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SERIAL KILLERS. Author: Gogić Nikola. Student conference on Security and Safety in local communities, Podgorica, Montenegro, 9. 4. 2019. DEFINITION.
III. Internationalstudent conference „Safety in local communities-legal and criminological perspectives“’, Podgorica, 9 April 2019 SERIAL KILLERS Author: Gogić Nikola Student conference on Security and Safety in local communities, Podgorica, Montenegro, 9. 4. 2019
DEFINITION • A serial killer is a person who murders three or more people over a period of more then 30 days, with a ,,cooling of” period between each murder, and whose motivation for kiling is largerly based on psychological gratification. • Often a sexsual element is involved with the killings. The murders may have been attempted or completed in a similar fashion and the victims may have had something in common; for example, occupation, race, appearance, sex or age group.
Characteristics Intelligent Employment difficulties Unstable family history Often abandoned by their fathers and raised by their mothers Criminal, psychiatric and alcoholic histories Abuse histories High rates of suicide attempts Interested in voyeurism, fetishism and sadomasochistic pornography Have a history of inappropriate bed wetting Torturing small animals Psychosis is rarely noted among serial killers The diagnosis’ usually is psychopath They suffer from traits within a specific cluster of dysfunctional personality characteristics, those most commonly associated with Antisocial Personality Disorder or Dissocial Personality Disorder Psychopaths lack empathy and guilt, are egocentric and impulsive, and do not conform to social, moral and legal norms They often follow a distinct set of rules which they have created for themselves They appear to be normal and often quite charming - the “mask of sanity
Types Of Serial Killers ORGANIZED Above average intelligence Methodological Lure victims Maintain control over the crime scene They follow their crimes in the media Usually socially adequate DISORGANIZED Low intelligence Impulsive Murder when the opportunity arises They rarely dispose of the body, usually leaving the body where they found it Introverted
MOTIVES VISIONARY MOTIVE TYPE: insane or psychotic, compelled to murder by entities such as the devil (“devil mandated”) or God (“God mandated”). MISSION-ORIENTATED TYPE: displays no psychosis. They believe that they need to “rid the world” of what they consider immoral or unworthy. Often the victims are prostitutes, young women, gay men ect. HEDONISTIC: derives pleasure from killing. Subtypes: “lust”, “thrill” and “comfort” POWER/CONTROL TYPE: objective is to gain power/control over the victim. Often these killers are abused as children, which results in them feeling powerless and inadequate as adults. Many of these killers sexually abuse their victims to gain control over them, not for sexual gratification. MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS: these killers are often referred to as “angels of death.” They are often involved in fraud.
MOTIVES( CONTINUED) • LUST SERIAL KILLER: sex is the primary motive and fantasy plays a large role in their killings. Sexual gratification depends on the amount of torture and mutilation they perform on the victims. They tend to use weapons that require close contact with victim. • THRILL KILLER: primary goal is to inflict pain or create terror in the victims. The victims often are strangers, who the killer may have stalked for a period of time. These killers can go long periods of time without killing. • COMFORT (PROFIT): material gain and extravagant lifestyle are primary motives. The victims are usually close acquaintances or family members. Female serial killers are often this type.
Lust Serial Killers Early Childhood • Notion of a Lost childhood • Hickey (2001) indicated that traumatic pre-adolescent events and lack of structure and support from the home environment fuel these sexualized fantasies • Research specifically indicates that sexual murderers are created within early childhood development, particularly before the age of 5 or 6(Hickkey, 2005; Douglas, Burgess, &Ressler, 1995)
Famous serial killers • Some of these killers are the most famous in the country, either because of the number of victims, the nature of the killing, or simply media attention. • David Berkowitz aka “Son of Sam” & “.44 Caliber Killer”- 6 killed, 7 wounded • Ted Bundy - estimated 36 killed (Real death toll unknown) • Jeffrey Dahmer – 17 killed • John Wayne Gacy – estimated 33 killed • Henry Lee Lucas – 11 killed (claimed to have killed over 3,000 people, later retracted) • Zodiac killer (Real identity unknown) – 5 killed 2 wounded (claimed to have killed 37) • Edmund Kemper – 11 killed • Kenneth Bianchi aka “Hillside Strangler” – 12 killed • Dennis Rader aka “BTK strangler” – 10 killed • Richard Ramirez aka “The Night Stalker” – 15 killed, six wounded, 12 sexually assaulted • Richard Trenton Chase aka “Vampire of Sacramento” – 8 killed
conclusion • Although Montenegro has not so far been cases of serial killings, this does not mean that public authorities and bodies should ignore this global problem. Primarily they have to do their best to prevent prospective cases of serial murders
Special thanks to Dr velimir rakočevićDean of the law faculty ...thank you for your attention !