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STEAM CASE. Allows to easily get delicious steamed , oven or microwave preparations . Foods are cooked in their own juice or steam , enhancing their original and genuine aromas and preserving all nutrients . SAVE TIME: Very quick and delicious recipes

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Presentation Transcript

  1. STEAM CASE Allowstoeasilygetdelicioussteamed, oven ormicrowavepreparations. Foods are cooked in theirownjuiceorsteam, enhancingtheir original and genuine aromas and preservingallnutrients. • SAVE TIME: Very quick and delicious recipes • HEALTHY: It is not necessary to use added oils or grease. • FLAVOR: Steam cooking with the Steam Case is not tasteless. • CLEAN: dishwasher safe • RECIPES: great amount of suggested recipes • DESIGN: Original and available in different colours • FOR EVERYONE: It is available in different sizes. • 100% PLATINUM SILICONE: Totally hygienic, lightweight and unbreakable

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