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Utility Perspectives on Electrification of the Vehicle. Knut Simonsen Sr. Vice President, Strategy and M&A President, Energy Ventures November 15, 2009. Plug-in EV’s nothing new! . 1900s – 2x EVs compared to ICE Detroit was the first American city to use electric taxi cabs
Utility Perspectives on Electrification of the Vehicle Knut Simonsen Sr. Vice President, Strategy and M&A President, Energy Ventures November 15, 2009
Plug-in EV’s nothing new! 1900s – 2x EVs compared to ICE Detroit was the first American city to use electric taxi cabs Note curb-side charging port 1914 Detroit
Electric drive technologies Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) Extended Range Electric Vehicle (EREV) Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) Motor Differential Differential Differential Motor Plug-in Electric Vehicles (PEV) Today Mechanical Coupling Mechanical Coupling Transmission Batteries Batteries Motor Transmission Transmission Motor Engine Generator Batteries Batteries Engine Engine Engine Miles Electric only: 10-20 ~40 100+ Larger battery and less emissions
Electric drive technologies and annual electricity consumption Annual Electricity Usage per Vehicle* (kWh) • 75% of Americans drive less than 40 miles on their daily commute • 40 miles electric only - achieves similar GHG reduction as BEV- Limited need for public charging • BEVs will require faster charge rates and more daytime charging to address range “anxiety”- Needs public charging infrastructure * Assumes a vehicle drives 12,500 miles / day, PHEV and EREV electric usage varies depending on drive characteristics, Chevy Volt-type vehicle at 5 mi/kWh
In addition to technology advances, multiple factors are aligning to support a successful launch of PEVs U.S.A. Rest of World Policy $2.4 Billion in U.S. stimulus dollars directed at advanced automotive batteries European Union target of 95 grams of CO2/km by 2020 => 60 mpg Climate Significant activity in Washington on federal climate legislation China’s commitment to building 500,000/year hybrid and electric vehicles by 2012 Energy Security Push for a domestic fuel source and fear of the return of high gas prices Urban smog in emerging mega-cities
but for now, disadvantaged on purchase price Plug-ins have a big fuel cost advantage … US example Fuel Cost Comparison*($/Mile) … but BIG upfront premium today $12,500 - $17,500 fuel savings over 10 years* ~$15,000 premium over regular car reduced by $7,500 tax credit * Gallon of gasoline equivalent price computed comparing ICE mileage of 26 mpg to PEV mileage of 5 mi/kWh at $0.10/kWh, 12,500 miles per year, undiscounted
Summary of current PEV incentives • USA • Goal of 1 million by ‘15 • Up to $7,500 / vehicle • Canada • Ontario: up to C$10,000 / veh • Green license plate: 5 yrs of HOV, special parking • France • $2.2 B for 1 mil. charge points • $7,500 / vehicle through ‘12 • UK • >$400 mil infrastr and auto • $8,500 / vehicle, London lead • China • 25 mil cars and 100 mil e-bikes! • Most are 1st time car buyers • 100% tax on reduced for PEVs • 13 cities picked for roll-out • $8,800 for taxi and gov’t • Skip ICE tech to focus on PEV • Japan • PEVs ~$16,000 incentive plus reduced road tax and registration • 8 cities picked for pilots
Electric drive reduces GHG emissions and our addiction to imported oil Freedom from petroleum: electricity a domestic resource 350 Future Nuclear, Wind, Solar, etc. Hybrid ICE Coal Natural Gas Gasoline Electricity (by source) * 204 lb/MMBtu CO2 emissions rate (no carbon capture), 9,500 heat rate coal plant, 7,500 heat rate natural gas plant, ICE engine at 26 mpg, Hybrid drivetrain between 30-45 mpg, electric motor at 5 mi/kWh Source: Argonne National Labs GREET Model, DTE Team Analysis
Infrastructure in place for broad PEV adoption ILLUSTRATIVE Impact of PEV on Typical Summer Load Profile (Ideal Case)* MW 10% market share** * PHEV is likely to also contribute to increased load during peak hours. Illustrative example of electric utility load – similar to Detroit Edison ** Estimated 600,000 cars and light trucks (does not include diesel trucks, buses, etc), 12,500 miles per year, 3.0 mi/kWh average efficiency, 75% electric operation Source: DTE analyses, EPRI/NRDC Report
Uncontrolled charging could lead to localized outages if not properly managed Load shape for warm summer day – adding 3 PEVs to a neighborhood • Potential problems • Voltage dips (dimming lights, damage to expensive electronics) • Service interruption • Transformer failure • Measures to address these issues • On-vehicle charging control (time/date control) • Utility notified at time of PEV purchase • SmartGrid technology 25 kVA Transformer with Uncontrolled PEV Load* Peak Capacity Design Capacity` Summer Load3 PEV @ 1.4 kW3 PEV @ 3.3 kW *8-12 smaller, older homes per 25 kVA circuit. Most homes without central AC.
Can PEVs absorb excess off-peak wind generation in the future? Windy Spring Day (~60% cap. factor) Generation and Load Profile in MISO – 2020 Estimate Illustrative Example MW • The answer is yes – however:- Need ~10% of vehicles to be PEV by ‘20 - ’25 • Wind tends to blow more at night when electric demand is at its lowest • Creates carbon free transportation Wind generation Noon 6 PM Midnight 6 AM Noon April 11 April 12 * Assumes 20% RES requirement with 15% from wind (based on actual 2009 data – scaled up 5.4x for 2020)
US Utility industry pledge: Accelerate adoption of plug-in electric vehicles
What should utilities and regulators be working on today? Home Charging • Streamlined process for customer is #1 priority • MiniE/EV1 home install: 30-40 days average with up to $3,000 installation cost • Integration with utility system planning can avoid localized transformer issues • Develop PEV rates and capture benefits from flexible nature of demand • Consider a “behind-the-meter” home charging station installation service offering Customer /Stakeholder Education • Be ready to handle customer questions, carbon equation • Update building codes to include 240V outlet in new home garages • Work with state and local inspection agencies to create a streamlined permitting/inspection process for plug-in EV charging stations Public Charging • How much, how soon? • Form public / private partnerships to install high visibility charge spots Create pilot programs today to “work out kinks” while vehicle volumes are low