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New Distributed QoS Control Scheme for IEEE 802.16 Wireless Access Networks. Xiaofeng Bai 1 , Abdallah Shami 1 , Khalim Amjad Meerja 1 and Chadi Assi 2 1 The University of Western Ontario, Canada, xbai6@uwo.ca, ashami@eng.uwo.ca, kmeerja2@uwo.ca
New Distributed QoS Control Scheme for IEEE 802.16 Wireless Access Networks Xiaofeng Bai1, Abdallah Shami1, Khalim Amjad Meerja1 and Chadi Assi2 1 The University of Western Ontario, Canada, xbai6@uwo.ca, ashami@eng.uwo.ca, kmeerja2@uwo.ca 2 Concordia University, Canada, assi@ciise.concordia.ca IEEE GLOBECOM 2006 proceedings. 報告者:李宗穎
Outline • Introduction and motivation • Distributed QoS scheme for IEEE802.16 • Uplink Request Management Agent • Virtual Clock • Frame generation and scheduling • Simulation experiments • Conclusion
Introduction • In 802.16, the design of efficient, flexible and yet bandwidth-saving scheduling algorithms for such QoS provisioning still remains an open topic • This paper considers the data control plane as a collaborative entity and specifies detailed operations performed at the base station and each subscriber station
Key QoS parameter • Real-time Polling Service (rtPS) • minimum reserved traffic rate • maximum sustained traffic rate • maximum latency • Non-real-time Polling Service (nrtPS) • minimum reserved traffic rate • maximum sustained traffic rate • Best Effort (BE) • maximum sustained traffic rate
Motivation (1/2) • the uplink request/grant scheduling is crucial for providing service guarantees to non-UGS connections • the extra overhead required for connections to request their real-time bandwidth needs • With the fixed frame duration, the BS’s delayed perception eventually deteriorates the inter-connection statistical bandwidth multiplexing and potentially leads to bandwidth waste
Motivation (2/2) • Paper provide Sing-Carrier Scheduling Algorithm (SCSA) to achieve : • Guarantee service parameters for each connection • Minimize the per-connection overhead required for bandwidth request • Optimize the freshness of BS’s perception on each connection’s bandwidth need
Distributed QoS Control Scheme • move some connection level functionalities performed by the BS to each SS • Uplink Request Management Agent (SS) • installed in each SS and processes each connection’s bandwidth request • the overhead required for bandwidth request is limited to be only SS-relevant • Frame generation (BS) • Outbound transmission scheduling (BS)
Uplink Request Management Agent • Service measurement module • obtains the instant upper-bound bandwidth request of each connection • QoS enforcement module • maintains a QoS timer for each rtPS and nrtPS connection running in the SS • SS request generation module • generates up to three per-SS bandwidth requests
Virtual Clock Algorithm • Each switch along the path of a flow uses two control variables, a Virtual-Clock (VC) and an auxiliary Virtual-Clock (auxVC), to monitor and control the flow according to the specified AR (Average Rate) and AI (Average Interval) values. [2] L. Zhang, “Virtual Clock: A New Traffic Control Algorithm for Packet-Switched Networks,” ACM Transaction on Computer Systems, vol. 9, pp. 101-124, 1991.
Data forwarding • Upon receiving the first data packet from flowi • VCi auxVCi real time • Upon receiving each packet from flowi • auxVCi max(real time, auxVCi) • VCi (VCi + Vticki), and auxVCi (auxVCi + Vticki) (Stamp the packet with the auxVC value) • Vticki = 1/ARi (packet/sec) • Insert the packet into its outgoing queue. Packets are queued and served in the order of increasing stamp values
Flow monitoring • Upon receiving every set of AIRi (ARi x AIi) data packets from flowi, the switch checks the flow in the following way : • If (VCi – real time) > T • T is a control threshold, a warning message should be sent to the flow source • If ( VCi < real time), VCi real time. • if doing so does not cause packets from the same flow from being served out of order:
Service measurement module • bandwidth request is upper-bounded by the connection’s eligible bandwidth request, which is computed as: Rimax : maximum sustained traffic rate t : system time rie : eligible bandwidth request of connection i Si(t) : service time
Tick with service timer • when a connection is established and ticks with the following value upon the service of each PDU in the corresponding connection : Ai: the increment of connection i’s service timer Bi : the service of a PDU with size (bytes) ρi : is the measurement rate (in bit/second) for connection I For the service timer, this value should be Rimax
QoS enforcement module • For each rtPS or nrtPS connection i, segment its bandwidth request riinto bandwidth guaranteed (BG) part and non-bandwidth guaranteed (NBG) part BG : bandwidth guaranteed NBG : non- bandwidth guaranteed Qi(t) : QoS timer for the QoS timer, the value ρi should be Rimin
Imminent and non-imminent • For each rtPS connection i, further segment its riBGinto imminent part riBG-im and non -imminent part riBG-nim imminent
SS request generation module • The per-SS bandwidth requests are prioritized, in order to enable service differentiation at the BS im : imminent part nim : non-imminent part M : rtPS N : nrtPS L : BE
Frame generation • Downlink Request Management module • Similarly to the URMA at a SS, except that the prioritized bandwidth requests • Resource allocation module • This module allocates transmission capacity to each Scheduling Group, according to their prioritized bandwidth requests • P0 > P1 > P2 (priority) • Frame creation module • Converts the above symbol assignment result into timing information in terms of physical slot and minislot
Outbound transmission scheduling • the P0 request • the packet with the most imminent maximum latency deadline is selected and expired maximum latency deadline will be dropped at the front of the connection queue • the P1 request • earliest QoS timer is selected • the P2 request • each connection in a round-robin fashion
Simulation Model • Simulation environment by NS-2 • 1-BS 10-SS 2.5km away from the BS • Each SS 1-rtPS 1-nrtPS 1-BE connection • SS6(3-rtPS 1-BE) SS8(4-nrtPS 1-BE) • Frame Duration : 1ms • We focus on the service provisioning of three uplink connections • rtPS connection 35 running in SS6, rtPS connection 36 running in SS6 and nrtPS connection 48 running in SS8
Scenario one • referred to as passive (PASV) scheme, where the bandwidth allocation is fixed in every frame and equally shared by each SS
Scenario two • In PASV, both rtPS connection 35 and nrtPS connection 48 were starved by about 30% of their minimum reserved traffic rates
Conclusion • This proposed Single-Carrier Scheduling Algorithm (SCSA) scheme guarantees service parameters for each uplink and downlink connection and minimizes signaling overhead in the data control plane