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BULLYING PREVENTION. When Is Close is too Close ?. Nicole George & Sherita Robinson. LESSON PLAN FOR BULLYING PREVENTION. Name of Lesson: Personal Boundaries Target Grade Level: Third Duration of Activity: 20 minutes
BULLYING PREVENTION When Is Close is too Close ? Nicole George & Sherita Robinson
LESSON PLAN FOR BULLYING PREVENTION Name of Lesson:Personal Boundaries Target Grade Level:Third Duration of Activity:20 minutes National Health Education: Standard 4: Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks.
LESSON PLAN FOR BULLYING PREVENTION Indiana Health Education Academic Standard: Standard 4:Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks. This standard focuses on how responsible individuals use verbal and non-verbal skills to develop and maintain healthy personal relationships. Students demonstrate refusal and conflict-resolution skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks. Students describe feelings to strengthen interpersonal interactions and reduce or avoid conflict. 3.4.4 Illustrate how to ask for assistance with a difficult personal situation. Example: Role play how to ask for help when bullied by a friend, threatened by someone unknown, and/or when basic needs are not met.
Student Objective: Students will define their personal boundaries and identify when their boundaries have been crossed.Equipment/Materials: Three bandanas or index cards, one green, one yellow, one redPreparation: Create a space in the room so that one person can stand in the middle and four participants can surround that person by standing in an imaginary square. Each participant should be about 15 feet away from the person on the middle. Put green, yellow and red bandana /index card in order and do not let students know you have them.
LESSON PLAN FOR BULLYING PREVENTION Introductory Activity: Choose a student you believe is aware of and enforces their personal boundaries. • Ask that student to pick a friend in the room. • Also, ask the student to pick another student in the room they do not know very well. • The teacher will chose a random third student, but make sure there is no tension. • The teacher will be the fourth participant. • The student who is choose will stand in the middle of the four participants , again surrounding the student making an imaginary square.
LESSON PLAN FOR BULLYING PREVENTION Main Activity: Continuing from the introductory activity. • The teacher will call each participant s name, one at a time. • The chosen student say stop, when he/she feels the participants has come close enough to them. • The teacher (who is participant) will be the last to walk toward the student. • After all participants are call, point out to the students how close each person was allowed to get to the student. Note: Most likely those the student felt most comfortable with are those who are physically closer to the student. Ask the student , “Why are some people allowed to be closer to you than others?” “What do you think it would take to allow a person who you don’t know very well to stand a bit closer to you?”
LESSON PLAN FOR BULLYING PREVENTION Main Activity (contd.): Start similar demonstration to first , but use only two participants, the teacher and a participant/student . • The teacher picks someone he/she is comfortable with but does not have a close relationship. • Stand 15 feet apart. Instruct the student that the teacher will begin to walk toward the participant/student. • The participant/student should say, “Stop.” when the teacher is close enough. Note: Take out green bandana or index card and wave. • Step back to your starting spot and begin again, reminding the student to say, “Stop “when appropriate. • When the student says “Stop,” keep walking closer with expectation that the student will say ,”Stop,” again and this time stop even if the student does not repeat the request to stop or step back from your advance . With a sincere tone say, “ Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you said stop. “Note: Take out yellow bandana or index card and wave take a few step back.
LESSON PLAN FOR BULLYING PREVENTION Main Activity (contd.): Ending of the two participants demonstration • Step back to your starting spot and begin a third time, reminding the student to say, “Stop,” when he/she wants you to stop. • This time keep going, until the student shows signs of nervousness, uncertainty or just says, “Stop," or backs off from your nearing presence. • Back off and step back from the student. Note: Take out red bandana or index card and wave Closing Activity: Question and Answer: Ask the students how this show respect or disrespect in regard to personal space. Ask the students how can this type of behavior of invading someone’s personal space be avoided.
LESSON PLAN FOR BULLYING PREVENTION Assessment Activity: see attached rubric Accommodations: Emotional/behavioral disorder: • allow the student to pick all the participants, except for the teacher as a participant. • When the student is demonstrating one-on-one main activity have teacher stop, and drop when stop says, “Stop,” or makes any gesture of nervousness on any color (i.e. green, yellow or red) Safety Concerns: Make sure student chosen for demonstration understands that there will be not physical action toward the participants.