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"Liberty® herbicide provides unsurpassed weed control through unique chemistry and a novel mode of action with no known resistance in row crops, providing growers nonselective post-emergence control of even the toughest weeds, includng Palmer amaranth, giant ragweed, waterhemp, and marestail.The LibertyLink® trait provides growers better weed management options and yields competitive to the Roundup Ready system. LibertyLink®: http://www.bayercropscience.us/products/traits/libertylink/ Liberty®: http://www.bayercropscience.us/products/herbicides/liberty/"
GlyTol Cotton Trait • Proprietary glyphosate-tolerant technology from Bayer CropScience • Robust herbicide tolerance • Season-long, in-plant tolerance to glyphosate herbicide • Commercialized for U.S. cotton in 2011 • Increased flexibility for weed management when stacked with LibertyLink • Helps prevent or manage weed resistance potential • Sustains glyphosate as a long-term effective weed management tool • Crops safe from use of any brand of glyphosate labeled for cotton • First glyphosate-tolerant alternative to Roundup Ready® Flex technology • Tested with a wide range of glyphosate formulations • Available in high-yielding FiberMax and Stoneville varieties • Available in combined double herbicide-tolerant cotton varieties
LibertyLink Cotton Trait • Growers’ favorite high-yielding seed is paired with the strength of the LibertyLink trait combined with Liberty herbicide weed control system for superior performance. • Crops with the LibertyLink trait allow growers to spray Liberty in-crop for nonselective postemergence control of even the toughest weeds, including Palmer amaranth, giant ragweed, waterhemp and marestail. • Nonselective choice for Integrated Weed Management plans • Preserves herbicide-tolerant technologies for the future • Allows growers to rotate nonselective herbicides across entire farm • Widely available in high-yielding FiberMax and Stoneville varieties • Stacked double herbicide-tolerant and double pest-resistant cotton varieties • Stacked with Bollgard II traits
LibertyLink Cotton Trait Estimated Liberty-Tolerant Planted Cotton Acres
LibertyLink Cotton Trait Glyphosate-Resistant Weeds in U.S.