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Syntax: Part II. More Structures. Overview. Syntax Diagramming complex sentences Sentence Relatedness - Transformations -Structure Dependent -Syntactic Dependent . Adverbs.
Syntax: Part II More Structures
Overview • Syntax • Diagramming complex sentences • Sentence Relatedness - Transformations -Structure Dependent -Syntactic Dependent
Adverbs • Adverbs are modifiers that specify how or when an event happens: quickly, slowly, yesterday, tomorrow, often
Adverbs • Sister to the VP • This chapter totally rocked! S NP VP This chapter VP Adv I totally rocked
Adverbs • Sister to the VP • The boy cried yesterday. S NP VP VP The boy Adv I cried yesterday
Adverbs • Sister to S • Hopefully, this is right. S Adv S I Hopefully NP VP I this is right
Coordinate Structure • Two constituents of the same category are joined with a conjunction such as and or or. • “Move as a unit” constituency test
Coordinate Structure • Two NPs joined by and. • Tom and Jerry are lovers. NP NP1 CoordP Tom Coord NP2 and Jerry
Infinitives • Some embedded sentences can be in the infinitive: • Hilary is waiting for you to sing. • The host believes the president to be punctual. • The chapter touched on this as an FYI, but basically said not to worry about it. So, don’t.
Sentence Relatedness • The presentation is boring everyone. • Is the presentation boring everyone?
Sentence Relatedness • Declarative vs. Interrogative • Created by the “Move Aux” rule: S NP VP The presentation Aux VP is boring everyone
Sentence Relatedness • Move Aux - Move the highest Aux to adjoin S S S Aux is NP VP _ VP the presentation boring everyone
Chomsky on Transformations • 'A grammatical transformation [...] operates on a given string [...] with a given constituent structure and converts it into a new string with a new derived constituent structure. To show exactly how this operation is performed requires a rather elaborate study which would go far beyond the scope of these remarks, but we can in fact develop a certain fairly complex but reasonably natural algebra of transformations having the properties that we apparently require for grammatical description.' (Studies on Semantics in Generative Grammar.1972: 44) • http://www.anti-thesis.net/texts/notes/syntax-chomsky.txt
More Transformations • Active-Passive: • Tom chased Jerry. -> Jerry was chased by Tom. • There sentences: • There is a storm coming. -> A storm is coming. • PP Prepsoing: • Harry killed Hermoine with his wand. -> With his wand, Harry killed Hermoine.
Structure Dependant Rules • Adding to the Aux: • The pop star loves to party. • The pop stars love to party. S VP NP Aux Present Third person Singular VP The pop star loves to party =======
Syntactic Dependency • WH Questions: • Move WH Rule • Wh phrase acts as the object • What will Charlie buy? • Wh phrase acts as prepositional phrase object • Where has your mother gone? • Wh phrase acts at the embedded subject • Which team do you think will win?
Syntactic Dependency • Wh Questions: D-structure CP C S NP VP Aux VP Charlie will V NP buy what
Syntactic Dependency • Wh Questions: S-structure CP S C S What Aux NP VP will Aux VP Charlie V NP buy
Linguistic Exercise • 16. All wh phrases can move to the left periphery of the sentence: • a. Invent three sentences beginning with what, which, and where, in which the wh word is not in its d-structure position in the sentence. Give both versions of your sentence. Here is an example with the wh word when: When could Marcy catch a flight out of here? From Marcy could catch a flight out of here when? • b. Draw the phrase structure tree for one of these sentences using the phrase structure and movement rules provided in the chapter.
Works Cited and Consulted • “Linguistics: Methods of synchronic linguistic analysis: TRANSFORMATIONAL-GENERATIVE GRAMMAR: Chomsky's grammar.” http://www.ifi.unizh.ch/groups/CL/volk/SyntaxVorl/Chomsky.html Britannica Online, Encyclopedia Britannica, 1995. • “Noam Chomsky, Syntactic Structures.” http://www.anti- thesis.net/texts/notes/syntax-chomsky.txt (31 July 2007)