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Presented to Pinterest's Pinstitute on April 28, 2015, this talk/deck focuses on the need for developers to help integrate content marketing software solutions with converged media requirements
Content, Connectivity & Convergence:Sorting Out ComplexityPinterest Pinstitute Rebecca Lieb, Industry Analyst April 28, 2015
Growing channel and media complexity + increasing adoption of content marketing
This has created a complex, disparate content marketing ecosystem
As marketer needs evolve over time, so will solutions sets. The key is not more or better point solutions but how they come together.
You Can help solve the problem!
Agenda Welcome The Trends Driving Market Complexity Brands Are Publishers Mobile Supremacy Media Convergence Native Advertising Content Stack Evolution
The Trends Driving Market Complexity Brands Are Publishers Mobile Supremacy Media Convergence Native Advertising Content Stack Evolution
GE’s Ecomagination publishes more content every week than Time Magazine did in its heyday
The Trends Driving Market Complexity Brands Are Publishers Mobile Supremacy Media Convergence Native Advertising Content Stack Evolution
60% Comscore: Mobile platforms accounted for 60% of total time spent on digital media in May 2014.
60% Comscore: Mobile platforms accounted for 60% of total time spent on digital media in May 2014. The truth is, mobile should be the standard for all things digital.
Consumers are quickly learning to operate in a mobile-only world. “Mobile-first” may not be enough: 1/3 of shoppers use mobile exclusively, and more than 1/2 consider mobile the most important resource in the purchase decision process.
Confidence Lies in Visual Content Base: 56 marketers; Size of bubbles above reflect marketers' intention to increase/decrease use of that content type over the foreseeable future. * Based on question: What are the most effective types of content you’ve used to promote your brand? ** Based on question: Which type(s) of content do you plan to phase out, use less of, or have found ineffective?; Source: Altimeter Group
The Trends Driving Market Complexity Brands Are Publishers Mobile Supremacy Media Convergence Native Advertising Content Stack Evolution
Execution Workflow: Coordinating Paid, Owned, and Earned as one orchestration © 2012 Altimeter Group
The Trends Driving Market Complexity Brands Are Publishers Mobile Supremacy Media Convergence Native Advertising Content Stack Evolution
Native advertising is a form of converged media that combines paid and owned media into a form of commercial messaging that is fully integrated into, and often unique to, a specific delivery platform.” Altimeter Group, 2013
The Trends Driving Market Complexity Brands Are Publishers Mobile Supremacy Media Convergence Native Advertising Content Stack Evolution
By 2016, there will be “content stack”offerings in the marketplace — end-to-end solutions akin to ad stacks.
Currently, no single vendor has an end-to-end solution. Eventually, a few will partner, merge, acquire, and/or collaborate to create a total solution.
10%of marketers say their content marketing technologies are “fully integrated across people, processes, and platforms.”
Integration needs are essential, and tripartite: Integrations with systems.This includes legacy and often future platforms, such as data and analytics, CRM, and inbound marketing. Integration with the organization, such as internal communications, corporate intelligence and internal networks. Integration with processes, including workflow and organizational structure. This may include taking outside partners and/or agencies into account
Marketers’ top ranked content marketing software integrations Q. Which of these would be most valuable when integrated with content marketing solutions? Which would add the most value to content marketing strategy? (Forced Rank) Source: Altimeter Group Content Marketing Survey 2014, Base: n=80 marketers
YOUmust apply your talents to help untangle all this complexity
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