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Surfin ' USA - Beach Boys Please Please Me- Beatles Be My Baby- Ronettes

Top 10. Surfin ' USA - Beach Boys Please Please Me- Beatles Be My Baby- Ronettes Hello Stranger - Barbara Lewis Da Doo Ron Ron – Crystals Hello Stranger- Barbara Lewis Another Saturday Night- Sam Cooke Hippy Hippy Shake- Swinging Blue Jeans Ring Of Fire- Johnny Cash

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Surfin ' USA - Beach Boys Please Please Me- Beatles Be My Baby- Ronettes

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Top 10 • Surfin' USA - Beach Boys • Please Please Me- Beatles • Be My Baby- Ronettes • Hello Stranger - Barbara Lewis • Da Doo Ron Ron – Crystals • Hello Stranger- Barbara Lewis • Another Saturday Night- Sam Cooke • Hippy Hippy Shake- Swinging Blue Jeans • Ring Of Fire- Johnny Cash • Um, Um, Um, Um, Um, Um- Major Lance Lyrics of Surfin’ U.S.A by: the beach boys We'll all be planning that routeWe're gonna take real soonWe're waxing down our surfboardsWe can't wait for JuneWe'll all be gone for the summerWe're on surfari to stayTell the teacher we're surfin'Surfin' U. S. A. If everybody had an ocean Across the U. S. A.Then everybody'd be surfin'Like Californi-aYou'd seem 'em wearing their baggiesHuarachi sandals tooA bushy bushy blonde hairdoSurfin' U. S. A. You'd catch 'emsurfin' at Del MarVentura County lineSanta Cruz and TrestleAustralia's NarrabeenAll over ManhattanAnd down Doheny Way Everybody's gone surfin'Surfin' U.S. A.Everybody's gone surfin'Surfin' U.S. A.Everybody's gone surfin'Surfin' U.S. A. Haggerties and SwamiesPacific PalisadesSan Onofre and SunsetRedondo Beach L. A.All over La JollaAt Wa'imea Bay.

  2. X-Men This was the first X-Men ever made. It was made by Marvel Comics in September 1963. I think this is one of the best comics yet. It has lots of action and adventure. Stan Lee and Jack Kirby wrote this comic together. It shows a group of mutants that become a group of heroes. This comic book shows the groups first archenemy Magneto. They are called X-Men because they have the X gene. This comic book should be read by everyone!

  3. The Littlest Hobo This show is about a stray German Sheppard. He goes around town helping people in need. He liked being on his own and doesn’t really want an owner. This show is a Canadian show. Although some of the dogs old owners named him all kinds of names everyone still calls him Hobo. This is a most see show to see with the whole family.

  4. Sandy Koufax He was born in December 30,1935. He is an American left-handed pitcher. This year he was named National leagues most valuable player. He is talking about retiring, but everyone is praying that he doesn’t. This he has been inducted into the hall of fame because of his no-hit game against the San Francisco Giants. His quote is “, To win. Nothing else matters, and nothing else will do.”

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