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FP7 I nternational R esearch S taff E xchange S cheme IRSES. Elena Brinza FP7 Mobility NCP Moldovan Research and Development Association Center for International Projects of ASM. Where does IRSES come from?. FP7 Specific Programs/Priorities. CAPACITIES. COOPERATION. IDEAS. PEOPLE.
FP7International Research Staff Exchange SchemeIRSES Elena Brinza FP7 Mobility NCP Moldovan Research and Development Association Center for International Projects of ASM
Where does IRSES come from? FP7 Specific Programs/Priorities CAPACITIES COOPERATION IDEAS PEOPLE
PEOPLE Specific Program Marie Curie Actions Transnational & intersectoral mobility Research training, career development, knowledge-sharing, networking
Marie Curie Actions 1. Initial Training of Researchers Initial Training Networks (ITN) 2. Life-long Training and Career Development Intra-European Fellowships for Career Development (IEF) European Reintegration Grants (ERG) Co-funding of Regional, National and International Programs (COFUND) 3. Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP) 4. International Dimensions International Outgoing Fellowships for Career Development (IOF) International Incoming Fellowships (IIF) International Reintegration Grants (IRG) International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES) 5. Specific Actions “Researchers’ Night (NIGHT) Other Specific Actions
STEP 1: Understanding IRSES Objective Establish or deepen research partnerships through staff exchanges and networking activities between min. 2 MS/AC research organizations and 1 or more organizations in Countries covered by the European Neighborhood policy or Countries with S&T agreements
STEP 1: Understanding IRSES Which Countries? Countries with EC Agreement on S&TArgentina*, Australia, Brazil*, Canada, China*, Chile*, Egypt*, India*, Japan, South Korea, Mexico*, Morocco*, New Zealand, Russia*, South Africa*, Tunisia*, Ukraine*, United States Countries of the European Neighborhood Policy (ENP): • Eastern Europe & Central Asia (EECA)Armenia, Azerbaijan*, Belarus*, Georgia*, Moldova*, Ukraine* • Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPC) Algeria*, Egypt* , Jordan*, Lebanon*, Libya*, Morocco*, Palestinian-administrated areas*, Syrian Arab Rep. *, Tunisia* * International Cooperation Partner Countries (ICPC)
STEP 1: Understanding IRSES Participation Rules • Partnership: min 2 independent research organizations from different MS/AC and one or more organizations in a third country • Coordinator from one of the MS/AC partners • Duration of partnership 2-4 years MS/AC MS/AC Third Country
STEP 1: Understanding IRSES Activities Multi-annual joint program: • joint research • training activities • joint workshops and seminars • other networking activities
STEP 1: Understanding IRSES Who can be seconded? • Early stage researchers • Experienced researchers • Technical staff • Managerial staff Exchange duration – up to 1 year per person in total
STEP 1: Understanding IRSES Financial Rules • Balanced exchange expected out/in Europe (in person years) • IRSES funding covers only MS/AC partners expenses (fixed 1800 EUR/person/month) • Third country partners fund their own outgoing personnel
STEP 1: Understanding IRSES EU Funding for ICPC and ENP Countries MD partners can receive funding under IRSES; still funding request must be well-justified
Documents to be considered • Call Fiche • Guide for Applicants • PEOPLE Work Program • FP7 Factsheets http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/dc/index.cfm
Marie Curie Actions 2007 Evaluations
Marie Curie Actions 2009/2010 Call Calendar
STEP 2 Formulate your project idea
STEP 3: Finding partners • Check your own existing international contacts: business & academic contacts, conferences, fairs • Use CORDIS Partners Service http://cordis.europa.eu/partners-service/home_en.html • Browse CORDIS for previous FP project coordinators and participants • Complete Partner Search Form on ASM website http://international.asm.md/files/fp7-irses/IRSES-PS-Form.doc • attend Information Days, Brokerage Events, etc. • ensure that foreign colleagues can contact you: e.g. develop your profile, Internet homepage, ...
STEP 4: Proposal Writing Proposal Structure • Part A:brief description of the proposed activity, contact details of participants, characteristics of participants, project cost details • Part B:scientific and technical content reflecting the evaluation criteria including the nature of the proposed work, participants role, impacts
STEP 4: Proposal Part A Submitted electronically in the online system EPSS Section A2: Information on the partner organisations
STEP 4: Proposal Part B Uploaded in PDF form to the online system EPSS Maximum length – 30 pages B 1 Quality of the Exchange Programme(Evaluation weighting 25%) B 1.1 Objectives and relevance of the joint exchange programme • the description of the Work Packages divided by specific tasks • the list of milestones, where appropriate • the Gantt Chart of secondments B 1.2 Scientific quality of the partners B 1.3 Complementarities/synergies between the partners B 2 Transfer of Knowledge(Evaluation weighting 30%) B 2.1 Quality and mutual benefit of the transfer of knowledge B 2.3 Adequacy and role of staff exchanged with respect to the transfer of knowledge
STEP 4: Proposal Part B B 3 Implementation (Evaluation weighting 15%) B 3.1 Capacities (expertise/human resources/ facilities/ infrastructure) to achieve the objectives of the planned cooperation B 3.2 Appropriateness of the plans for the overall management of the exchange programme B 4 Impact (Evaluation weighting 30%) B 4.1 Relevance of the proposed partnership to the area of collaboration and for the ERA B 4.2 Potential to develop lasting collaboration with the eligible Third country partners. B 5 Ethical Issues Annex (if applicable) Annex 1 Justification for Community contribution towards ICPC third country partner costs.
STEP 5: Proposal Submission • By European Coordinator • Electronically using the Electronic Proposal Submission Service (EPSS) https://www.epss-fp7.org • EPSS Preparation and Submission Guide http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/epss_en.html
CONTACTS Elena Brinza FP7 Mobility NCP Address: 60 Mateevici Str., building 4, of. 115 MD-2009, Chisinau Tel: 57 77 07; fax: 22 63 29 E-mail: lbrinza@mrda.md Elena SeverinDepartment of European Integration and International Cooperation, Academy of Sciences of MoldovaAddress: 1 Stefan cel Mare Ave., of. 338MD-2001, ChisinauTel./fax: 27 05 02E-mail: elena.severin@asm.md; elena.severin@gmail.comWebsite: www.asm.md / www.international.asm.md