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GOVERNMENT COLLEGE OF ARON. MANAGEMENT. Meaning of Mgmt. Mgmt is multi-purpose organ that manages business & managers and manages workers & work. Mgmt is an individual’s or a group of individual’s that accept responsibilities to run an organization. Definition of Mgmt.
MeaningofMgmt Mgmt is multi-purpose organ that manages business & managers and manages workers & work. Mgmt is an individual’s or a group of individual’s that accept responsibilities to run an organization.
DefinitionofMgmt “Mgmt is the art of getting things Done through people.” - Meryparkerfollett
SignificanceofMgmt • Determination of objective. • Achievement of objective. • Efficient use of resources. • Coordination human effort. • Meeting challenges. • Economic development.
MintzbergRolesofAction InterpersonalRoles Figurehead Liaison Leader Maintains rel- -tionship with Other organi- -zations of go- -vernments, Industry gro- -ups etc. Performs symb- -olic duties: be- -tows honours, Makes speech- -es, serves on committees. Motivates, insp- -ires, sets an example, legiti- -mizes the pow- -rs of subordin- -ates.
InformationalRoles Monitor Disseminator Spokeperson Transmits info- -rmation and Judgement ab- -out internal & External envi- -onments. Observes, colle- -cts and revie- -ws data on the Meeting of sta- -ndards notes Compliance. Speakes for the Organization. Lobies and de- -fends. Engag- -es in public relations.
DecisionalRoles Entrepeur Disturbance handler Resource Negotiator allocator Handles conflicts & complaints, counters actions of competito- -rs. Initiates ch- -nges, auth- -orizes acti- -on.Sets go- -als.Formul- -ate plans. Approves budgets schedules and progra- -mmes. Sets priorities. Works out agreeme- -nts with costomers, Suppliers and agenc- -ies.