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Module 3 Help Session Sign in with your First and Last name followed

Module 3 Help Session Sign in with your First and Last name followed by your teacher’s last name Ex: Jane Doe – Ms. Blair. Words to Know. Allusion: a reference (implied or indirect) to a person, place, or event

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Module 3 Help Session Sign in with your First and Last name followed

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  1. Module 3 Help Session • Sign in with yourFirst and Last name followed • by your teacher’s last name Ex: Jane Doe – Ms. Blair

  2. Words to Know • Allusion: a reference (implied or indirect) to a person, place, or event • "I violated the Noah rule: predicting rain doesn't count; building arks does.“ (Warren Buffett) • Foreshadow: to represent, hint, or indicate beforehand • How does a movie director let you know a killer is approaching in a horror movie? • Irony: the use of words to express something other than and especially the opposite of the literal meaning • Metaphor: comparisons made between two unlike things that have something in common • “My date was a few nuggets short of a Happy Meal.” (Ms. Booz) • Stanza: a division in a poem • Symbol: something that represents something else

  3. Entertainment Before Television and the Internet:

  4. The U.S.S. Constitution • Ship was named for the U.S. Constitution and built in 1794 • Nicknamed “Old Ironsides” after a British seaman shouted,“ Her sides are made of iron.” after a cannon bounced off the side of the ship during a battle. • Ship is currently in a museum in Boston.

  5. “Old Ironsides” by Oliver Wendell Holmes • Ay, tear her tattered ensign down!Long has it waved on high,And many an eye has danced to seeThat banner in the sky;Beneath it rung the battle shout,And burst the cannon's roar;The meteor of the ocean airShall sweep the clouds no more. • Her deck, once red with heroes' blood,Where knelt the vanquished foe,When winds were hurrying o'er the flood,And waves were white below,No more shall feel the victor's tread,Or know the conquered knee;The harpies of the shore shall pluckThe eagle of the sea! • Oh, better that her shattered bulkShould sink beneath the wave;Her thunders shook the mighty deep,And there should be her grave;Nail to the mast her holy flag,Set every threadbare sail,And give her to the god of storms,The lightning and the gale! • Number of Stanzas? • What is the ship compared to in the first stanza? • What is the ship compared to in the second stanza? • In the last stanza, what does Holmes say should happen to this treasured ship? • What can this ship symbolize to our newly formed and independent country?

  6. “The Tide Rises, The Tide Falls”by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow • The tide rises, the tide falls,The twilight darkens, the curlew calls;Along the sea-sands damp and brownThe traveler hastens toward the town,And the tide rises, the tide falls. • Darkness settles on roofs and walls,But the sea, the sea in darkness calls;The little waves, with their soft, white handsEfface the footprints in the sands,And the tide rises, the tide falls. • The morning breaks; the steeds in their stallsStamp and neigh, as the hostler calls;The day returns, but nevermoreReturns the traveler to the shore.And the tide rises, the tide falls. • Curlew = a bird Steed = horse • hostler = horse caregiver, groomer • efface = to erase, to withdraw • What is personified in stanza #2? • How is it like a human? • What time of day does stanza #1 represent? • #2 • #3

  7. Assignment for 3.05 PART ONE • Copy and paste your questions from your lesson. • Answer the 8 questions about both poems. • Create your own poem! • Theme: End of an Era • Graduation • Parenthood • Marriage • Poem must have uplifting ending. • Must have a TITLE. • Length: 4 lines to 1 page • Does not have to rhyme. PART TWO

  8. 3.06 Moby Dick Symbolism in Moby Dick “Call me Ishmael” is the opening line and one of the most famous opening lines in American literature. Ahab lost his leg to Moby Dick, the white whale, and now wants revenge on Moby Dick. He’s determined to hunt the whale and kill him. In the Bible, Ahab is a wicked king going against God’s will…Ahab goes against the white whale which can be a symbol of God/Devil/or all that thwarts human intentions.

  9. 3.06 Moby Dick • "Call Me Ishmael": The Voyage Begins • The story begins with a young Ishmael wanting to go to sea. The story is then told from his point of view after his journey at sea. He is looking back. • Ishmael is a Biblical name meaning outcast or wanderer. • The Pequod is the ship Ishmael sails. It leaves out of Nantucket on Christmas morning. As the ship sails, Captain Ahab is not seen for days. He is only heard as his ivory peg leg hits the deck as he walks. • Ahab’s only thought is to hunt down the whale and take his revenge by killing it. • First mate, Starbuck, goes to sea to kill whales for their oil. He is a businessman focusing on the job he has to do.

