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Sport Which sport? Some matches can last for 5 days. The most popular sport in the world. The most important game of the year is called the “ Super Bowl ” . The ball might fall into sand or water. Try not to fall off the bull! Cricket Soccer American football golf rodeo Sport

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Sport

  2. Which sport? • Some matches can last for 5 days. • The most popular sport in the world. • The most important game of the year is called the “Super Bowl”. • The ball might fall into sand or water. • Try not to fall off the bull! Cricket Soccer American football golf rodeo

  3. Sport • Popular sports in England: • football ( = soccer ) • rugby • cricket • golf • tennis • horse racing • betting money on the winning horse

  4. batter bowler batter Cricket

  5. stumps bat Cricket • a similar game was played in England 700 years ago • competitions are held in summer • matches take up to 5 days, but one-day games can also be played

  6. Rugby • carry the ball and run down the field • the ball can only be thrown to somebody behind you • if you are tackled (stopped by the other team), then both teams line up facing each other and then start playing again • after the sixth tackle, the ball is given to the other team • points for carrying the ball to the end of the field • points also for kicking over the bar

  7. Sport • Popular sports in USA: • basketball • baseball • American football • golf • tennis

  8. home base batter Baseball

  9. American Football • Related to rugby

  10. American Football • The final game: “Super Bowl” • “Super Bowl Sunday” is the last Sunday in January • About half the families in America watch the game on TV

  11. Rodeo The aim is to stay on for 8 seconds!

  12. Rodeo

  13. Rodeo • A rodeo includes several tests of skill, involving horses and cattle • Popular in the West of the USA, and some parts of Canada

  14. Rodeo The rodeo clown distracts the animal and entertains the audience. A dangerous job.

  15. Ice Hockey

  16. stick puck (made from rubber) Ice Hockey

  17. Ice Hockey • Very popular in Canada • Becoming more popular in USA too • The game is rough, and players even fight with each other sometimes.

  18. Sport • Popular sports in Australia: • cricket • rugby • Aussie Rules Football • golf • tennis

  19. 1 point 1 point Aussie Rules Football 6 points

  20. Aussie Rules Football • No touchdowns • No “6 tackles” • If you catch the ball before it bounces, you get a free kick.

  21. Golf • Played by both wealthy and “ordinary” people. • Perth, Australia: you can play 36 holes for $24 (weekends), or $20 (weekdays).

  22. Other activities • Exercise: • jogging • cycling • visiting a fitness centre • Martial arts (from Asia)

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