his ideas and philosophy - perhaps best described in his best known book - The Power of Positive Thinking John Wooden Considered the greatest coach in the history of US college basketball, Wooden was also an All-American as a basketball player at Purdue in 1930,31, and 32. Becoming head coach at UCLA in 1948, his teams went on to set records for the longest winning streak and most championships (10) in NCAA history.
Vince Lombardi Vincent Thomas Lombardi (1913-1970), born in New York City, exemplified the drive and determination he instilled in his players. He played college and professional football and coached at the high school, college, and professional level. Under his leadership the Green Bay Packers won five national championships in US professional football in the 1960's, dominating the sport. Theodore Roosevelt Soldier, explorer, conservationist, writer, New York Governor, and 26th US President, Roosevelt (1858-1919) was at the same time a realist and a romanticist. extended the powers of the US presidency, and established what later became the National Park system. He received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1906 for mediating an end to the Russo-Japanese war and promoting construction of the Panama Canal. All of these leaders were born to fairly common folks
Quotes from some great leaders • Footprints on the sands of timeare not made by sitting down. ~ unknown • The difference betweena successful person and othersis not a lack of strength,not a lack of knowledge,but rather a lack of will. ~ Vince Lombardi • You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you. ~ Dale Carnegie
The secret of success is consistency of purpose. ~ Benjamin Disraeli • When angry, count ten before you speak; if very angry, one hundred. ~ Thomas Jefferson • The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor ~ Vince Lombardi • Failure is only the opportunity to begin again more intelligently. ~ Henry Ford
You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist. • A leader who does not hesitate before he sends his nation into battle is not fit to be a leader. ~ Golda Meir • In any moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing. ~ Theodore Roosevelt • We must have strong minds, ready to accept facts as they are. ~ Harry S. Truman
Your enthusiasm will be infectious, stimulating and attractive to others. They will love you for it. They will go for you and with you. • Plan your work for today and every day, then work your plan. ~ Norman Vincent Peale • Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain, and most fools do. ~ Benjamin Franklin • Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it. ~ Dwight Eisenhower
Be more concerned with your character than with your reputation. Your character is what you really are while your reputation is merely what others think you are. ~ John Wooden • Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation, for 'tis better to be alone than in bad company. ~ George Washington • The price of greatness is responsibility. • The greatest lesson in life is to know that even fools are right sometimes ~ Winston Churchill
LEADERSHIP I’ve been asked to speak to you tonight about leadership and some of the skills that you may need to be a good leader. Many years ago I wrote a paper for a graduate class on leadership. During my research for that paper I ran across many quotes of what leadership is. I can’t help remembering one in particular. “Leadership is the unique ability to have people follow “ I always think about this and wonder WHY WOULD PEOPLE FOLLOW ANYONE. When you break down those traits of people who lead; you’ll come up with many consistencies. These traits are the obvious answer to the question of why people follow. As we go over these traits, think of those people that you look to follow and you will more than likely see the reason why.
FIVE CONSISTENT TRAITS OF GOOD LEADERSHIP • Positive attitude • Organization skills • Confidence • Persuasiveness with the ability to Communicate • Perseverance I’d like to take few minutes to highlight a little about each of these traits.
Attitude: • We hear so much about attitude, good, bad or indifferent. Pessimist’s vs. optimists • Is the glass half empty or half full? • In all we do, how we look at our situations will be the first impression of feasibility. If your beat before you start you will never succeed.
Organization: Planning is the key to success, no one here plans to fail, but many of us fail to plan. Planning and Organization are where you foresee pitfalls and work out possibilities before they happen. Hindsight vs. foresight = planning, the difference between the two are poor planning (hindsight) = what could’ve been. Good planning (foresight) = what will be. All great leaders have this trait, whether they are coaches, politicians, CEO’s or Presiding Officers.
Confidence: High Self-esteem (Big Key) You must like who you are!!! Without this you’ll never have belief in your abilities. With belief in your abilities, or what you have learned and how you use it in application, you’ll have confidence to make the tough decisions, be them popular or not.
Persuasiveness / Communication: When we talk to business & industry we find that their biggest complaint with new workers are their communication skills. Speaking in public is an act that can be learned; persuasiveness is the next stage of that art. The ability to have people believe in what you say & sometimes even change their minds to follow your lead is one of the biggest keys in good leadership. Ronald Reagan & Bill Clinton, no matter what you feel about them, are both examples of great public speakers, how else would they have been elected to the office’s they held.
Perseverance: The ability to KEEP ON, sometimes even in the face of adversity. All things in life will not be easy; in fact failure is more prevalent than success. Great leaders have failed many times more than they have succeeded. This illustrates one underlying theme. They DID NOT QUIT. Failure is a good way to take our mistakes and turn them into successes, failure refines our organizational skills and gives us a data base of information for our next venture. Remember it’s always better to try and fail than not to try at all.
I would like to urge you to remember that in all walks of life, all professions known, these traits will help you be the best you can possibly be. Some folks are leader’s by name & some are leaders by deeds, both carry the title---but not all possess the skills. That’s what makes the difference between the good ones and the bad ones.
Lodge Leadership The ability to motivate people to do what you ask! Who are those leaders?
Lodge Leadership People like you and me who when asked will take charge and motivate people to do more than they think they can achieve.
Lodge Leadership Why do people or plans fail? What we have here is a failure to communicate!
Lodge Leadership • A good leader: • Listens • Reacts • Follows through • Provides Direction • Leads Courageously • Fosters Team Work • Coaches & Develops
Communication Factor Communicate Appropriately Speak Effectively Listen to Others Prepare Written Communication
Lodge Leadership“When You’re the Master” Form committees with an active chairman and have them give reports back to the Lodge. The members need to know what is going on in their Lodge and offer support
Lodge Leadership When planning your year, you should remember what your role as Master should be; to attract, retain, and motivate your members to return to Lodge, participate and promote membership
Lodge Leadership If we are going to attract and keep the new member we must listen to what their concerns are and respond to make Lodge meetings an enjoyable and rewarding experience for all. You and your officers need to work and develop the new leaders in your Lodge if we are going to be successful in the future!
Lodge Leadership No such thing as bad luck, just poor planning
Lodge Leadership When planing for the future remember the words of General George S. Patton “ A good plan executed right now is far better than a perfect plan executed next week”.