  10. 3.06 Moby Dick • Whales and the American Whaling Industry • The whale represents different things to different characters in the novel. To Ahab, the whale represents all that is evil in the universe. • To Starbuck, the whale represents an animal to be killed for oil. • To Ishmael, the whale represents nature in all its wonder both beautiful and terrifying. • In the 1840’s, New England was at the height of the whaling era. The U.S. dominated the whaling industry supplying oil for street lamps, lanterns, machinery, etc. Whale oil was the oil of commerce from 1800 to 1850. • Jobs were readily available on whaling ships. All types of people were welcomed in this industry such as free blacks, Native Americans, and foreigners. The work was dirty and workers were underpaid and undersupplied.

  11. 3.06 Moby Dick • Portrait of the Author: Herman Melville • Born in 1819 in New York near the harbor. • At age 11, his father fell into debt and died. • At 21, he set sail for the South Pacific. • After 4 years at sea, he returned to New York and wrote of these adventures. • His first two books were very successful, and he became famous. • At age 30, he’d written 5 books. He was now ready to write Moby Dick. • Halfway through Moby Dick, Melville meets established writer, Nathaniel Hawthorne. • Melville feels Hawthorne understands the depth of his writing and can help him with it. Melville dedicates the book to Hawthorne.

  12. 3.06 Moby Dick • America in the Mid-19th Century: The Pequod as a "Little Democracy" • When Melville wrote Moby Dick, he felt the country was slipping away from the ideals of the founding fathers. • The Industrial Revolution was transforming the American landscape. People were moving West in search of gold. The Civil War was 11 years away, and slavery was dividing the country. • He explored these different themes in his novel. • On board, there were 4 different harpooners, each representing a different culture. • Melville was concerned about bringing together all of the races of the world. The Pequod then becomes a metaphor for a ship of state, a little democracy. • As the voyage continues, Moby Dick remains elusive. • 1851 Moby Dick was a failure. • Melville disappeared from the literary world. • Hollywood rediscovered the novel in the 20th Century.

  13. 3.06 Moby Dick • Cruel Obsession: Ishmael Separates from Captain Ahab • One night, Ishmael is on deck. He has a vision. He realizes Ahab is obsessed and overtaken by his anger against the whale. He realizes he needs to separate from Ahab. • Ahab Versus the White Whale: A Fight to the Death • The white whale is spotted. • For 2 days, Ahab tries to kill the white whale. • Day 3, the whale attacks the ship, killing every man on board. • Ahab and Ishmael are in small boats. Moby Dick surfaces next to Ahab. Ahab harpoons him, but the rope gets wrapped around his neck and pulls Ahab under the sea. All are gone except Ishmael. He floats along until the ship, Rachel, picks him up. He lives to tell the tale while the white whale swims the ocean.

  14. 3.06 Moby Dick • The End: The Final Years of Herman Melville • 15 years after publication of Moby Dick, Melville fell into obscurity. He’s broke, unemployed, and father of 4 children. He took a job as customs inspector at Port of New York for $4 a day. • He never received public recognition again. • When he died, the New York Times got his name wrong. • Now, his masterpiece endures.

  15. 3.06 “Moby Dick” Part A • View the video. • Login: flvs4 • Password: student • Take a look at the help file you saved. • Respond to the questions provided. Give yourself a proper title. Example: Linda Nett, New York Times, or Manuel Eber, Washington Post. Choose one of the following characters to interview: Ishmael Ahab Melville Create a list of five interview questions related to the novel (which you learned about in the film) you would ask your chosen character. Example: “Ishmael, why did you choose to stay on the Pequod knowing you would have many surly characters for shipmates and a madman for a captain?” As you create your questions, appropriately incorporate your sense of humor, or simply do what every good reporter strives to do: find the real scoop! Include appropriate web-art to reflect your make-believe character, your true self, or your questions for the interviewee. Have fun with this assignment! Part B

  16. Zooming Along! Wow! This was a great activity. I learned so much and I want to learn more! Cruising Along! I enjoyed the activity. I hope I make a good grade. Riding Along! I did what you asked and think that I did a good job. Car Sick! I don’t care.  Can I please go now ? Asleep in the Car! I didn’t take any notes. Leave me alone. I’m going to bed.

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