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CUBIC MILES. Katka Matej Kiko Lukáš. SPORT. Secondary Grammar School, Párovská 1, Nitra. Research questions. PAST: Who were the best players or founders of sport in Nitra? PRESENT: What are the best sport clubs in Nitra? What is the World Challenge Day?
CUBIC MILES Katka Matej Kiko Lukáš SPORT Secondary Grammar School, Párovská 1, Nitra
Researchquestions PAST: Who were the best players or founders of sport in Nitra? PRESENT: What are the best sport clubs in Nitra? What is the World Challenge Day? Where can we do sports in Nitra? What is students attitude to sport? FUTURE: Will there be any new places to do sport in Nitra ?
JuliusGisser Thehistoryofmodernsport in Nitra datesback to 19th century and isassociatedwithnameJuliusGisser. Hewassuccessfulfencerwhocame to Nitra in 1866. In thisyearheestablishedthefirstfencingschoolinUgria. Healsohelpedwithestablishingicehockey, iceskating, swimming and water polo.
FC Nitra Established in 1909 Coach: Ivan Vrabec Thebiggestsuccesses: 2004/05 - 5th place in Slovak league 2007/08- 3rd place in Slovak league
HK Nitra Established in 1926 Coach: Branislav Okuliar Thebiggestsuccess: 1st place in Slovak league 2002/03
Lubomír Kolník He started with hockey in Nitra. In 1990 he went to New Yersey, then he played in Finland. He came back to Nitra and he became the second best scorer of Slovak extraleague and the second best scorer of Slovak representation.
Jozef Stümpel Hebeganwithhockey in Nitra whereheplayedfortwoyears and thenhewent to Boston wherehespentfiveyears. Afterthathemoved to Los Angeles. Hewas a memberof Slovak representationatworldchampionship in Göteborg (2002) whereour team wasthefirst and alsoatworldchampionship in Helsinki (2003) whereour team wasthethird.
BK Nitra Established in 1952 Coach: Ľubomír Urban The biggest success: 2008/2009 1st place in Slovak league
TheWorldChallengeDay The World Challenge Day is a friendly international competition in Sport for All and physical activity where communities from around the world compete against each other to motivate as many people as possible be physically active for only 15 minutes on a single day. Above all the event is a fun day that creates awareness and enthusiasm for fitness and active living in the participating communities.
World Challenge Day is open to communities of any size from any country, and since its beginning in 1991, TAFISA World Challenge Day has been growing rapidly, with over 58 million participants in 2009! On May 25th, Nitra is going to take part the fifteenth time and we will help our town to win the eleventh duel!
Places to do sports in Nitra https://prezi.com/secure/a7ed1ac2bfbea2bff379ba3d5c8ef5cf237743b7/
Footballstadium in thepast (year 1958) Now In thefuture
City park Nitra City park Nitra should have been a sport and shopping centre but the building hasn't been finished yet. We imagine it will include a skatepark, three beach volleyball courts, four squash courts, two climbing walls, many sports shops and restaurants offering healthy food. Itlookslikethisnow Itshouldlooklikethis in thefuture
Questionnaire • What is your favourite sport? • How often do you do sport? • What sport equipment would you prefer at our school?
Places to do sportatourschool: • The big drill-hall • The small drill-hall • The pool • The outer sportground 1. 2. 3. 4.
Sportsuccessesofstudentsfromourschool: • Twofirstplaces, eightsecondplaces and sixthirdplacesatswimmingcompetition • Firstplace in basketballofyoungergirls, secondplace in basketballofyoungerboys and secondplace in basketballofoldergirls • Twofirstplaces and onesecondplaceatdistrictchampionship in chess • Onefirst, onesecond and onethirdplaceatdistrictchampionship in cross-countryrunning
Thepool Our pool is 25 meters long. It was reconstructed this year. Every year there is a swimming competition at which are our students very successful. Afterreconstruction Before reconstruction
Skiingtrips Students of our school go on skiing trips every year. We go to skiing centre called Donovaly. Skiing trips are very popular among students.
The big drill-hall We usually play volleyball and basketball here.
Thesmalldrill-hall We have gymnastics lessons there.
Schooldaysofsport At the end of each school year we have school days of sport. In those three days students can create teams and compete in different sports such as football, volleyball and basketball.