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I nternational Y outh E xchange O rganization of Japan

I nternational Y outh E xchange O rganization of Japan. I nternational Y outh E xchange O rganization of Japan. IYEO … has approximately 14,000 members. has volunteer branch organizations in all of the 47 prefectures nationwide.

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I nternational Y outh E xchange O rganization of Japan

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Presentation Transcript

  1. International Youth Exchange Organization of Japan

  2. International YouthExchange Organization of Japan IYEO … • has approximately 14,000 members. • has volunteer branch organizations in all of the 47 prefectures nationwide. • holds a global network stretching across more than 50 countries worldwide.

  3. http://www.iyeo.or.jp/ IYEO Activities IYEO Meetings • Annual General Meeting • Board Members and Prefectural Presidents Meeting • District Meeting PR Activities Newsletter Website

  4. International Understanding Education Class CAO Cabinet Office International Recognition Seminar for Youths at a school for the deaf in Tokyo IYEO International Youth Exchange Organization of Japan CENTERYE Center for International Youth Exchange Dr. Kuniko Inoguchi Activities by IYEO Headquarters~with the cooperation of ~ CENTERYE CENTERYE

  5. IYEO Activities(Tokyo) <School Visit> <Institutional Visit> SSEAYP 2004 Assisting Programs Carried Out by the Cabinet Office

  6. IYEO Activities (Local) <Chiba IYEO> <Nagano IYEO> International Interaction Programs

  7. IYEO Activities(Global) Example Activities by Individual Members of IYEO

  8. International YouthExchange Organization of Japan Cám o’n ! Thank you ! Arigato !

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