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ACT English Prep

Four Guiding Principles. ACT English Prep. Structure. 75 questions Usage/Mechanics: 40 Punctuation: 10 Basic Grammar and Usage: 12 Sentence Structure: 18 Rhetorical Skills 35 Strategy: 12 Organization: 11 Style: 12 5 Selections 45 Minutes. Scores. 36 Point Scale

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ACT English Prep

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Four Guiding Principles ACT English Prep

  2. Structure 75 questions Usage/Mechanics: 40 Punctuation: 10 Basic Grammar and Usage: 12 Sentence Structure: 18 Rhetorical Skills 35 Strategy: 12 Organization: 11 Style: 12 5 Selections 45 Minutes

  3. Scores 36 Point Scale 33 is 99th percentile (91.667) 20 is 53rd percentile (55.556) Know what you Need ACT's Purpose is to Stratify

  4. 1: ACT Loves Brevity Redundancy is wrong. Specific language is best. Modifiers and details will be tested. “Less is more.”

  5. 2: ACT Loves Parallelism Components of lists and comparisons must be of the same grammatical structure. Franklin likes to hunt, to fish, and camping. Janet enjoys sketching children at play, but she dislikes to paint them in watercolors (Wrong, wrong…fix it).

  6. 3: ACT Loves Verb Tense Look at the big picture; determine from the whole selection the tense. Does the questioned section deviate from that?

  7. 4: ACT Loves Antecedents Look at the big picture; know the nouns to which pronouns refer back. His/Her versus Their Beginning sentences/paragraphs with pronouns usually wrong.

  8. Determine Purpose What is the selection about? For whom is this written? How formal is the tone? What does this selection hope to achieve? Inform Persuade Entertain

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